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![]() Passage Meditation: Bringing the Deep Wisdom of the Heart into Daily Life By Eknath Easwaran 2008 | 241 Pages | ISBN: 1586380265 | PDF | 4 MB Pioneered by spiritual master Eknath Easwaran, passage meditation consists of memorizing an inspirational spiritual passage and then sending it deep into consciousness through slow, sustained attention. It keeps meditation fresh and varied because readers can select the passages вЂ" from one tradition or many вЂ" that embody their chosen ideals. Many readers also enjoy the passages for their poetic and intellectual appeal. This form of meditation offers all the richness and depth of traditional wisdom, together with a practical method for bringing that wisdom into daily life. The book situates passage meditation as part of Easwaran’s eight-point program that, based on traditional spiritual practices but adjusted for modern lifestyles, shows readers how to stay calm and focused at work and home. This edition includes a new preface of previously unpublished material by Easwaran and an epilogue that explains the story behind the book and invites new readers to join the author on this adventure in the “world within.” ![]() Hermann Kolanoski, "Particle Detectors: Fundamentals and Applications" English | ISBN: 0198858361 | 2020 | 944 pages | PDF | 26 MB This book describes the fundamentals of particle detectors as well as their applications. ![]() Slavoj Zizek, "Pandemic!: COVID-19 Shakes the World" English | ISBN: 1509546103 | 2020 | 140 pages | MOBI | 1445 KB As an unprecedented global pandemic sweeps the planet, who better than the supercharged Slovenian philosopher Slavoj iek to uncover its deeper meanings, marvel at its mind-boggling paradoxes and speculate on the profundity of its consequences? ![]() Paleobiology of the Polycystine Radiolaria by David Lazarus, Noritoshi Suzuki, Yoshiyuki Ishitani English | ISBN: 0470671440 | 504 pages | EPUB | December 21, 2020 | 147 Mb Polycystine radiolaria are exclusively marine protists and are found in all ocean waters, from polar regions to the tropics, and at all water depths. There are approximately 600 distinct described living species and several thousand fossil species of polycystines. Radiolarians in general, and polycystines in particular, have recently been shown to be a major component of the living plankton and important to the oceanic carbon cycle. As fossils radiolarians are also fairly common, and often occur in sediments where other types of fossils are absent. This has made them very valuable for certain types of geologic research, particularly estimating the geologic age of the sediments containing them, and as guides to past oceanic water conditions. As our current understanding of the biology, and even taxonomy of the living fauna is still very incomplete, evolutionary studies based on living polycystines are still rare. However, the common occurrence of numerous specimens for many species, and in a wide variety of oceanic environments, provides an excellent opportunity to study the processes of biologic evolution in the fossil record. ![]() PPG Signal Analysis: An Introduction Using MATLAB® by Mohamed Elgendi English | 2021 | ISBN: 1138049719 | 298 Pages | PDF | 14 MB
![]() Orreries, Clocks, and London Society: The Evolution of Astronomical Instruments and Their Makers by Tony Buick English | PDF,EPUB | 2020 | 367 Pages | ISBN : 3030617769 | 98.2 MB Orreries-mechanical models of the Solar System and its motions-are found everywhere. They appear in paintings, on computers, across natural landscapes, and in museums all over the world. The more you look, the more you find, yet their significance is often overlooked aside other great astronomical inventions. ![]() Philip Beck, "Oradour: The Massacre and Aftermath" English | 2004 | ISBN: 184415100X | EPUB | pages: 176 | 5.8 mb The destruction of the French village of Oradour and the massacre of its population in June 1944 by the SS Das Reich Division ranks as one of the most notorious atrocities of the Second World War. The scars that were left will never fully heal and there are those that would argue that they should remain as a lesson to future generations. The ruins of the village have been preserved as a memorial to the victims and a new museum has recently been opened by President Chirac. ![]() Optical Computational Geometry: Solving problems of computational geometry by means of geometric constructions performed optically by Yevgeny B. Karasik English | August 31, 2019 | ISBN: 1687754926 | 153 pages | PDF | 0.63 Mb Geometric problems can be solved in two ways, by calculating the solution or by its construction. The classical means of geometric constructions, the straight edge/ruler and the compass, are very limited in their capabilities. Most geometric problems cannot be solved by constructing the solution with their help. That is why until recently they were solved numerically with the help of algorithms of Computational Geometry. However advances in optical technology allowed solving them by step-by-step formation of an optical image of the solution. Such image formation is nothing else but its step-by-step construction by optical means. Just not a ruler and a compass are used to draw a solution on a piece of paper, but optical devices are used to step-by-step transform the images of the given figures (represented as optical transparencies) into an image of the solution to a problem. This book is an introduction into the theory of such geometric constructions with the help of optical devices. It presents step-by-step procedures for transforming the light wave images of the given figures into images of solutions to various geometric problems. Such procedures are dubbed optical algorithms in the book. The book is thereby the first presentation of the theory of optical algorithms. ![]() Pamela Perniss, "Operationalizing Iconicity " English | ISBN: 9027205108 | 2020 | 331 pages | PDF | 12 MB The Iconicity in Language and Literature series has long been dedicated to the recognition and understanding of the pervasiveness of iconicity in language in its many forms and functions. The present volume, divided into four sections, brings together and unifies different perspectives on iconicity. Chapters in the first section (Iconicity in language) provide linguistic analyses of systems of iconic forms in different languages, across both space (areally) and time (diachronically). The second section (Iconicity in literature) is concerned with stylistic analyses of iconicity in literature, in both poetry and prose and across a range of devices and genres. The third section (Iconicity in visual media) highlights the use and effects of iconicity in pictorial, photographic and cinematic media. The final section (Iconicity in semiotic analysis) offers a theoretical perspective, targeting an operationalisation of iconicity with respect to the relationship between types and subtypes of Peircean signs. ![]() Paolo Gandini, "Observation of CP Violation in B± → DK± Decays" English | 2013 | pages: 179 | ISBN: 331901028X | PDF | 9,5 mb CP violation is a well-established phenomenon in particle physics, but until 2001 it was only observed in kaons. In the last decade, several matter-antimatter asymmetries have been observed in neutral B mesons in line with the expectations of the Standard Model of the weak interaction. Direct CP violation is also expected in the decay rates of charged B+ mesons versus that of B- mesons, though the greatest effects are present in a decay that occurs just twice in 10 million decays. Such rarity requires huge samples to study and this is exactly what the LHC, and its dedicated B-physics experiment LHCb provide.This thesispresents ananalysis of the first two years of LHCb data.The authordescribes the first observation of the rare decay, B- → DK-, D → π-K+ and the first observation of direct CP violation in this B decay. The workconstitutes essential information on the experiment's measurement of a fundamental parameter of the theory and stands as a benchmark against which subsequent analyses of this type will be compared. |