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![]() Amy Kravitz, "Oxford Handbook of Humanitarian Medicine (Oxford Medical Handbooks)" English | ISBN: 0199565279 | 2019 | EPUB | 1136 pages | 15 MB The Oxford Handbook of Humanitarian Medicine is a practical guide covering all aspects of the provision of care in humanitarian situations and complex emergencies. It includes evidence-based clinical guidance, aimed specifically at resource limited situations, as well as essential non-clinical information relevant for people working in field operations and development. The handbook provides clear recommendations, from the experts, on the unique challenges faced by health providers in humanitarian settings including clinical presentations for which conventional medical training offers little preparation. It provides guidance for syndromic management approaches, and includes practical guidance on the integration of context specific mental health care.
![]() Laura Mitchell, Bridie Howe, D. Ashley Price, Babiker Elawad, K. Nathan Sankar, "Oxford Handbook of Genitourinary Medicine, HIV, and Sexual Health, 3rd Edition (Oxford Medical Handbooks)" English | ISBN: 0198783493 | 2019 | EPUB | 704 pages | 10 MB The Oxford Handbook of Genitourinary Medicine, HIV, and Sexual Health returns for a third edition, fully updated to encompass the changes in the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV, British HIV Association, and Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare guidelines and recommendations. ![]() Paul Elliott, "Oxford Handbook of Epidemiology for Clinicians (Oxford Medical Handbooks)" English | ISBN: 0198529880 | 2012 | EPUB | 436 pages | 5 MB The Oxford Handbook of Epidemiology for Clinicians provides all the information required by students and junior doctors who need to understand and translate key epidemiological concepts into medical practice. Unlike standard textbooks in this area, the focus throughout is on clinical applications of epidemiological knowledge. ![]() Drew Provan, "Oxford Handbook of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation, 4th Edition (Oxford Medical Handbooks)" English | ISBN: 019876653X | 2018 | EPUB | 1008 pages | 14 MB With major advances in technology there are thousands of clinical and laboratory tests available, forming a key part of the diagnostic process in the highly complex field of modern medicine. This handbook provides a patient-orientated approach to investigation, with a comprehensive review of specialty-related tests. Written in the Oxford Handbook style, this book features references and up-to-date website links for extra clinical detail. ![]() Tim Raine, George Collins, Catriona Hall, Nina Hjelde, James Dawson, "Oxford Handbook for the Foundation Programme, 5th Edition (Oxford Medical Handbooks)" English | ISBN: 0198813538 | 2018 | EPUB | 688 pages | 11 MB The Oxford Handbook for the Foundation Programme returns in a new edition to keep junior doctors, as well as their supervisors and senior medical students, up-to-date and give them the information and confidence they need to excel during and beyond the Foundation Programme. ![]() Oxford Handbook for Medical School (Oxford Medical Handbooks) edited by Chris Bird, Kapil Sugand, Miriam Berry, Imran Yusuf, Aisha Janjua English | July 14, 2019 | ISBN: 0199681902 | EPUB/PDF | 1152 pages | 15.7/49.5 MB Medical school is full of unfamiliar and often frightening experiences for students. In the first year, a student must move away from home, balance personal finances, assimilate large volumes of information, learn practical skills, pass high stakes exams, and face a range of unique experiences. The Oxford Handbook for Medical School provides an essential, practical guide for all students, whether you have just received your offer, you're eager to succeed on the wards, or you're about to start your final exams. ![]() Our Food Our Heritage Our Future: Traditional African Cooking By Mr Makhosi Mahlangu English | ASIN : B08S2Y9XCY | 2020 | 408 pages | EPUB | 33 MB ![]() Derek Parfit, "On What Matters " English | ISBN: 0199265925 | 2011 | 1440 pages | AZW3, EPUB | 2 MB + 1365 KB On What Matters is a major work in moral philosophy. It is the long-awaited follow-up to Derek Parfit's 1984 book Reasons and Persons, one of the landmarks of twentieth-century philosophy. Parfit now presents a powerful new treatment of reasons, rationality, and normativity, and a critical examination of three systematic moral theories - Kant's ethics, contractualism, and consequentialism - leading to his own ground-breaking synthetic conclusion. Along the way he discusses a wide range of moral issues, such as the significance of consent, treating people as a means rather than an end, and free will and responsibility. On What Matters is already the most-discussed work in moral philosophy: its publication is likely to establish it as a modern classic which everyone working on moral philosophy will have to read, and which many others will turn to for stimulation and illumination. ![]() Modern Digital Radio Communication Signals and Systems, Second Edition by Sung-Moon Michael Yang English | PDF,EPUB | 2020 | 760 Pages | ISBN : 3030577058 | 133 MB This book serves as an easily accessible reference for wireless digital communication systems. Topics are presented with simple but non-trivial examples and then elaborated with their variations and sophistications. The book includes numerous examples and exercises to illustrate key points. For this new edition, a set of problems at the end of each chapter is added, for a total of 298 problems.
![]() Jatin Shankar, "Modern Biological Theory and Experiments on Celibacy: Brahmacharya under Microscope" English | ISBN: 1519070756 | 2016 | 100 pages | AZW3 | 418 KB Did you know that it has been shown in hundreds of Biology experiments that the rate of reproduction in an animal directly depends upon its rate of aging? If we increase the rate of reproduction, the rate of aging also increases! Did you know that there exist experiments done on male primates proving that ejaculate is costly for them in significant way, in the form of energy? Did you know that if a lactating female lacks some nutrients in her diet; her body erodes itself to enrich her milk so that the offspring does not have to suffer? But the theory of Celibacy is not so simple. For example, 'controlling' your sexual impulse because it 'wastes' energy and that the same energy will make you a 'better' person is not what this book proposes. Such logic has holes in it. Serious holes! For example, suppose a man loses some vital nutrients during ejaculations. The man can easily restore the loss by eating few supplements! It is as simple as that! Why take the pains to practice celibacy? At this point, all debates stop! The supporters of celibacy close their ears and pretend as if they heard nothing and those who attack the concept stare at the supporters with sympathy and irritation! But one question remains- How to explain the experimental data that shows direct relationship between rate of aging and reproduction? It is all chaos now, and nothing makes sense! Let's make it more chaotic- Do you know what happens when we increase the food supplies of a 'well fed' mouse? Its rate of aging remains almost constant while its rate of reproduction increases with the feeding. So no aging benefit of 'extra food' on a mouse! But do you know what happens when we 'decrease' the food supplies? The animal starts aging much 'slower'! Yes, you read it correctly! The lifespan of the mouse 'increases' and its rate of reproduction decreases drastically! So what will happen if a person eats supplements to restore the nutrients lost during sex? What do you think the answer is? Why do you think the answer is this? Don't you think that this is paradoxical and very interesting? Don't you think that to understand the true mysteries of celibacy, we must approach it with a scientific attitude, with commitment to study and do experiments and arrive at conclusions, whatever they may be, and to not let go of any loose ends or unnecessary extra pieces in this jigsaw puzzle. Everything must fit in. If one piece does not fit, every piece must be taken down... ABOUT THE BOOK This book is divided into 3 parts. The first part discusses about a dozen research papers and their data only, without explaining them. I have fully cited every experiment in case you are interested in any of them and want to read the full research. The second part of this book contains an introduction to modern biological understanding of these experiments. It is here that we will be studying the implications of these theories on the philosophy of Celibacy and try solving all the paradoxes to construct a complete theory of Celibacy. The third part of this book deals with few philosophical matters following Celibacy- questioning its necessities and implications on psychology of a person and society. I have used graphs to explain difficult results of many of the experiments and theory to make the concept easier and intuitive to understand. Few curious people may wonder- if we already have the experimental evidence that reducing rate of reproduction slows the rate of aging of an organism, can celibacy stop it? Well, you have asked a very important question indeed. Yes, after thinking about this in a scientific way, I do believe that celibacy, it its true form, may stop aging! And I have strong reasons for what I say, based on firm theoretical arguments and solid experimental data. |