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![]() The Political Economy of Hydropower in Southwest China and Beyond by Jean-François Rousseau English | PDF | 2021 | 309 Pages | ISBN : 3030593606 | 5.4 MB This book conceptualises the ongoing hydropower expansion in Southwest China as a socio-political and transnational project transcending the construction of dams. Chapters in this volume are organised around three sections spanning hydropower and resettlement governance, rural livelihoods, and international relations connected to China's hydropower expansion. ![]() The Party System By Hilaire Belloc, Cecil Chesterton, Sforza Ruspoli, Ron Paul 2007 | 164 Pages | ISBN: 1932528113 | PDF | 3 MB Hilaire Belloc was clearly one of the most amazing intellects in history. Over the course of his amazing literary career, he wrote and had published over 150 books. And many of these are among the best and most important books I have ever read. But, beyond this, Belloc was also, at times, a professional soldier, newspaper man, poet, writer of children's stories, controversialist, apologist, and even an elected member of Parliament! It was this last experience that caused him to write, together with Cecil Chesterton, the younger brother of G.K, this stunning and important book.Belloc herein describes how the Party System had taken over parliamentary politics within early 20th century England. He avers, and proves, that this Party System served not the needs of the English populace, but rather the interlocking needs of the Elite. And he demonstrates clearly that much of the apparent conflict between the two false "wings" of the Party System was a blatant fraud. In reality, Belloc avers, the Elite were joined together by interests both cultural, familial, and financial. And they secretly worked together much more than they worked against one another.In reflection, it is truly remarkable how Belloc's description of early 20th century English politics fits today's early 21st century American politics. Here also we have two supposedly opposed parties. Yet we see former Presidents Clinton and Bush sharing many common interests. "Democrat" Joe Lieberman stumps for "republican" John McCain. "Republican" Chuck Hagel is seen as a potential running mate for "democrat" Barack Obama. Impeachment has been declared "off the table" by the "democrat" House leadership. Again, as with early 20th century England, we have in America today, a situation where the conflict between the two "sides" of the Party System is pretty much a total fraud.This little book is excellent, and well worth the price and time. Those who dearly love Belloc's lilting prose will be a trifle disconcerted, as the narrative, at times, shifts from the hand of Belloc to that Chesterton without warning. That notwithstanding, it is still a wonderful and most noteworthy book. God bless. ![]() Mo Wang, "The Oxford Handbook of Retirement" English | 2012 | ISBN: 0199746524 | 672 pages | PDF | 59.1 MB As the Baby Boom generation approaches traditional retirement age, the aging of the global labor force will continue to lead to an increase in the number of people who will transition into retirement in the next decade. Retirement researchers have made several important advances in their field in recent years that represent a shift from examining retirement through an economic to a psychological perspective. Retirement is not simply a one-time decision-making event; rather, it represents a process through which workers decrease their psychological commitment to work and behaviorally withdraw from the workforce.
![]() The Organization of Labour Markets: Modernity, Culture and Governance in Germany, Sweden, Britain and Japan By Bo Strath 1996 | 283 Pages | ISBN: 0415133149 | PDF | 3 MB There have been dramatic shifts in the behavior of labor markets and the conduct of industrial relations in the last century. This volume explores these changes in the context of four very different societies: Germany, Sweden, Britain and Japan. Despite their manifest differences, the author demonstrates that for long periods their labor markets were similar in many respects. The book discusses the failure of neo-corporatism in Britain in the 1970s and the subsequent rise of Thatcherism; the rise of Japan as a model for orderly industrial relations in the 1970s; and the collapse of the German and the success of the Swedish labor markets in the 1930s. ![]() The Neuropsychology Handbook By Arthur M. Horton Jr., Danny Wedding 2008 | 856 Pages | ISBN: 0826102514 | PDF | 4 MB The Neuropsychology Handbook, 3rd Edition edited by Arthur M. Horton Jr., Danny Wedding (Springer Publishing Company) In the last decade, the number of books, courses, training opportunities, and journals dealing with clinical neuropsychology has greatly increased. Demand for a complete reference in the field is growing as practitioners in private practice, the court system, and the medical field continue to make discoveries and advance our knowledge of the brain system and how it affects our everyday lives. In order to address this urgent need, Drs. Horton and Wedding have edited this Third Edition of the classic Neuropsychology Handbook . In its pages are reviews of all the major areas in which clinical neuropsychologists work: * the foundations of clinical neuropsychology* brain structure and function* neurological disorders* psychiatric disorders* diagnostic decision-making* symptom validity testing* neuroimaging* behavioral change following traumatic brain injury* disability determination* rehabilitation planning, and more Very specialized areas of practice such as clinical neuropsychology with children, clinical neurotoxicology, and neuropsychological assessment in criminal law cases also receive chapters.Great enthusiasm among professional psychologists in independent practice for the specialization of clinical neuropsychology can be seen in a number of events. In the last decade, a number of books dealing with clinical neuropsychology have been published for the graduate and professional markets, departments of psychology are developing courses and providing training experiences, and new journals have been established. There are also increasing numbers of requests from attorneys and judges for neuropsychologists to interact in the clini¬cal setting by quantifying the nature and extent of cortical damage in cases of automobile or industrial accident or neurotoxin exposure.Indeed, there is considerable evidence to support the opinion that clinical neuropsychology is rapidly expanding as a professional prac¬tice area across the nation. While managed care has reduced reimbursement for psychological services in the last decade, there has still been significant growth in the need for clinical neuropsychological services. A salient fact concerning clinical neuropsychology is that it is perhaps the prime example of an area of professional specialization that was developed by practitioners. While many clinical neuropsychologists engage in full-or part-time independent practice, there has been con¬siderable evolution of the traditional independent practitioner role.In order to address the urgent need for an authoritative reference work for the rapidly growing field, The Neuropsychology Handbook, Third Edition, has been published. The Handbook reviews the major areas in which clinical neuropsychologists work. Specific areas covered include the foundations of clinical neuropsychology, such as the neuropsychological basis of mental abilities, diagnostic decision making, and symptom validity testing. Specific chapters include nemoimaging, behavioral change following traumatic brain injury, and rehabilitation planning. A remaining section includes very specialized areas of practice chapters on clinical neuropsychology with children, clinical neurotoxicology, and neuropsychological assessment in sports. A concluding chapter on the future of clinical neuropsychology completes the Handbook.The Neuropsychology Handbook, Third Edition, is intended for clini¬cal neuropsychologists in practice and others who utilize neuropsy¬chological data in their decision making. Also, other professionals who enter the clinical arena and rely on neuropsychological opinions, such as psychiatrists, neurologists, clinical psychologists, school psychologists, social workers, counselors and special educators, as well as other health care and educational professionals, will find the Handbook of considerable value. The hope and expectation is that the Handbook will make an important contribution to clinical neuropsychology and will thereby meet the challenge of alleviating human misery and promoting positive adaptation by brain-injured children and adults. ![]() W. Treadgold, "The Middle Byzantine Historians" English | ISBN: 1137280859 | 2013 | 563 pages | PDF | 7 MB This volume, which continues the same author's Early Byzantine Historians , is the first book to analyze the lives and works of all forty-three significant Byzantine historians from the seventh to the thirteenth century, including the authors of three of the world's greatest histories: Michael Psellus, Princess Anna Comnena, and Nicetas Choniates.
![]() Allen Oakley, "The Making of Marx's Critical Theory (RLE Marxism): A Bibliographical Analysis " English | ISBN: 1138888737 | 2015 | 158 pages | PDF | 6 MB Marx's written output was massive. Much of it remained unpublished in his own lifetime and there is still no complete edition of the extant works, although most have been published in one form or another. This book, first published in 1983, provides an analytical guide to the complex chronological and evolving substantive structure of Marx's main writings in critical theory. The format is concise and accessible, with each phase of Marx's evolving critical theory of capitalist society being summarized in a diagram. An invaluable guide for students of Marx, it will lead them through the maze of his works to a potentially deeper understanding of his thought. Allen Oakley believes that, in order to fully comprehend Marx's critical theory, it is essential to trace its complex evolution. Any serious study of Marx's critique of capitalism must begin with an appreciation of the bibliographical framework within which his evolving ideas were manifested. Oakley is opposed to approaches to the study of Marx's critique which take little account of its chronology; such approaches, he believes, are incomplete and potentially misleading with respect to the meaning and significance of the critique. The book includes bibliographical evidence about the unfinished state of Marx's critical project and its ever-changing scope and organization. It argues, therefore, that the methodological and substantive status of Capital must be interpreted cautiously, for bibliographical evidence shows it to be an unfinished climax to an ambiguous critic-theoretical project of uncertain dimensions. To read it as in any sense a final and definitive statement of Marx's critical theory is, the author believes, to be deluded. ![]() The Lost Science of Money: The Mythology of Money, The Story of Power By Stephen A. Zarlenga 2002 | 18 Pages | ISBN: 1930748035 | PDF | 2 MB One of the most striking things about Zarlenga's research is the use of historical work from over a century ago. For example G.F Knapp's "State Theory of Money" printed in the early 1900's. Why? Because Economic History has been virtually expunged from mainstream economics. Zarlenga argues that a comprehensive look at the historical record undermines neoliberal free market ideology i.e., the Chicago School. Zarlenga not only criticizes the Monetarists but Keynsians as well...Keynes never challenged credit money issued by private banks. Zarlanga argues a debt based/fractional reserve monetary system controlled by private banks create destructive business cycles. The answer? Greenbacks. Why should the US Treasury Print debt to private banks to create money? Why not issue currency directly from the treasury? Why pay interest to Wall Street which increases taxes & leads to enevitable bankruptcy(the magic of compound interest in reverse unlike what we are told in texts about consumer saving) By the government controlling the issue of currency a more humane,people centered, honest form of exchange could take place.Far more to Zarlenga's work...I'll definately keep this one on my bookshelf for future reference. ![]() Erik H. Erikson, Joan M. Erikson, "The Life Cycle Completed" English | 1998 | ISBN: 0393016226, 0393317722 | 144 pages | EPUB | 0.51 MB For decades Erik H. Erikson's concept of the stages of human development has deeply influenced the field of contemporary psychology. Here, with new material by Joan M. Erikson, is an expanded edition of his final work. The Life Cycle Completed eloquently closes the circle of Erikson's theories, outlining the unique rewards and challenges―for both individuals and society―of very old age. ![]() The Kingfisher Book of the Ancient World by Hazel Mary Martell English | 2006 | ISBN: 0753414015 | 161 pages | PDF | 103 MB Travel back over thousands of years to explore the first great civilizations, their leaders, beliefs and everyday lives. This volume explores the Ancient World from the splendours of Mesopotamia and China to the majesty of Greece and Rome, and includes the ancient civilizations from Africa and the Americas. It offers an illustrated journey to all the great civilizations of antiquity, featuring reconstructions and a comprehensive reference section of glossaries, timelines and index. |