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![]() European Myth & Legend: An A-Z of People and Places By Mike Dixon-Kennedy 1997 | 272 Pages | ISBN: 0713726768 | PDF | 13 MB NORSE * TEUTONIC * BALTIC * SLAVIC * FINNO-UGRICThe mythology and legend of Europe provide a rich tableau that combines fantasy with embroidered fact. Many European countries today have no distinctive mythologies of their own as so many of the beliefs and cultures of the pagan era were lost over the centuries due to frequent warring, the expansion of the Roman Empire and conversion to Christianity In this fascinating book Mike Dixon-Kennedy provides an authoritative guide to the principal myths and legends of Europe which have survived the turmoil of European history.This important reference work brings together the wide-ranging mass of European myth and legend into a single, easy-to-use volume, providing a unique collection of the myths, legends and beliefs of the Norse and Teutonic-speaking peoples, the Russians, Latvians, Lithuanians Lapps and Finns. Some of the stories to be found within the pages are translated here for the first time.With a valuable Bibliography, Spelling and Pronunciation Guide as well as historical and anthropological details and a map showing the European cultural divisions, "European Myth & Legend" is ideal for all who are interested in the heritage of Europe and its ancient peoples and their cultures.
![]() Ensemble!: Using the Power of Improv and Play to Forge Connections in a Lonely World by Jeff Katzman M.D., Dan O'Connor English | June 1, 2021 | ISBN: 1623176298 | EPUB | 256 pages | 0.9 MB Drawing on a combined expertise in improvisational theatre and psychiatry, author team Dan O'Connor and Dr. Jeff Katzman show readers how improv skills are the perfect antidote to loneliness and isolation.
![]() Energy Generation using Reverse Electrodialysis: Principles, Implementation, and Applications by Daejoong Kim English | PDF | 2019 | 45 Pages | ISBN : 9811303134 | 3.4 MB This book provides an introduction to the working principles of reverse electrodialysis and its practical application in the generation of electricity. ![]() Empires of the Monsoon: A History of the Indian Ocean and Its Invaders By Richard Hall 1998 | 608 Pages | ISBN: 0006380832 | EPUB | 4 MB Until Vasco da Gama discovered the sea-route to the East in 1497-9 almost nothing was known in the West of the exotic cultures and wealth of the Indian Ocean and its peoples. It is this civilization and its destruction at the hands of the West that Richard Hall recreates in this book. Hall's history of the exploration and exploitation by Chinese and Arab travellers, and by the Portuguese, Dutch and British alike is one of brutality, betrayal and colonial ambition.
![]() Educational Alternatives in Latin America: New Modes of Counter-Hegemonic Learning by Robert Aman English | PDF | 2019 | 233 Pages | ISBN : 3319534491 | 3 MB This book explores diverse contemporary paradigms of educational praxis and learning in Latin America, both formal and non-formal. Each contributor offers a unique perspective on the factors which lead to the production of paradigms rooted in 'other' logics, cosmologies, and realities, and how these factors may renegotiate and redefine concepts of education, learning, and knowledge. The various chapters provide a road map for scholars, activists, artists, students, organizations, and social movements to help begin to construct learning spaces that seek to engage with a new more horizontal form of participatory democracy. ![]() Ecology: Concepts and Applications By Manuel C. Molles Jr. 2018 | 593 Pages | ISBN: 1259880052 | PDF | 196 MB Ecology: Concepts and Applications, 8th edition by Molles and Sher places great emphasis on helping students grasp the main concepts of ecology while keeping the presentation more applied than theoretical. An evolutionary perspective forms the foundation of the entire discussion. The book begins with the natural history of the planet, considers portions of the whole in the middle chapters, and ends with another perspective of the entire planet in the concluding chapter. Its unique organization of focusing only on several key concepts in each chapter sets it apart from other ecology texts. Users who purchase Connect receive access to the full online ebook version of the textbook.
![]() Drunk Tank Pink: And Other Unexpected Forces that Shape How We Think, Feel, and Behave By Adam Alter 2013 | 272 Pages | ISBN: 1594204543 | EPUB | 3 MB A revelatory look at how our environment unconsciously yet dramatically shapes the judgments and decisions we make every day.Most of us go through life believing that we are in control of the choices we make, that we think and behave almost independently from the world around us, but asDrunk Tank Pinkillustrates, the truth is our environment shapes our thoughts and actions in myriad ways without our permission or even our knowledge. Armed with surprising data and endlessly fascinating examples, Adam Alter addresses the subtle but substantial ways in which outside forces influence us--such as color's influence on mood, our bias in favor of names with which we identify, and how sunny days can induce optimism as well as aggression.Drunk Tank Pinkproves that the truth behind our feelings and actions goes much deeper than the choices we take for granted every day. ![]() Dionysius the Areopagite Between Orthodoxy and Heresy By Filip Ivanovic 2011 | 197 Pages | ISBN: 1443833487 | PDF | 12 MB Dionysius the Areopagite between Orthodoxy and Heresy aims to explore the thought of one of the most controversial characters of Christian history, Dionysius the Areopagite, and put it in a correct context, between pagan (namely Neoplatonic) philosophy on the one side, and Christian theology, on the other.Review"Filip Ivanović has assembled a collection of eight essays by an international cast of scholars who are fully cognisant with the reception of Pseudo-Dionysius, but who have also immersed themselves in the writings of the philosopher himself. They offer a multifaceted picture of a writer with a substantial legacy in Christian thought, in both Eastern and Western traditions of the Church (...) This collection shows that it is the philosophical theology of this writer which should command our attention today." -The International Journal of the Platonic TraditionFrom the Back CoverDionysius the Areopagite between Orthodoxy and Heresy aims to explore the thought of one of the most controversial characters of Christian history, Dionysius the Areopagite, and put it in a correct context, between pagan (namely Neoplatonic) philosophy on the one side, and Christian theology, on the other. In significant part, the book examines Dionysius' Neoplatonic sources, but it also offers insights into the original points of his philosophy and theology, thus showing how he managed to achieve a masterful integration of pagan thought and newly revealed faith.The chapters of the book, taken together, try to offer a broad insight into the Areopagite's thought, through examining not just his intellectual background and milieu, but also some of the crucial features of his work, such as notions of hierarchy, deification, apophatic and cataphatic theologies, icon, and others. This work is of a multidisciplinary character, since Dionysius' thought has been studied from different points of view, so the contributions range from philosophy and theology to history and art history.Dionysius the Areopagite between Orthodoxy and Heresy is intended for both specialists and non-specialists. Apart from being a collection of specific studies, it can also serve as an introduction to the Areopagite's thought, and will be useful to all those interested in late antique and early Christian philosophy and theology, patristics, and cultural studies in general.See all Editorial Reviews ![]() Dictionary of Alchemy: From Maria Prophetessa to Isaac Newton By Mark Haeffner 2004 | 272 Pages | ISBN: 1904658121 | PDF | 13 MB Alchemy is a rich and complex esoteric tradition that has flourished world-wide since the beginning of recorded history, if not earlier. There are three main traditions: Western Christian, Indo-tibetan and Chinese Taoist. Within this diversity there are many common features, which are analysed, organized, and brought together in this comprehensive dictionary of terms, symbols, and personalities. This dictionary is the distillation of many years' research into the extensive arcane literature. It is a reference work to guide the readers throught the labyrinth of pre-Newtonian science and philosophy. The dictionary covers not only the materialist dimension of the search for the elixir of life and the transmutation of metals, but also the inner search for the gold of mystical illumination. Jung called alchemy 'the projection of a drama both cosmic and spiritual in laboratory terms'. This opus alchymicum goes beyond the bare analysis and interpretation of terms to present a harmonic, integrated vision of man and nature, which may help to heal the fragmented world view of modern science. ![]() Constitutional Courts as Positive Legislators: A Comparative Law Study By Allan R. Brewer-Carias 2011 | 962 Pages | ISBN: 1107613086 | PDF | 15 MB In all democratic states, constitutional courts, which are traditionally empowered to invalidate or to annul unconstitutional statutes, have the role of interpreting and applying the Constitution in order to preserve its supremacy and to ensure the prevalence of fundamental rights. In this sense they were traditionally considered "negative legislators," unable to substitute the legislators or to enact legislative provisions that could not be deducted from the Constitution. During the past decade the role of constitutional courts has dramatically changed as their role is no longer limited to declaring the unconstitutionality of statutes or annulling them. Today, constitutional courts condition their decisions with the presumption of constitutionality of statutes, opting to interpret them according to or in harmony with the Constitution in order to preserve them, instead of deciding their annulment or declaring them unconstitutional. More frequently, Constitutional Courts, instead of dealing with existing legislation, assume the role of assistants or auxiliaries to the legislator, creating provisions they deduct from the Constitution when controlling the absence of legislation or legislative omissions. In some cases they act as "positive legislators," issuing temporary or provisional rules to be applied pending the enactment of legislation. This book analyzes this new role of the constitutional courts, conditioned by the principles of progressiveness and of prevalence of human rights, particularly regarding the important rediscovery of the right to equality and non-discrimination. |