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![]() Murray G. Phillips, "Routledge Handbook of Sport History " English | ISBN: 036733173X | 2021 | 406 pages | PDF | 12 MB The Routledge Handbook of Sport History is a new and innovative survey of the discipline of sport history. ![]() Bruce Murphy, Alessandra de Rosa, "Rome For Dummies, 2nd Edition" English | 2008 | ISBN: 0470209550 | 312 pages | True PDF | 5.6 MB The history of the Eternal City is permanently recorded in its many monuments and ruins. Rome has delights for anyone and everyone-art aficionados, architecture buffs, history lovers, foodies, and fashion trendsetters. This guide eases you into la dolce vita ("the sweet life") with information on: ![]() Robots, Ethics and the Future of Jobs by Sean McDonagh English | June 29th, 2021 | ISBN: 1788123069 | 184 pages | True EPUB | 0.81 MB "I love my robot lawn mowers, my laptop, wifi, Google, Facetime, Whatsapp and the possibility of drone postal deliveries and more.. Yet worries nag about being overwhelmed by an artificial intelligence revolution whose ethical and moral parameters are less clear than its rampant profiteering from and monetising of your lives and mine. This hugely informative book shakes us out of our massage armchairs and demands that we engage immediately with these galloping advances so we can shape them to the benefit of the many and not leave them to the enrichment of the few at the awful cost of the impoverishment of swathes of humanity". Mary McAleese, former President of Ireland.
![]() Rhetorics of Whiteness: Postracial Hauntings in Popular Culture, Social Media, and Education By Tammie M Kennedy; Joyce Irene Middleton; Krista Ratcliffe (eds.) 2017 | 266 Pages | ISBN: 0809335468 | PDF | 3 MB With the election of our first black president, many Americans began to argue that we had finally ended racism, claiming that we now live in a postracial era. Yet near-daily news reports regularly invoke white as a demographic category and recount instances of racialized violence as well as an increased sensitivity to expressions of racial unrest. Clearly, American society isn't as color-blind as people would like to believe. In Rhetorics of Whiteness: Postracial Hauntings in Popular Culture, Social Media, and Education, contributors reveal how identifications with racialized whiteness continue to manifest themselves in American culture.The sixteen essays that comprise this collection not only render visible how racialized whiteness infiltrates new twenty-first-century discourses and material spaces but also offer critical tactics for disrupting this normative whiteness. Specifically, contributors examine popular culture (novels, films, TV), social media (YouTube, eHarmony, Facebook), education (state law, the textbook industry, dual credit programs), pedagogy (tactics for teaching via narratives, emotional literacy, and mindfulness) as well as cultural theories (concepts of racialized space, anti-dialogicism, and color blindness). Offering new approaches to understanding racialized whiteness, this volume emphasizes the importance of a rhetorical lens for employing whiteness studies' theories and methods to identify, analyze, interpret, and interrupt representations of whiteness.Although whiteness studies has been waning as an active research field for the past decade, the contributors to Rhetorics of Whiteness assert that it hasn't lost its relevancy because racialized whiteness and issues of systemic racism persist in American society and culture today. Few whiteness studies texts have been published in rhetoric and composition in the past decade, so this collection should quickly become mandatory reading. By focusing on common, yet often overlooked, contemporary examples of how racialized whiteness haunts U.S. society, Rhetorics of Whiteness serves as a valuable text for scholars in the field as well as anyone else interested in the topic. ![]() Reservoir Simulation: History Matching and Forecasting By James R. Gilman, Chet Ozgen 2013 | 120 Pages | ISBN: 1613992920 | PDF | 5 MB Brand New.
![]() Renewable Energy From the Oceans : From Wave, Tidal and Gradient Systems to Offshore Wind and Solar by Domenico Coiro and Tonio Sant ![]() Rejection Reset: A Strategic Program For Restoring Social Confidence ... By Scott Allan 2015 | 160 Pages | ISBN: 1523278498 | EPUB | 1 MB Do you struggle with social rejection and can't stop thinking you are somehow different? Do you fear trying new things or taking risks for fear of failing and looking foolish? Do you feel you have nothing to contribute to a conversation, so you keep quiet most of the time? Social rejection is one of the biggest self-defeating behaviors that affect millions of people. In their daily lives, most people are not aware they are making choices and taking actions that are detrimental to their social life. What this book provides you with is a program full of actionable steps that can you begin to put into action right away...and see real results. You will learn to identify the triggers and behaviors that perpetuate the cycle of defeat, why you feel inferior, and what you can do get over this and start to live a more fulfilling life. Life is short. You don't want to waste any more of it suffering with the pain of living a dysfunctional lifestyle. This book is going to move you from that place of pain to a life you can fully enjoy. You deserve the best and, when you follow the system I have provided in this book, you will start to see massive results in a short time. Don't put your life on hold anymore; it is time to make a serious shift in the way you think, behave and act. So take action NOW and shift your mindset to winning! Here is a preview of what you'll learn... Crush your self-defeating inferior mindset Break your fear of social anxiety Remove the barriers of a negative mindset focused on fear and integrate a new mindset full of positive energy Make massive changes to your life in just ten minutes a day with simple-to-use actionable steps Lead a more energized lifestyle without feeling trapped Utilize my 20-habit strategy to create positive routines to add more vitality and re-energize your life Reverse disempowering beliefs And much, much more! Here is more of what you can expect out of this book--- Take immediate action steps against the fear of rejection so you can feel great about yourself again Get over your pain points of jealousy, inferiority, inadequacy and vulnerability Stop trying to measure up to other people and just be who you Break the mindset of the rejectionist and replace it with healthy, positive habits that focus on creating the life you have always wanted Disengage the faulty negative beliefs that kill your motivation Implement powerful strategies that work to replace your worn out techniques that only serve to defeat you Build healthy social relationships with people and get confident with yourself in social settings Learn the 6-step process for creating lasting change and breaking the negative cycle Implement my twelve-habit strategy and build daily routines to keep you from slip-ping back into a lifeless rut. ![]() Reflections on Violence By Georges Sorel, T. E. Hulme, J. Roth, Edward A. Shils 2004 | 304 Pages | ISBN: 0486437078 | EPUB | 1 MB Sorel developed an original and provocative theory on the positive, even creative, role of myth and violence in the historical process. Sorel was a civil servant who fervently believed that only the clearest and most brutal expression of class war could effect lasting social change. This, his most important work, is a passionate outcry for the socialist overthrow of society.Reflections on Violence first appeared as a series of articles in Le Mouvement Socialiste in 1906; it appeared in book form two years later, and translations extended its influence around the world. Sorel addresses the factors underlying revolutionary movements and examines the roles of violence (the revolutionary denial of the existing social order) and force (the state's power of coercion). He further explores sources of political power, the weapons of revolutions - the insurrection and the general strike - and the significant role of "myths" in recruiting and motivating potential revolutionaries. ![]() Refactoring: Refactoring Techniques by Alexander Aronowitz English | September 14, 2020 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B08J1STMKK | 50 pages | EPUB | 0.12 Mb Refactoring is a controlled technique for improving the design of an existing code base. Its essence is applying a series of small behavior-preserving transformations, each of which "too small to be worth doing". However the cumulative effect of each of these transformations is quite significant. By doing them in small steps you reduce the risk of introducing errors. You also avoid having the system broken while you are carrying out the restructuring - which allows you to gradually refactor a system over an extended period of time.My book describes the process of refactoring and spends most of its time explaining how to do the various refactorings - the behavior preserving transformations. The book opens with a simple example that describes the whole process. There are then some introductory chapters that discuss broader issues around refactoring, the "code smells" that suggest refactoring, and the role of testing.The bulk of the book is around seventy refactorings described in detail: the motivation for doing them, mechanics of how to do them safely and a simple example. ![]() Red Hot, 2nd Edition by Jan Braai English | August 26th, 2021 | ISBN: 9781928257578 | 200 pages | True EPUB | 69.84 MB Red Hot follows on from Fireworks and moves beyond instructions for cooking steak on the fire. Jan challenges us to try more meals cooked on the fire - pancakes, chicken mayo toasted sandwiches or brandy tiramisu! The recipes are new but the book has the same fantastic photos, clear and easy-to-follow recipes and Jan's characteristic touches of braai humour. |