English | 2021 | ISBN: 9798201329129 | 69 pages | PDF,EPUP | 1.76 MB If You Want to Learn What Helps Back Pain Go Away And About The 10 Hottest Back Pain Issues Worldwide Without Spending Years of Therapy, Read On...
English | 2020 | ISBN: 9789389845877 | 391 pages | True EPUB | 7.96 MB Build robust and secure applications using the building blocks of Docker English | 2021 | ISBN: 9781761062889 | 581 pages | True EPUB | 5.67 MB Often compared to David Bowie and Mick Jagger, Doc Neeson was hailed as a 'messianic rock god'. English | 2020 | ISBN: 9783969170267 | 338 pages | PDF,EPUP | 28.19 MB This book includes my lecture notes for electrical power distribution book. The fundamentals of electrical power distribution are applied to various distribution system layouts and the function of common distribution system substations and equipment. The book introduces the design procedures and protection methods for power distribution systems English | 2021 | ISBN: 9781000372922 | 174 pages | PDF,EPUB | 1.76 MB Since the global financial crisis of 2007-8, new laws and regulations have been introduced with the aim of improving the transparency in financial reporting. Despite the dramatically increased flow of information to shareholders and the public, this information flow has not always been meaningful or useful. Often it seems that it is not possible to see the wood for the trees. Financial scalds continue, as Wirecard, NMC Health, Patisserie Valerie, going back to Carillion (and many more) demonstrate. Financial and corporate reporting have never been so fraught with difficulties as companies fail to give guidance about the future in an increasingly uncertain world aided and abetted by the COVID-19 pandemic. English | 2021 | ISBN: 9781398817050 | 546 pages | PDF | 2.41 MB Discover the wonders of the natural world and the animals that inhabit it in this stunningly visual hardcover guide. English | 2021 | ISBN: 9780136798477 | 672 pages | PDF,EPUP | 14.5 MB Write Powerful, Modern C++ Code for Scientific, Engineering, and Embedded Applications English | 2021 | ISBN: 1510639357 | 253 pages | True PDF | 71.7 MB Light is an element that draws together many areas of human knowledge: physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, engineering, and art. Moreover, optical phenomena and the technologies based on them are widespread in our daily lives. However, it can be difficult to understand or explain these phenomena. What is light? Where are optics and photonics present in our lives and in nature? What lies behind different optical phenomena? What is an optical instrument? How does the eye resemble an optical instrument? How can we explain human vision? German | 2021 | ISBN: 9783830944188 | 172 pages | True PDF | 16.92 MB Die Digitalisierung hat große Teile unseres Alltags, aber auch der Wissenschaft verändert. In der Schule hat diese gesellschaftliche Transformation, nicht zuletzt durch die Corona-Pandemie katalysiert, nun verstärkt Fahrt aufgenommen, u.a. durch vermehrte Investitionen in die digitale Infrastruktur. Um einen Mehrwert für den Chemieunterricht generieren zu können, bedarf es didaktischer Konzepte. Dies betrifft einerseits Konzepte für den konkreten Einsatz digitaler Medien im Chemieunterricht, andererseits aber auch Konzepte für die Professionalisierung von Lehrkräften im Bereich der Digitalisierung. Solche didaktischen Konzepte wurden in der Chemiedidaktik in den letzten Jahren vermehrt entwickelt. In diesem Buch geben Autorinnen und Autoren aus über 20 verschiedenen Hochschulstandorten sowohl einen forschungs- als auch einen praxisbezogenen Einblick in Innovationen, wie die Potenziale der Digitalisierung und die damit verbundene Digitalität der Gesellschaft und der Fachwissenschaft Chemie für den Chemieunterricht nutzbar gemacht werden können. Die Idee zu diesem Band entstand im Anschluss an die deutschlandweit erste Onlinetagung zur Digitalisierung im Chemieunterricht (DiCE 2020), ausgerichtet von der gleichnamigen Arbeitsgruppe der GDCh Fachgruppe Chemieunterricht.
English | 2021 | ISBN: 9781839534621 | 360 pages | True PDF | 29.37 MB While digital transformations are happening in all walks of society and business, there is real potential for improving the quality of life of the elderly using digital methods and tools. Digital health promises to deliver better healthcare quality cost-efficiently to more people, especially in the case of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes. It will achieve this by combining the benefits of telehealth, eHealth, data-driven personalised healthcare, and evidence-based care. This book presents a discussion of evolving digital technologies, such as smart phones and assisted living, and innovative digitally based services that are helping improve the quality and cost of healthcare for the elderly. |