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![]() Kevin Kiley, "Artillery of the Napoleonic Wars" English | ISBN: 1853675830 | 2006 | 304 pages | EPUB | 13 MB Napoleon was an artilleryman before he was an emperor. He understood the power and effectiveness of cannon and their ability to pulverise defences, reduce fortresses and destroy attacks. And, in return, the guns won Napoleon battles. In this detailed study Kevin Kiley looks at artillery in use throughout the Napoleonic period. He examines Napoleon's own artillery as well as that employed by his enemies, and he evaluates the gunners' contribution to warfare in the period. By looking at particular battles in detail, Kevin Kiley shows just how the effective employment of artillery could tip the scales of victory. Artillery of the Napoleonic Wars reveals much of the technical aspects of gunnery during the period v how guns were placed, their range, what calibres were preferred, how artillery operated v he also looks at many of the personalities involved and the difference between gun gunnery and mediocre artillery. He examines French artillery, including that of the Imperial Guard, and compares it to that of Britain, Russia and Austria. Illustrated with beautiful line drawings and rare contemporary plates this unique book reveals a whole new dimension to the Napoleonic period. Based on years of research into regulations of the period, eyewitness accounts of artillerymen and material culled from official reports this is a definitive account. ![]() Architecture Patterns with Python: Enabling Test-Driven Development, Domain-Driven Design, and Event-Driven Microservices by Harry Percival ![]() Applied Weed and Herbicide Science English | 2022 | ISBN: 3031019377 | 307 Pages | PDF (True) | 16 MB This textbook explores aspects of biology and ecophysiology of weeds, weed competition and interference in crops, phytosociological survey, methods of control and weed integrated management. Herbicides are of great importance in weed management and are one of the most widely used pesticide groups for weed control across the globe. Offering a new direction for research that focuses on herbicide behavior in plants, hormesis, evolution of weed resistance to herbicides, and genetically modified crops resistant to herbicides, this book covers the recent research in applied weed and herbicide science. ![]() Applications of Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithms for Image Processing by Diego Oliva English | EPUB | 2020 | 486 Pages | ISBN : 3030409767 | 142.6 MB This book presents a collection of the most recent hybrid methods for image processing. The algorithms included consider evolutionary, swarm, machine learning and deep learning. The respective chapters explore different areas of image processing, from image segmentation to the recognition of objects using complex approaches and medical applications. The book also discusses the theory of the methodologies used to provide an overview of the applications of these tools in image processing. ![]() Application of Stress-wave Theory to Piles English | 2022 | ISBN: 9054100826 | 737 Pages | PDF (True) | 135 MB Comprising 97 papers on Geotechnical & environmental aspects (Pile-soil modelling, vibrations); Dynamic testing (Equipment & data acquisition systems); Performance during installation (Driving equipment, hammer-pile-soil system); Reliability of predictions (Theory versus experiment and simulation). Each part starts with a lecture by invited keynote speakers; followed by a general report on the papers. New themes considered are environmental aspects related to vibration and noise & the reliability of predictions emphasizing the validation of theoretical methods & practical experience. ![]() Jonathan Oates, "Anti-Jacobitism and the English People, 1714-1746 " English | ISBN: 0367634031 | 2022 | 272 pages | PDF | 4 MB In both 1715 and 1745 there was a major military challenge in Britain to the thrones of George I and George II, posed by Jacobite supporters of the exiled Stuart claimant. This book examines the responses of those loyal to the Hanoverian dynasty, whose efforts have been ignored or disparaged compared to the military perspective or that of the Jacobites. ![]() Sindre Bangstad, "Anders Breivik and the Rise of Islamophobia" English | ISBN: 1783600071 | 2014 | 304 pages | PDF | 2 MB In late July 2011, Norway was struck by the worst terror attacks in its history. In a fertilizer-bomb attack on Government Headquarters in Oslo and a one-hour-long shooting spree at the Labour Party Youth Camp at Utøya, seventy-seven people, mostly teenagers, were killed by Anders Behring Breivik. By targeting young future social democratic leaders, his actions were meant to lead to the downfall of Europe's purportedly multiculturalist elites, thus removing an obstacle to his plans for an ethnic cleansing of Muslims from Europe. ![]() An atlas of shoulder arthroscopy By Andreas B Imhoff; Freddie H Fu; Jonathan B Ticker 2003 | 384 Pages | ISBN: 1841840017 | PDF | 9 MB Content: Section I: Introduction and Imaging Secton II: Basic Techniques Section III: Glenohumeral Instabiligy Section VI: Specific Arthroscopic Techniques
![]() An atlas of human gametes and conceptuses : an illustrated reference for assisted reproductive technology By Lucinda L Veeck 1999 | 215 Pages | ISBN: 1850700168 | PDF | 10 MB Content: Foreword Preface Acknowledgements A REVIEW OF HUMAN GAMETES AND CONCEPTUSES Gamete Maturation The Human Oocyte The Human Spermatozoon The Sperm-Penetrated Human Oocyte The Cleaving Human Preembryo Preembryo Grading and Degree of Cytoplasmic Fragmentation Preembryos with the Ability to Implant Abnormal Morphology of the Human Oocyte and Conceptus Cryopreservation Assisted Fertilization by Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) Assisted Hatching and Fragment Removal Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) Epilogue Appendix HUMAN GAMETES AND CONCEPTUSES ILLUSTRATED Index. ISBN: 1-85070-016-8 216 pages (Hardback) Color illustrated 98-26503 Published: April 1999 $149.95 / GBP100 ![]() Hazem Mahsoub, "An Engineer's Journey in Mathland, Part 2: Province of 3-Valued Logic" English | 2021 | ASIN: B093P5JQ4R, B0959BCVN5 | EPUB | pages: 102 | 1.6 mb It all started with an ancient riddle. |