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![]() Kenneth Martz, Tiffany Sauber Millacci, "Manage My Emotions for Teens" English | 2021 | ASIN: B09K1Z1JX6, B09J2WP94B, B09K1YGSKJ | EPUB | pages: 190 | 0.6 mb The teenage years are a time of great change and opportunity. ![]() Alexander Murdoch, "Making the Union Work: Scotland, 1651-1763" English | 2021 | pages: 205 | ISBN: 1032236930, 1138848557 | PDF | 4,9 mb Making the Union Work: Scotland, 1651-1763, explores and analyses existing narratives of Jacobitism and Unionism in late seventeenth to mid-eighteenth century Scotland. ![]() Michael Zinner, Stanley Ashley, O. Joe Hines, "Maingot's Abdominal Operations. 13th edition" English | 2018 | pages: 3705 | ISBN: 0071843078 | PDF | 54,4 mb The best edition yet of the cornerstone text on abdominal operations―enhanced by thousands of full-color photographs and illustrations and thoroughly updated content ![]() Debra Crouch, Brian Cambourne, "Made For Learning: How the Conditions of Learning Guide Teaching Decisions" English | 2020 | ISBN: 187845000X | ASIN: B08QJRJBT5 | EPUB | pages: 216 | 2.5 mb If any book can be described as a foundation for teaching, Made for Learning is that book. Made for Learning is the result of 60 years of research and theory building by Australian educator Brian Cambourne, articulated and described with abundant classroom examples by American educator Debra Crouch. Three years of Zoom sessions made it possible for the two educators to collaborate on a regular basis, challenging and encouraging each other to understand Brian s original work in novel and innovative ways. Through integrating the Conditions of Learning research with new theoretical understandings, the co-authors present insightful analysis of teacher decision-making and classroom practices. Made for Learning offers educators a well-thought-out and up-to-date exploration of learning and teaching. The core of the book explores the multi-faceted, yet natural, processes underpinning learning to read and write. The authors challenge the commonly held assumption that learning to read and write are unnatural processes. Built on Brian's original research observations of young children learning to speak, the Conditions of Learning address the necessity of nurturing a responsive classroom environment for all learning to occur, whether that learning is virtual or in-person. This intentional culture for learning happens not in isolation but as part of an integrated whole. An addition to the theory that has blossomed since the publication of Brian s first book in 1988 is a deeper understanding of the role of language in the learning process. How teachers interact with learners and the language they use has a resounding impact on the learning that occurs. In Made for Learning the authors describe a Discourse of Meaning-Making and explain and illustrate how to make that discourse the dominant language of the classroom. When the Conditions are coupled with four Processes That Empower Learning, an extension of the theory in the last three decades, teacher decision-making promotes the active participation of learners in their own literate journey. How that active learning looks, sounds, and feels becomes tangible in the multitude of classroom examples found throughout the book. These classroom examples bring the Conditions of Learning to life and are unpacked to explore and analyze the specific teaching decisions leading to student learning. The authors offer educators concrete tools to use the Conditions of Learning as a framework to explore their own practices to strengthen learning experiences for every student. Regie Routman graciously reviewed the book and had this to say: Once in a great while a book comes along that upends our thinking - challenging us to critically examine the effects of our literacy beliefs, practices, and processes around teaching and learning. Made for Learning is that breakthrough book. ![]() Machines, Computations, and Universality: 9th International Conference, MCU 2022, Debrecen, Hungary, August 31 - September 2, 2022, Proceedings by Jérôme Durand-Lose, György Vaszil English | PDF | 2022 | 203 Pages | ISBN : 3031135016 | 4.4 MB This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Machines, Computations, and Universality, MCU 2022, held in Debrecen, Hungary, in August/September 2022. ![]() Machine Learning - Getting Started: Launch yourself into machine learning! by Ananda Soundhararajan English | 2022 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0B6NJZ26M | 182 pages | PDF | 4.54 Mb If yes, then machine learning is the skill you need to develop! ![]() SCOTT WILSON MD, "MILLING MACHINE FOR HOME MACHINISTS : The Essential Guide to Learn How to Successfully Operate a Milling Machine in Your Home Workshop" English | 2022 | ASIN: B09WY23YQT | EPUB | pages: 47 | 0.1 mb Milling іѕ a рrосеѕѕ реrfоrmеd with a mасhіnе in whісh thе cutters rоtаtе tо remove thе material frоm thе work piece рrеѕеnt іn thе dіrесtіоn of thе аnglе with thе tооl аxіѕ. With the help оf thе milling mасhіnеѕ оnе can реrfоrm mаnу ореrаtіоnѕ аnd functions starting frоm ѕmаll оbjесtѕ tо large оnеѕ. Mіllіng mасhіnіng іѕ one of thе very соmmоn mаnufасturіng processes used іn mасhіnеrу ѕhорѕ аnd іnduѕtrіеѕ tо mаnufасturе high precision рrоduсtѕ аnd раrtѕ іn dіffеrеnt shapes and sizes. Thе milling mасhіnеѕ аrе also knоwn аѕ the multі-tаѕkіng machines (MTMѕ) whісh are multi-purpose mасhіnеѕ сараblе оf mіllіng and turning thе mаtеrіаlѕ as wеll. Thе milling machine hаѕ gоt the сuttеr installed uр on іt whісh hеlрѕ in removing the material frоm thе surface of the wоrk ріесе. Whеn the mаtеrіаl gеtѕ сооlеd dоwn thеn іt іѕ rеmоvеd frоm thе milling mасhіnе. Thе twо main configurations оf thе mіllіng mасhіnіng operations аrе thе tуреѕ оf mіllіng mасhіnеѕ. Thеѕе are thе vеrtісаl mill аnd the hоrіzоntаl mill. The vеrtісаl mіll hаѕ a vertically arranged ѕріndlе аxіѕ аnd rоtаtе bу staying аt thе ѕаmе аxіѕ. Thе ѕріndlе саn also bе еxtеndеd аnd реrfоrmіng funсtіоnѕ ѕuсh as drіllіng and сuttіng. Vеrtісаl mill hаѕ got twо furthеr саtеgоrіеѕ as wеll: turrеt mill аnd bеd mіll. Thе turrеt mіll hаѕ gоt a tаblе thаt mоvеѕ реrреndісulаrlу аnd раrаllеl to thе ѕріndlе axis іn order to сut thе mаtеrіаl. Thе ѕріndlе іѕ, hоwеvеr, stationary. Twо cutting mеthоdѕ саn be реrfоrmеd with thіѕ by mоvіng thе knee аnd bу lowering or rаіѕіng the quill. Thе other is thе bed mіll іn whісh thе tаblе mоvеѕ реrреndісulаr tо the аxіѕ of thе ѕріndlе аnd the ѕріndlе mоvеѕ раrаllеl tо its аxіѕ. Thе hоrіzоntаl mill іѕ аlѕо the ѕіmіlаr cutter but their сuttеrѕ аrе placed on a hоrіzоntаl аrbоr. A lоt оf horizontal mіllѕ have gоt rоtаrу tаblеѕ thаt help in mіllіng іn various аnglеѕ. These tables are саllеd the universal tables. Aраrt frоm thіѕ аll the tools that аrе uѕеd іn a vertical mіll саn аlѕо bе uѕеd in thе hоrіzоntаl mіll ![]() Andrew Roberts, "Love, Tommy: Letters Home, from the Great War to the Present Day" English | 2012 | ISBN: 1849087911 | EPUB | pages: 272 | 5.3 mb A legacy of an empire and a nation at war, Love Tommy, is a collection of letters housed at the Imperial War Museum sent by British and Commonwealth troops from Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa from the frontline of war to their loved ones at home. Poignant expressions of love, hope and fear sit alongside amusing anecdotes, grumbles about rations and thoughtful reflections, eloquently revealing how despite the passage of time many experiences of the fighting man are shared in countless wars and battles. From the muddy trenches of the Somme to frozen ground of the Falklands to the heat and dust of Helmand today, these letters are the ordinary soldier's testament to life on the frontline. ![]() Looking Up: The True Adventures of a Storm-Chasing Weather Nerd by Matthew Cappucci English | August 2, 2022 | ISBN: 1639362010 | True EPUB | 304 pages | 53.8 MB An energetic and electrifying narrative about all things weather-by one of today's rising meteorological stars. ![]() Living Martyrs in Late Antiquity and Beyond: Surviving Martyrdom (Routledge Studies in the Early Christian World) by Diane Shane Fruchtman English | August 12, 2022 | ISBN: 1032261064 | True EPUB/PDF | 294 pages | 0.8/24.1 MB This book demonstrates that living martyrdom was an important spiritual aspiration in the late antique Latin west and argues that, consequently, attempts to define, study, or locate martyrdom must move away from conceptualizations that require or center on death. |