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  Author: Baturi   |   17 November 2022   |   comments: 0
Plant Coach  The Beginner's Guide to Caring for Plants and the Planet
English | 2022 | ISBN: 1419758632 | 192 pages | True EPUB | 26.6 MB
Urban gardener, plantrepreneur, and star of Netflix's Instant Dream Home "Farmer Nick" Nick Cutsumpas combines sustainability, science, and philosophy to coach new plant owners on how to find the right houseplants for their space and help them thrive
Despite the abundance of resources on caring for houseplants, many people continue to struggle with their plant care or don't even know where to begin on the journey to plant parenthood. An increasing number of young urbanites are filling their apartments with plants only to realize that they don't know what it takes to care for them long term. That's because knowledge isn't enough, and most people need a shift in plant perspective before they can start changing their behavior—houseplants are nature, not just furniture. This is why most people need a coach, someone to encourage them, give them the right game plan, and help them achieve their houseplant potential. Enter Nick Cutsumpas—plant coach, urban gardener, and Netflix personality—whose mission is to give people the knowledge and confidence they need to create their own green spaces.

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  Author: Baturi   |   17 November 2022   |   comments: 0
Planetary Exploration Horizon 2061 A Long-Term Perspective for Planetary Exploration
English | 2022 | ISBN: 032390226X | 456 pages | True PDF EPUB | 152 MB
Planetary Exploration Horizon 2061: A Long-Term Perspective for Planetary Exploration synthesizes all the material elaborated and discussed during three workshops devoted to the Horizon 2061 foresight exercise. Sections cover the science of planetary systems, space missions to solar system objects, technologies for exploration, and infrastructures and services to support the missions and to maximize their science return. The editors follow the path of the implementation of a planetary mission, from the needed support in terms of navigation and communication, through the handling of samples returned to Earth, to the development of more permanent infrastructures for scientific human outposts on the Moon and Mars.
This book also includes a special chapter entirely devoted to contributions from students and early-career scientists: the "Horizon 2061 generation and a final chapter on important avenues for the actual implementation of the planetary missions coming out of our "Dreams for Horizon 2061: International cooperation, and the growing role and initiatives of private enterprise in planetary exploration.

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  Author: Baturi   |   17 November 2022   |   comments: 0
Planet Grief Redefining Grief for the Real World
English | 2021 | ISBN: 0750994649 | 258 pages | True EPUB | 5.43 MB
We all grieve. From the moment we are born into this cold, loud, bright world, we experience change and loss that can often threaten to overwhelm us, but – when managed well – can help mould us into our strongest, most powerful selves.
Grief is not only about death: it is part of our everyday lives. We are all grieving something. We grieve when our life changes – when meaningful relationships end, when we move house, change schools or jobs, and when our sense of identity and reality are under threat. We also grieve on a larger level – for a lost way of life and for our planet, particularly in these times of climate crisis, pandemic, fast-moving technology, misinformation and societal division. Grief can even be found in joy and is one of the most universal shared emotions, connecting people across the world in an act of love.

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  Author: Baturi   |   17 November 2022   |   comments: 0
Plan Your Estate, 16th Edition
English | 2022 | ISBN: 1413329810 | 545 pages | True PDF EPUB | 9.01 MB
Turn to Plan Your Estate for straightforward, plain-English explanations of each of your estate-planning options, so you can make the best decisions for you and those you love. Attorney Denis Clifford shows you how to: avoid probate leave property through a will or trust use life insurance to provide for your loved ones name a guardian for your minor children leave property to a young person plan for incapacity implement strategies specific to business owners reduce estate taxes make final arrangements This book is for seniors doing end-of-life planning, parents planning for their young children's futures, adult children helping their parents make end-of life plans, as well as readers of any age who want to learn about estate planning. No matter what category you fit into, if you're like most people, you understand that estate planning is a good idea. You know that estate planning ensures that your property will pass to the right people with minimal delay, red tape, and cost. And if you do have young children, you likely know that you need an estate plan to have a say in who will care for your children if you're not around to do it. Perhaps you even know that you can use your estate plan to leave specific instructions about your finances and medical care in case you become incapacitated and unable to make those decisions for yourself. Although you may know all of that, it's all too easy to put off actually sitting down and making your plan. We understand. Estate planning is not easy—first, because it forces you to think about your mortality, and second, because of the legal complications and legal fees that often come with it. Plan Your Estate is here to help. This book explains estate planning in plain English, step by step, option by option. Once you know your choices, you can confidently move toward making an estate plan that fits your circumstances and wishes. Plan Your Estate covers these estate planning goals: Leaving property. If you are not wealthy, you might use a simple will or living trust, or both. You can also use co-ownership, transfer-on-death accounts, or beneficiary designations. If you have a large estate, you might also leave property to beneficiaries in more complicated ongoing trusts. No matter how you leave your property, it is better to have a plan—if you die without one, state law will decide who gets what. Providing for young children. If you have young children, you'll want to ensure that they will be well cared for if you die before they become adults. In your will, you can name guardians to raise them and managers to look after their inheritance. You'll also likely want to buy life insurance to make sure that your kids have money after you're gone. Planning for incapacity. Part of estate planning is preparing for what would happen if you ever became unable to make medical and financial decisions for yourself. You can use a health care directive to name someone who will make medical decisions on your behalf and to express your wishes about end-of-life care. You can also prepare a durable power of attorney that gives a trusted person control of your finances. Preparing these documents can save your family much heartache. Avoiding probate. Probate is a court-run process for wrapping up an estate. It's often expensive and time-consuming, yet rarely provides any benefit to the beneficiaries. Thankfully, with a little planning, probate is fairly easy to avoid. Trusts, pay-on-death accounts, joint tenancy, and other probate avoidance methods can keep most or all of your estate out of probate, saving your loved ones time and money. Reducing estate tax. Most people won't owe federal estate tax. But if you expect to leave over $11 million (or $22 million as a married couple), you'll probably want to use your estate plan to reduce the tax that your estate could owe after your death. If all this sounds overwhelming, please keep in mind that many people need only a simple estate plan. You may be able to...

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  Author: Baturi   |   17 November 2022   |   comments: 0
Pizzo & Poplack's Pediatric Oncology, 8th Edition
English | 2021 | ISBN: 1975124790 | 1352 pages | True EPUB | 118.73 MB
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022!
Comprehensive, authoritative, and up to date, Pizzo and Poplack's Pediatric Oncology, 8th Edition , remains your most trusted source of information on the care and research of children with cancer. This award-winning text is the single most comprehensive reference on the biology and genetics of childhood cancer, its diagnosis and multimodal treatment, and long-term management. In the tradition of excellence established by Drs. Philip A. Pizzo and David G. Poplack, this 8th Edition keeps you fully informed while helping you collaborate more effectively with others on the cancer care team to enhance quality-of-life issues for patients and families.

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  Author: Baturi   |   17 November 2022   |   comments: 0
Piping Engineering Preventing Fugitive Emission in the Oil and Gas Industry
English | 2022 | ISBN: 978-1119852032 | 418 pages | True PDF | 19.93 MB
Eliminate or reduce unwanted emissions with the piping engineering techniques and strategies contained in this book
Piping Engineering: Preventing Fugitive Emission in the Oil and Gas Industry is a practical and comprehensive examination of strategies for the reduction or avoidance of fugitive emissions in the oil and gas industry. The book covers key considerations and calculations for piping and fitting design and selection, maintenance, and troubleshooting to eliminate or reduce emissions, as well as the various components that can allow for or cause them, including piping flange joints.

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  Author: Baturi   |   17 November 2022   |   comments: 0
Pipeline Valve Technology A Practical Guide
English | 2022 | ISBN: 978-1032380568 | 238 pages | True PDF | 61.16 MB
This book covers the life cycle of pipeline valves, the largest and most essential valves in offshore pipeline engineering. Discussing the design process, testing, production, transportation, installation, and maintenance, the book also covers the risk analysis required to assess the reliability of these valves.
Pipeline valves require particular attention to ensure they are safely designed, installed, and maintained, due to the high stakes. Failure would result in environmental pollution, the destruction of expensive assets, and potential loss of life. Proper installation and upkeep require specialist processes throughout the life cycle of the valve. This book is a key guide to these processes. Beginning by looking at the design of pipeline valves, this book details how conserving weight and space is prioritized, how materials are chosen, how thickness is calculated, and how leakage is minimized. It then discusses production and specific welding techniques to bond dissimilar materials, alongside casting and machining. Building on other discussions in the text with case studies and questions and answers for self-study, this book is the ideal guide to pipeline valves.

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  Author: Baturi   |   17 November 2022   |   comments: 0
Picts Scourge of Rome, Rulers of the North
English | 2023 | ISBN: 1780277784 | 612 pages | True EPUB | 41.83 MB
The Picts have fascinated for centuries. They emerged c. ad 300 to defy the might of the Roman empire only to disappear at the end of the first millennium ad, yet they left major legacies. They laid the foundations for the medieval Scottish kingdom and their captivating carved stones are some of the most eye-catching yet enigmatic monuments in Europe. Until recently the Picts have been difficult to trace due to limited archaeological investigation and documentary sources, but innovative new research has produced critical new insights into the culture of a highly sophisticated society which defied the might of the Roman Empire and forged a powerful realm dominating much of northern Britain.
This is the first dedicated book on the Picts that covers in detail both their archaeology and their history. It examines their kingdoms, culture, beliefs and everyday lives from their origins to their end, not only incorporating current thinking on the subject, but also offering innovative perspectives that transform our understanding of the early history of Scotland.

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  Author: Baturi   |   17 November 2022   |   comments: 0
Pickleball Is Life The Complete Guide to Feeding Your Obsession
English | 2022 | ISBN: 0063272156 | 160 pages | True EPUB | 34.31 MB
The ultimate keepsake for every pickleball fan—from a dink shot to the kitchen, everything a pickleballer needs to know in this fully illustrated guide to the world's greatest recreational sport, packed with lots of joy, good humor, and even a little bit of wisdom.
Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America. Easy to learn, but impossible to master, it's no wonder that nearly 5 million people nationwide have picked up their paddles and taken to the court. But people aren't just dabbling in this up-and-coming activity, they are obsessed; some hit the court as many as five, six, even seven times a week. As Vanity Fair put it, pickleball has "won over everyone, from Leonardo DiCaprio to your grandparents."

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  Author: Baturi   |   17 November 2022   |   comments: 0
Physicochemical Interactions of Engineered Nanoparticles and Plants A Systemic Approach
English | 2022 | ISBN: 0323905587 | 348 pages | True PDF EPUB | 41.04 MB
Physicochemical Interactions of Engineered Nanoparticles and Plants: A Systemic Approach, Volume Four in the Nanomaterial-Plant Interactions series, presents foundational information on how ENMs interact with the surrounding environment. Key themes include source, fate and transport of ENMs in the environment, biophysicochemical transformations of ENMs, and chemical reactions and mechanisms of ENMs transport in plants. This book is an essential read for any scientist or researcher looking to understand the molecular interactions between ENMs and Plants.
Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) reach plant ecosystems through intentional or unintentional pathways. In any case, after release, these materials may be transformed in the environment by physical, chemical and biochemical processes. Once in contact with plant systems, biotransformation may still occur, affecting or stimulating plant metabolism. Since plants are the producers to the food chain, it is of paramount importance to understand these mechanisms at the molecular level.

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