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  Author: Baturi   |   17 November 2022   |   comments: 0
Perfect Codes and Related Structures
English | 2022 | ISBN: 9811255873 | 436 pages | True PDF EPUB | 18.49 MB
In this monograph, we develop the theory of one of the most fascinating topics in coding theory, namely, perfect codes and related structures. Perfect codes are considered to be the most beautiful structure in coding theory, at least from the mathematical side. These codes are the largest ones with their given parameters. The book develops the theory of these codes in various metrics — Hamming, Johnson, Lee, Grassmann, as well as in other spaces and metrics. It also covers other related structures such as diameter perfect codes, quasi-perfect codes, mixed codes, tilings, combinatorial designs, and more. The goal is to give the aspects of all these codes, to derive bounds on their sizes, and present various constructions for these codes.The intention is to offer a different perspective for the area of perfect codes. For example, in many chapters there is a section devoted to diameter perfect codes. In these codes, anticodes are used instead of balls and these anticodes are related to intersecting families, an area that is part of extremal combinatorics. This is one example that shows how we direct our exposition in this book to both researchers in coding theory and mathematicians interested in combinatorics and extremal combinatorics. New perspectives for MDS codes, different from the classic ones, which lead to new directions of research on these codes are another example of how this book may appeal to both researchers in coding theory and mathematicians.The book can also be used as a textbook, either on basic course in combinatorial coding theory, or as an advance course in combinatorial coding theory.

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  Author: Baturi   |   17 November 2022   |   comments: 0
Pediatric Primary Care Practice Guidelines for Nurses, 5th Edition
English | 2022 | ISBN: 1284248305 | 714 pages | True EPUB | 28.27 MB
Pediatric Primary Care Practice: Guidelines for Nurses, Fifth Edition is a comprehensive resource for well-child management and acute care management of childhood illnesses in a primary care setting. Written by practicing experts, this text is intended for advanced practice nursing students as a quick reference guide once they enter clinical practice. To manage initial and follow-up visits, the Fifth Edition features templates for gathering first visit history, as well as a template to record new information since the last visit. Instructions for gathering medical history information are also included. The Fifth Edition is divided into two sections. The first section covers well-child care and includes new patient intake with a family, well-child visits, and normal growth and development. The second section covers common childhood disorders in each system of the body. It is organized by body system and presents common medical conditions, diagnosis, treatment, complications, and patient/family education.

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  Author: Baturi   |   17 November 2022   |   comments: 0
Pediatric Neuropsychology Perspectives from the Ambulatory Care Setting
English | 2022 | ISBN: 978-1138193468 | 244 pages | True PDF | 10.66 MB
Pediatric Neuropsychology: Perspectives in an Ambulatory Care Setting provides an overview of the most commonly seen disorders in outpatient settings including ADHD, Autism, congenital heart disease, blood cancer and hematologic conditions, brain tumors, and epilepsy. Each chapter provides up-to-date information on these pediatric neurodevelopmental and medical disorders, including a review of the neuroanatomic contributions as well as an overview of the neuropsychological findings. Alongside the neuroanatomic and neuropsychological underpinnings, case examples and intervention recommendations are provided for parents, educators and others who work with these populations, to enhance the ecological validity of neuropsychological assessments.
With reference to the latest diagnostic criteria, this book is an invaluable resource for neuropsychologists or neuropsychology students whose work includes pediatric patients with neurodevelopmental and neuro medical disorders. It is designed to provide practical information but also the most up to date research in neurobiological and neuroanatomical contributions of these disorders to inform the practitioner and enhance the care provided to their pediatric patients.

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  Author: Baturi   |   17 November 2022   |   comments: 0
Pediatric Collections Sports Medicine Playbook
English | 2021 | ISBN: 1610026098 | 320 pages | True PDF | 34.76 MB
Pediatrics Collections offers what you need to know - original, focused research in a snapshot approach.
The Pediatric Collections: Sports Medicine Playbook will increase pediatric providers' understanding of the injuries that young athletes may incur – including their history, treatment, and prevention. Each section includes a unique expert introduction and they cover such topics as the benefits of physical activity, injuries, and concerns including concussions. The Sports Medicine Playbook outlines the modern realities of youth athletics, including overall increases in participation, multisport involvement, and the intensity expected of young participants. These trends have led to an increase in sports-related injuries. Sports injuries in athletes aged 5-24 years result in approximately 2.6 million ED visits each year. This collection arrives timed both for the early stages of the 2021-22 school year as well as a hoped-for return to normal schedules for many athletes and teams whose routines were upended in 2020-21 due to the global COVID-19 pandemic.

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  Author: Baturi   |   17 November 2022   |   comments: 0
Pedagogy of Entanglement A Response to the Complex Societal Challenges that Permeate our Lives
English | 2022 | ISBN: 3031157869 | 99 pages | True PDF EPUB | 7.81 MB
In this hyperconnected, dynamic world we live in, permeated by profound challenges and transformations, the awareness of complexity is unequivocally on the rise. This monograph argues that it is high time that our educational institutions and pedagogical approaches come to mirror this growing awareness, to assist and inspire humanity to embrace complexity, to learn to move within it with increasing sensitivity and wisdom. Doing so is necessary, for if there is one thing that the years behind us bear witness of, it is that the tendency and attempt to simplify, separate, control, and indeed exploit has – as the dark side of the advancements of modern life – brought upon us unprecedented ecological and humanitarian crises.
Schools, notably, are not closed spaces separated from society but open places within society, and as such they are inevitably complicit in the (re)shaping of our shared world. This book, therefore, proposes an ambitious pedagogical agenda. Specifically, it explores the relational ontological premise of entanglement in the context of pedagogical theory, raising the question of how, as teachers, we might meaningfully and responsibly engage with the myriad ways in which students are simultaneously shaped-by and shapers-of contemporary societal challenges. In close collaboration with twelve teachers as co-researchers, the book offers six ''helpful perspectives'' for teachers seeking to embrace such complexity in their own practices, referred to as: (1) entanglement-orientedness, (2) entanglement-awareness, (3) hopeful action, (4) inquiry within entangled phenomena, (5) practicing perceptiveness, and (6) practicing integrity.

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  Author: Baturi   |   17 November 2022   |   comments: 0
Patriarchy and Its Discontents Psychoanalytic Perspectives
English | 2022 | ISBN: 978-1032201207 | 345 pages | True PDF | 5.22 MB
This anthology of interviews and essays joins luminaries in contemporary psychoanalysis with pioneers of feminism to provide a timely analysis of the crushing effects of patriarchy and the role that psychoanalysis can play in moving us into a future defined by mutuality and respect.
Departing from the contemporary psychoanalytic view that the socio-political and intrapsychic are inextricably linked, contributors use psychoanalysis as a tool to demystify and even dismantle patriarchy, while also examining how our theories, practices, and institutions have been implicated in it. The issues under examination here include important and often under-theorized topics such as institutional responses to boundary violations, the search for a black-feminist psychoanalytic theory, patriarchal enactments within the trans community, the persistence of patriarchy within contemporary psychoanalysis, and the impacts of patriarchy on diverse patient populations and ways to address this clinically.

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  Author: Baturi   |   17 November 2022   |   comments: 0
Pathogenic Coronaviruses of Humans and Animals SARS, MERS, COVID-19, and Animal Coronaviruses with Zoonotic Potential
English | 2022 | ISBN: 0323988091 | 535 pages | True PDF EPUB | 18.36 MB
Pathogenic Coronaviruses of Humans and Animals: SARS, MERS, COVID-19, and Animal Coronaviruses with Zoonotic Potential provides relevant information about common human coronaviruses that may mutate to increase their virulence. The addition of animal coronaviruses allows awareness of not only the potential of zoonotic transmission of coronaviruses from wild animals such as bats and rodents, but also from domestic agricultural and companion animals. The book opens with an introductory chapter on viruses, the immune system, coronaviruses, and their classifications, prevention and protection. Sections also cover history, disease, causative virus, immune response, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and surveillance.
The book's remaining chapters discuss coronaviruses with possible zoonotic transmission of domestic, semi-domestic animals and companion animals. It concludes with future perspectives of coronavirus mutations, modeling, protective measures and a discussion around pandemics and infectious diseases from around the globe.

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  Author: Baturi   |   17 November 2022   |   comments: 0
Patent Pending in 24 Hours, 9th Edition
English | 2021 | ISBN: 1413329187 | 670 pages | True EPUB | 88.25 MB
Everything you need to protect your invention now The provisional patent application (PPA) is a quick, inexpensive, and legal way to claim your invention—and buy yourself time to determine whether it's worthwhile to pursue a regular patent. Patent Pending in 24 Hours shows you how to:
conduct a patent search onlineevaluate potential hurdles to patentabilityprepare informal drawingsfile your application, andfile a new PPA to reflect modifications

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  Author: Baturi   |   17 November 2022   |   comments: 0
Parametric Methods for Beginners Architecture Applications
English | 2022 | ISBN: 1032136014 | 222 pages | True PDF | 125.32 MB
This book introduces architectural applications of parametric methods in design, drawing direct connections between each phase of the architectural design process with relevant parametric approaches.
Readers will find applications of parametric methods with straightforward explanations of concepts, commands as well as applicable examples for each phase of the architectural design process. In addition to learning about the historical and conceptual background of parametric design, readers can use this book as a go-to source during their day-to-day design practice. Chapters are organized according to different phases of the architectural design process, such as site analysis, spatial organization, skin systems, and environmental performance analyses. Together, they deliver concepts, applications, and examples utilizing in-depth visual guides that explain commands, their outcomes, and their interrelationships. With over 350 images, this book includes examples from the author's own design studio and parametric design teaching in elective classes.

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  Author: Baturi   |   17 November 2022   |   comments: 0
Parallel Public Experimental Art in Late East Germany (The MIT Press)
English | 2022 | ISBN: 0262046636 | 329 pages | True PDF | 71.14 MB
How East German artists made their country's experimental art scene a form of (counter) public life.
Experimental artists in the final years of the German Democratic Republic did not practice their art in the shadows, on the margins, hiding away from the Stasi's prying eyes. In fact, as Sara Blaylock shows, many cultivated a critical influence over the very bureaucracies meant to keep them in line, undermining state authority through forthright rather than covert projects. In Parallel Public , Blaylock describes how some East German artists made their country's experimental art scene a form of (counter) public life, creating an alternative to the crumbling collective underpinnings of the state.

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