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![]() English | 2022 | ISBN: 0367473976 | 277 pages | True PDF | 21.54 MB Models of Society and Complex Systems introduces readers to a variety of different mathematical tools used for modelling human behaviour and interactions, and the complex social dynamics that drive institutions, conflict, and coordination. What laws govern human affairs? How can we make sense of the complexity of societies and how do individual actions, characteristics, and beliefs interact? Social systems follow regularities which allow us to answer these questions using different mathematical approaches. This book emphasises both theory and application. It systematically introduces mathematical approaches, such as evolutionary and spatial game theory, social network analysis, agent-based modelling, and chaos theory. It provides readers with the necessary theoretical background of each toolset as well as the underlying intuition, while each chapter includes exercises and applications to real-world phenomena. By looking behind the surface of various social occurrences, the reader uncovers the reasons why social systems exhibit both cultural universals and at the same time a diversity of practices and norms to a degree that even surpasses biological variety, or why some riots turn into revolutions while others do not even make it into the news. ![]() English | 2022 | ISBN: 032385740X | 618 pages | True PDF EPUB | 114.07 MB Modeling of Mass Transport Processes in Biological Media focuses on applications of mass transfer relevant to biomedical processes and technology—fields that require quantitative mechanistic descriptions of the delivery of molecules and drugs. This book features recent advances and developments in biomedical therapies with a focus on the associated theoretical and mathematical techniques necessary to predict mass transfer in biological systems. The book is authored by over 50 established researchers who are internationally recognized as leaders in their fields. Each chapter contains a comprehensive introductory section for those new to the field, followed by recent modeling developments motivated by empirical experimental observation. Offering a unique opportunity for the reader to access recent developments from technical, theoretical, and engineering perspectives, this book is ideal for graduate and postdoctoral researchers in academia as well as experienced researchers in biomedical industries. ![]() English | 2022 | ISBN: 0750340185 | 371 pages | True PDF EPUB | 107.38 MB Water-soil-vegetation dynamic nexuses affect, and are affected by, both human activity and climate change. Inappropriate land management practices can result in soil and vegetation degradation, which in turn will likely alter natural hydrologic processes, leading to more frequent and severe flooding and drought. In response, an altered hydrologic condition tends to prompt soil erosion by wind and water, which can cause further vegetation degradation or even loss. Such nexuses will likely become more interwoven in changing climate because the non-stationary climate can further deteriorate the already-altered hydrologic condition. So far, our understanding is incomplete regarding how such nexuses maintain or break equilibriums between water, soil, and/or vegetation in terms of eco-environmental resilience. This book: 1) conceptualises the interrelated physical processes of water-soil-vegetation systems; 2) introduces mathematical models for simulating the processes; and 3) develops a variety of modelling cases of selected systems across the world. [center]
![]() English | 2022 | ISBN: 0323901336 | 588 pages | True PDF EPUB | 57.74 MB Modelling Approaches and Computational Methods for Particle-laden Turbulent Flows introduces the principal phenomena observed in applications where turbulence in particle-laden flow is encountered while also analyzing the main methods for analyzing numerically. The book takes a practical approach, providing advice on how to select and apply the correct model or tool by drawing on the latest research. Sections provide scales of particle-laden turbulence and the principal analytical frameworks and computational approaches used to simulate particles in turbulent flow. Each chapter opens with a section on fundamental concepts and theory before describing the applications of the modelling approach or numerical method. Featuring explanations of key concepts, definitions, and fundamental physics and equations, as well as recent research advances and detailed simulation methods, this book is the ideal starting point for students new to this subject, as well as an essential reference for experienced researchers. ![]() English | 2022 | ISBN: 0593497643 | 96 pages | True EPUB | 133.96 MB Twelve mind-blowing Minecraft builds to spark your imagination. Epic Inventions contains twelve incredible builds to inspire you to construct the most inventive builds in Minecraft. There's an intergalactic space station, an ancient temple, a kawaii waterways course, a giant meeple bedroom, an animal sanctuary, plus many more. ![]() English | 2022 | ISBN: 0128201193 | 260 pages | True PDF | 6.56 MB In the near future, we will see an increase in the development and use of all sorts of AI applications. Some of the more promising areas will be Finance, Healthcare, IoT, Manufacturing, Journalism, and Cybersecurity. Many of these applications generate a great amount of complex information. Natural Language Understanding is one of the most clear examples. Traditional ways of visualizing complex information, namely linear text, web pages and hyperlink-based applications, have serious productivity problems. Users need a lot of time to visualize the information and have problems seeing the whole picture of the results. Mind mapping is probably the only way of reducing the problems inherent in these traditional ways of visualizing complex information. Most people have no clear idea about the advantages of mind mapping or the problems created by the traditional ways of visualizing complex information. The goal of Mind Mapping and Artificial Intelligence is to provide readers with an introduction to mind mapping and artificial intelligence, to the problems of using traditional ways of visualizing complex information and as an introduction to mind mapping automation and its integration into Artificial Intelligence applications such as NLU and others. As more applications of Artificial Intelligence are developed in the near future, the need for the improvement of the visualization of the information generated will increase exponentially. Information overload will soon also happen in AI applications. This will diminish the advantages of using AI. Author José Maria Guerrero is a long-time expert in mind mapping and visualization techniques. In this book he also introduces readers to MindManager mind mapping software, which can considerably reduce the problems associated with the interpretation of complex information generated by Artificial Intelligence software. Provides coverage of the fundamentals of mind mapping and visualization applied to Artificial Intelligence applicationsIncludes coverage of the scientific bases for mind mapping for the visualization of complex informationIntroduces MindManager software for mind mappingIntroduces the author's MindManager toolkit for the readers to use in development of new mind mapping applicationsIncludes case studies and real-world applications of MindManager for AI applications, including examples using IBM Watson NLU ![]() English | 2022 | ISBN: 1848848528 | 449 pages | True PDF EPUB | 91.26 MB Military History of Late Rome 565-602 provides a new fresh analysis of the Roman Empire in the aftermath of the reconquests of Justinian I (527-65). It is often claimed that Justinian overstretched the Roman resources, but this analysis proves that view wrong. It demonstrates that the initial troubles were largely the result of the mistakes of Justin II (565-78) and that his successors, Tiberius II (578-82) and Maurice (582-602), not only restored its fortunes but were, at the time of the death of Maurice, actually poised to complete the reconquests of Justinian. It was thanks to the reforms of Maurice, which were codified in the military treatise the Strategikon, that the Roman army had achieved a position of relative superiority over all of its enemies so that by 602 the Romans had decisively defeated the Persians, Slavs and Avars and were poised to complete the project of reconquest. These gains, however, were lost when Maurice was murdered in a military mutiny which brought Phocas to power. This volume explains why the Roman army overthrew one of the greatest Roman emperors who ever lived. This was an era of epic battles so it is not a surprise that the author also pays particular attention to the period tactics and analyses all of the period battles in great detail. These include for example such battles as Melitene, Constantia, Sirmium, Nymphius River, Solanchon, Lake Urmiah, Plain of Canzak, Iatrus, and the epic battles of Priscus and Comentiolus in the Balkans. ![]() English | 2022 | ISBN: 1509545565 | 264 pages | True PDF | 12.97 MB Alliance politics is a regular headline grabber. When a possible military crisis involving Russia, North Korea, or China rears its head, leaders and citizens alike raise concerns over the willingness of US allies to stand together. As rival powers have tightened their security cooperation, the United States has stepped up demands that its allies increase their defense spending and contribute more to military operations in the Middle East and elsewhere. The prospect of former President Donald Trump unilaterally ending alliances alarmed longstanding partners, even as NATO was welcoming new members into its ranks. Military Alliances in the Twenty-First Century is the first book to explore fully the politics that shape these security arrangements – from their initial formation through the various challenges that test them and, sometimes, lead to their demise. Across six thematic chapters, Alexander Lanoszka challenges conventional wisdom that has dominated our understanding of how military alliances have operated historically and into the present. Although military alliances today may seem uniquely hobbled by their internal difficulties, Lanoszka argues that they are in fact, by their very nature, prone to dysfunction.
![]() English | 2022 | ISBN: 126460565X | 371 pages | True PDF | 57.63 MB Accelerated review of the 2022 version of the A+ Core 1 exam from CompTIA This quick review test preparation guide offers 100% coverage of all objectives for the current edition of the challenging CompTIA A+ Core 1 exam. Written in the proven Passport format developed by training guru Mike Meyers, the book enables you to focus on specific topics, determine areas of need, and tailor an effective course for study. ![]() English | 2022 | ISBN: 0128187158 | 174 pages | True PDF EPUB | 9.95 MB Microwave and Radio Frequency Heating in Food and Beverages discusses advanced heating techniques based on electromagnetic and electro-technologies, including radiative or microwave (MW) dielectric heating, radio-frequency (RF) or capacitive dielectric heating, infrared (IR) heating, ohmic and magnetic induction heating. Unlike conventional systems where heat energy is transferred from a hot medium to a cooler product resulting in large temperature gradients, electro-heating involves the transfer of electromagnetic energy directly into the product, initiating volumetric heating due to frictional interaction between water molecules and charged ions (i.e., heat is generated within the product). Provides basic principles and mechanisms of electromagnetic heating and microwaveExplores microwave and radio-frequency (RF) effects on quality and nutrients in foodsPresents the commercial applications of microwave and RF heating in the pasteurization and sterilization of foods and beverages |