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![]() Avel Louise Gordly, "Remembering the Power of Words: The Life of an Oregon Activist, Legislator, and Community Leader " English | ISBN: 0870716042 | 2011 | 176 pages | EPUB | 3 MB Remembering the Power of Words recounts the personal and professional journey of Avel Gordly, the first African-American woman elected to the Oregon State Senate. ![]() Religion of reason out of the sources of Judaism By Hermann Cohen 1995 | 580 Pages | ISBN: 078850102X | PDF | 24 MB Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication DataLibrary of Congress Cataloging in Publication DataCohen, Hermann, 1842-1918.[Religion der Vernunft aus den Quellen des Judentums. English]Religion ofreason out ofthe sources ofJudaism / translated withan introduction by Simon Kaplan ; introductory essays by Leo Strauss;introductory essays for the second edition by Steven S. Schwarzschild,Kenneth Seeskin.p. cm. - (Texts and translations series ; no. 7)Previously published: New York : Ungar, 1972. With new introds.Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 0-7885-0102-X1. Judaism 2. Philosophy, Jewish. I. Title. II. Series: Texts andtranslations series (American Academy of Religion) ; no. 7.BM560.C5713 1995 95-4448296.3-dc20 CIPPrinted in the United States ofAmericaon acid-free paper ![]() Religion and Apuleius' Golden Ass: The Sacred Ass (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies) by Warren S. Smith English | December 30, 2022 | ISBN: 1032192801 | True EPUB/PDF | 208 pages | 2.5/17.4 MB This volume examines Apuleius' comic donkey novel, The Golden Ass, within the context of the popular beliefs and Jewish and Christian writings that were part of the intellectual culture of his own day in 2nd century C.E. North Africa, a culture which can also be glimpsed in some early Arabic writings.
![]() Daniel Langton, "Reform Judaism and Darwin: How Engaging With Evolutionary Theory Shaped American Jewish Religion (Studia Judaica) " English | ISBN: 3110659131 | 2019 | 138 pages | EPUB | 3 MB Darwin provoked Jewish as well as Christian thinkers so that many felt obliged to establish oppositional, alternative, synthetic, or complimentary models relating Jewish religion to his theory of natural selection. This book examines a range of leading nineteenth- and early twentieth-century American progressive Jewish thinkers, with the primary focus being rabbis Kohler, Wise, Hirsch, Krauskopf, and Hahn, although many others are covered. Key themes include the widespread commitment to universal evolutionism, that is, the application of biological evolutionary theory to other realms (e.g. history, religion, cosmic), and the particular fascination with the evolution of ethical systems within human societies, bearing in mind mankind's bestial origins and the new challenges for understanding religious authority and revelation. It is argued that Reform Jewish discussions about the nature of God have been more profoundly shaped by engagement with evolutionary theory than has been recognized before, and that evolutionary thought provides the key framework for understanding Reform Judaism itself. The precise nature of Jewish Reform engagement with Christian proponents of theistic evolution are important, as are their interest in alternative evolutionists to Darwin, such as Spencer and Haeckel. ![]() Reality and Its Order By Werner Heisenberg, Konrad Kleinknecht 2021 | 160 Pages | ISBN: 3030256987 | EPUB | 1 MB Available here for the first time in English, "Reality and Its Order" is a remarkable philosophical text by Werner Heisenberg, the father of quantum mechanics and one of the leading scientists of the 20thcentury. Written during the wartime years and initially distributed only to his family and trusted friends, the essay describes Heisenberg's philosophical view of how we understand the natural world and our role within it. In this volume, the essay is introduced by the physicist Helmut Rechenberg and annotated by the science historian Ernst Peter Fischer. The content, particularly within its historical context, will be of great interest to many physicists, philosophers and historians of science. ![]() Real Special Relationship by Michael Smith English | 2022 | ISBN: 1471186792 | 499 pages | PDF (Converted) | 5.04 Mb Gripping, deeply researched, and authoritative, the history of one of the closest intelligence and security relationships in the world ![]() Jennifer Nelson, "Razing Africville: A Geography of Racism" English | ISBN: 0802092527 | 2008 | 192 pages | EPUB | 2 MB In the 1960s, the city of Halifax razed the black community of Africville under a program of urban renewal and 'slum clearance.' The city defended its actions by citing the deplorable living conditions in Africville, ignoring its own role in the creation of these conditions through years of neglect and the refusal of essential services. In the 1980s, the city created a park on Africville's former site, which has been a place of protest and commemoration for black citizens since its opening. As yet, however, the city has not issued a formal apology to Africville residents and has paid no further compensation. ![]() Race in the Machine: A Novel Account by Quincy Thomas Stewart English | January 31, 2023 | ISBN: 1503631222 | True EPUB | 286 pages | 7 MB An intelligent machine built to study methods of social warfare struggles to understand and communicate the lived experience of race ![]() Race: A Philosophical Introduction By Paul C. Taylor 2013 | 240 Pages | ISBN: 0745649653 | PDF | 3 MB In Race: A Philosophical Introduction, Second Edition , Paul C. Taylor provides an accessible guide to a well-travelled but still-mysterious area of the contemporary social landscape. As in the first edition, the book blends metaphysics and social philosophy, analytic philosophy and pragmatic philosophy of experience. In this thoroughly updated and revised volume, Taylor outlines the main features and implications of race-thinking, while engaging the ideas of such important figures as Linda Alcoff, K. Anthony Appiah, W. E. B. Du Bois, Michel Foucault, Sally Haslanger, and Howard Winant. The result is a comprehensive but accessible introduction to philosophical race theory and to a non-biological and situational notion of race. The book unfolds in a sequence of five chapters, each devoted to one of the following questions: What is race-thinking? Don't we know better than to talk about race now? Are there any races? What is it like to have a racial identity? And how important, ethically, is colorblindness? On the way to answering these questions, Race takes up topics like mixed-race identity, white supremacy, the relationship between the race concept and other social identity categories and the impact of race-thinking on our erotic and romantic lives. The second edition's new concluding chapter explores the racially fraught issues of policing, immigration, and global justice, and interrogates the thought that Barack Obama has ushered in a post-racial age. This volume is suitable for the educated general reader as well as for students and scholars in ethnic studies, philosophy, sociology, and other related fields.
![]() Quantum Computing from Colossus to Qubits: The History, Theory, and Application of a Revolutionary Science by John Gribbin English | January 15th, 2023 | ISBN: 1633888703 | 316 pages | True EPUB | 2.51 MB The quantum computer is no longer the stuff of science fiction. Pioneering physicists are on the brink of unlocking a new quantum universe which provides a better representation of reality than our everyday experiences and common sense ever could. The birth of quantum computers - which, like Schrödinger's famous "dead and alive" cat, rely on entities like electrons, photons, or atoms existing in two states at the same time - is set to turn the computing world on its head. |