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![]() Persuasion Explained by C.K. Murray English | March 31, 2018 | ISBN: 1986829588 | 48 pages | EPUB | 0.13 Mb Awaken Your Inner Eye to the Power of Persuasion ![]() Perspectives on Prescriptivism By Massimo Sturiale (editor), Joan C. Beal (editor), Carmela Nocera (editor) 2008 | 269 Pages | ISBN: 3039116320 | PDF | 27 MB The colloquium Perspectives on Prescriptivism (20-22 April 2006) was hosted by the University of Catania - Faculty of Foreign Languages - in Ragusa. Until very recently, the received view among linguists was that prescriptivism was a 'bad thing', something only worth considering in order to condemn it as a product of unenlightened thinking. The organisers wished to encourage participants to look at linguistic prescriptivism from a wide range of perspectives. Some of the main questions asked were: To what extent is the concept of prescriptivism to be considered a typical product of the 18th century? What is the attitude of 21st-century scholars and language guardians towards linguistic 'correctness'? To what extent were books more prescriptive - rather than descriptive - in what has generally been described as 'the age of correctness'? Some of the answers are to be found in this volume. ![]() Shahzavar Karimzadi, "Permanent Economic Disorder " English | ISBN: 1032386991 | 2022 | 282 pages | PDF | 2 MB All schools of thought in economics, explicitly or otherwise, have referred to economic disorder as a self-evident fact. They have also unanimously considered it to be a temporary state. By contrast, this book contends that economic disorder is an interminable condition of human existence. ![]() Performance Art: Education and Practice English | 2023 | ISBN: 1032055197 | 237 Pages | PDF (True) | 8 MB Performance Art: Education and Practice is an introduction to performance art through activities and practice prompts that are framed by seminal moments in the history of the medium as well as the current theoretical discussions surrounding performance. ![]() Peace or Democracy?: Peacebuilding Dilemmas to Transition from Civil Wars English | 2023 | ISBN: 1032247576 | 340 Pages | PDF (True) | 9 MB Offering an innovative framework based on Philosophical, Actors, and Tactical considerations, Pereira Watts identifies 14 dynamic dilemmas in democratic peacebuilding, with respective trade-offs. She focuses on explaining the contradictions in modern post-conflict recovery, the challenges facing interim governments, and the international community's role. Based on an analysis of more than 40 countries between 1989 and 2022 and more than 60 UN peace operations, she presents critical issues that commonly need to be addressed in such scenarios: Elections and Political Parties; the Constitution; Checks, Balances and Power-sharing; Transitional Justice; Human Rights, Amnesty, Truth Commissions and War Crimes Tribunals; Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration; and Media Reform and Civil Society. Solving any of these dilemmas leads to others that shape a complex apparatus for restoring peace and installing a new political regime. ![]() Anna Barskaya, "Paul Gauguin" English | 2005 | pages: 160 | ISBN: 1840135654 | PDF | 33,8 mb Paul Gauguin was first a sailor, then a successful stockbroker in Paris. In 1874 he began to paint at weekends as a Sunday painter. Nine years later, after a stock-market crash, he felt confident of his ability to earn a living for his family by painting and he resigned his position and took up the painter's brush full time. Following the lead of Cézanne, Gauguin painted still-lifes from the very beginning of his artistic career. He even owned a still-life by Cézanne, which is shown in Gauguin's painting Portrait of Marie Lagadu. The year 1891 was crucial for Gauguin. In that year he left France for Tahiti, where he stayed till 1893. This stay in Tahiti determined his future life and career, for in 1895, after a sojourn in France, he returned there for good. In Tahiti, Gauguin discovered primitive art, with its flat forms and violent colours, belonging to an untamed nature. With absolute sincerity, he transferred them onto his canvas. His paintings from then on reflected this style: a radical simplification of drawing; brilliant, pure, bright colours; an ornamental type composition; and a deliberate flatness of planes. Gauguin termed this style "synthetic symbolism". ![]() Anna Barskaya, Yergenia Georgievskaya, "Paul Cezanne: 1839-1906" English | 2004 | pages: 160 | ISBN: 1840135697 | PDF | 34,0 mb Since his death 100 years ago, Cézanne has become the most famous painter of the nineteenth century. He was born in Aix-en-Provence in 1839 and the happiest period of his life was his early youth in Provence, in company with Emile Zolá, another Italian. Following Zolá's example, Cézanne went to Paris in his twenty-first year. ![]() Papyri from the New York University Collection II (P. NYU II) By Bruce E. Nielsen; Klaas Anthony Worp 2010 | 142 Pages | ISBN: 344706093X | PDF | 29 MB Dieser Band enthalt 53 literarische und dokumentarische Texte, die mit Ausnahme von zwei zugehorigen Fragmenten aus den Sammlungen von Princeton University, bzw. dem Istituto Papirologico 'G. Vitelli' in Florenz alle in der Papyrus-Sammlung der New York University aufbewahrt werden. Fur diese Publikation sind die ursprunglich in vier separaten Lieferungen der wohlbekannten Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigrafik (Bonn) erschienenen Texte neu durchgesehen und, falls notwendig, aktualisiert. Unter den dokumentarischen Texten sind alle Perioden aus der Geschichte des griechisch-romischen Agyptens zwischen 330 BCE und etwa 800 CE (d.h. die ptolemaische, die romische, die byzantinische und die fruh-arabische Periode) vertreten. Ein ebenfalls buntes Spektrum weisen die unterschiedlichen Herkunftsorte dieser Texte auf: die meisten Texte stammen aus dem Arsinoites, dem Oxyrhynchites oder dem Hermopolites, aber auch eine eher unubliche Provinz wie der Aphroditopolites ist vertreten, wahrend von vielen Texten die genaue Herkunft einfach unbekannt ist. Schliesslich sei darauf hingewiesen, dass die dokumentarischen Texte inhaltlich sehr verschieden sind: so sind Gattungen wie amtliche Korrespondenz, Privatbriefe, Steuer-Quittungen, Vertrage, Testamente usw. alle vertreten. Wahrend ein Uberblick der veroffentlichten New Yorker University-Papyri den Texten vorangeht, schliessen die ublichen Wortindizes den Band ab, an dessen Ende Bilder der einzelnen Objekte mitgegeben werden. ![]() Soren Kierkegaard, Alastair Hannay, "Papers and Journals: A Selection" English | 1996 | pages: 704 | ISBN: 0140445897 | EPUB | 0,8 mb One of the greatest thinkers of the nineteenth century, Søren Kierkegaard often expressed himself through pseudonyms and disguises. Taken from his personal writings, these private reflections reveal the development of his own thought and personality, from his time as a young student to the deep later internal conflict that formed the basis for his masterpiece of duality Either/Or and beyond. Expressing his beliefs with a freedom not seen in works he published during his lifetime, Kierkegaard here rejects for the first time his father's conventional Christianity and forges the revolutionary idea of the "leap of faith" required for true religious belief. A combination of theoretical argument, vivid natural description and sharply honed wit, the Papers and Journals reveal to the full the passionate integrity of his lifelong efforts "to find a truth which is truth for me." ![]() Pan-slavism and Slavophilia in Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe: Origins, Manifestations and Functions English | 2023 | ISBN: 3031178742 | 584 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 33 MB |