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![]() Free Download Adam Hook, "Hittite Warrior" English | 2007 | pages: 65 | ISBN: 1846030811 | PDF | 21,8 mb Written by Trevor Bryce, one of the world's leading experts on the Hittites, this book charts the rise and fall of a warrior people famed for their ferocity, who built an empire which stretched from Mesopotamia to Syria and Palestine. Regarded as barbarians by the Egyptians, for a hundred years the Hittites fought a draining war against the Egyptians - the climax of which saw the Hittites defeated and their 400-year-old empire destroyed at the Battle of Qadesh (1274 BC). ![]() Free Download David Yelton, Seán Ó'Brógáin, "Hitler's Home Guard: Volkssturmman, Western Front, 1944 - 1945" English | 2006 | pages: 67 | ISBN: 1846030137 | PDF | 11,5 mb Osprey's study of Germany's Home Guard during the latter part of World War II (1939-1945). The creation of the German Home Guard or Volkssturm on 18 October 1944 was a desperate measure by the Nazi regime to utilize every available manpower resource in their last-ditch attempts to delay their inevitable defeat. All able-bodied males between the ages of 16 and 60 who were not already members of the German Armed Forces were conscripted into one organization. The aim of the Volkssturm was to shore up the defense of the Reich, but also to restrict any possible revolt or dissent by exercising military discipline over the entire male population of fighting age. This Nazi fantasy was the creation of a new force of highly-motivated Aryans dedicated to the heroic defense of their fatherland. However, the Volkssturm failed due to poor equipment, lack of training, and low morale. Men who had no experience of combat and little or no inclination to fight, and who had little interest in the Nazi regime found themselves sent into battle against impossible odds and achieving little or nothing. ![]() Free Download Edward Vickers, "History Education and National Identity in East Asia" English | 2005 | pages: 359 | ISBN: 0415948088, 1138976024 | PDF | 14,4 mb Visions of the past are crucual to the way that any community imagines itself and constructs its identity. This edited volume contains the first significant studies of the politics of history education in East Asian societies.
![]() Free Download Cynthia Parzych, "Historical Tours Arlington National Cemetery: Trace the Path of America's Heritage" English | 2015 | pages: 96 | ISBN: 1493013009 | EPUB | 4,9 mb These history travel guides provide an introduction discussing the history and preservation of the present-day site and facilities and include a detailed, walking tour interspersed with first-hand accounts about the cemetery and events that have taken place there. A timeline runs through the walking tour giving descriptions of key personalities who conceived, planned and designed the area with brief and colorful biographies. Also included is information that visitors to the site need to know about planning a trip there, including where to stay, eat, and what to see nearby. ![]() Free Download Anthony G. Pazzanita, "Historical Dictionary of Mauritania" English | 2008 | pages: 648 | ISBN: 0810855968, 0810830957, 0810814331 | EPUB | 2,9 mb Mauritania is bordered by Senegal in the south, Mali in the east, Algeria in the far northeast, and the disputed territory of Western Sahara to the north. Comprised mostly of vast stretches of desert, this young country has escaped the ravages of the violent interstate and civil conflicts that have so bedeviled Africa. Mauritanian society possesses ancient antecedents and a universal religious faith that has been practiced over several centuries. These characteristics have given the country a sometimes fragile but relatively resilient sense of national identity, which has survived into the 21st century in the face of powerful political, regional, ethnic/racial, and tribal rivalries since its independence in 1960. An economy largely centered on the export of raw materials, a weak agricultural sector, and a harsh climate in most areas further add to the challenges confronting all Mauritanians.
![]() Free Download Youru Wang, "Historical Dictionary of Chan Buddhism (Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies, and Movements Series)" English | 2017 | pages: 386 | ISBN: 1538105519 | EPUB | 1,4 mb The popular name for Chan Buddhism, in the West, is Zen Buddhism, as it was Japanese scholars who first introduced Chan Buddhism to the West with this translation. Indeed, chan is a shortened form of the Chinese word channa, rendered from the Sanskrit word dhyāna, which denotes practices of the concentration of the mind through meditation or contemplation. Although rooted in the Indian tradition of yoga, which aims at the unification of the individual with the divine, meditative concentration became integrated into the Buddhist path to enlightenment as one of the three learnings (sanxue) of Buddhism. Early Buddhist (or the so-called Hinayana Buddhist) scriptures include the teachings on four stages of meditation, four divine abodes, four formless meditations, the tranquility (samatha) and insight (vipassanā) meditations, and so on. Early Buddhist communities commonly practiced these meditations, along with the moral disciplines and the study of the scriptures and doctrines. Mahayana Buddhism, in India and East Asia, continued the practice of meditation as one of the six perfections (or virtues) of the bodhisattva path. In this general context, some eminent monks might have composed scriptures/treatises for the training of meditation or have become more famed with meditation. However, the school of Chan is more than just a group of meditation practitioners. As one of the Chinese Buddhist schools, it involves its own ideology, its own community, and its own genealogical history, serving to establish its own identity. ![]() Free Download Geoffrey Parker, José Luis Gil Aristu, "Historia de la guerra" Spanish | 2010 | pages: 546 | ISBN: 8446025604 | PDF | 3,8 mb Las naciones occidentales -encabezadas por Estados Unidos- disfrutan en la actualidad de una considerable ventaja en casi todos los enfrentamientos militares. ¿Cómo ha llegado a alcanzar tal predominio la práctica occidental de la guerra? El presente libro, escrito por un equipo de siete distinguidos historiadores militares, ofrece una respuesta que parte de los orígenes en la Grecia y la Roma clásicas, recorre la Edad Media (cuando los enemigos de Occidente estuvieron a punto de triunfar) y la Edad Moderna (cuando Occidente utilizó la fuerza militar para adueñarse de extensos territorios que nunca había poseído, primero en América y Siberia y, luego, en las costas de Asia y África), y llega hasta las guerras mundiales y los conflictos actuales. En él se ponen de relieve cinco aspectos esenciales de la práctica occidental de la guerra: una combinación de técnica, disciplina y tradición militar agresiva, más una extraordinaria capacidad para responder con rapidez a los retos y servirse de recursos económicos, más que humanos, para triunfar. Aunque, a lo largo de sus páginas, la obra centra su atención en Occidente y en la función de la violencia en su auge, cada uno de los capítulos examina también la eficacia militar de sus adversarios y los ámbitos en que la ventaja militar occidental ha sido -y sigue siendo- puesta en entredicho. ![]() Free Download Joseph J. Ellis, "His Excellency: George Washington" English | 2004 | pages: 352 | ISBN: 1400032539, 1400040310 | EPUB | 0,7 mb National Bestseller ![]() Free Download Heather Elgood, "Hinduism and the Religious Arts" English | 2000 | pages: 261 | ISBN: 0304707392 | PDF | 18,2 mb The roots between the Hindu religion and the wider culture are deep and uniquely complex. No study of either ancient or contemporary Indian culture can be undertaken without a clear understanding of Hindu visual arts and their sources in religious belief and practice. Defining what is meant by religion - no such term exists in Sanskrit - and what is understood by Hindu ideals of beauty, Heather Elgood provides the best synthesis and critical study of recent scholarship on the topic. In addition, this book offers critical background information for anyone interested in the social and anthropological roots of artistic creativity, as well as the rites, practices and beliefs of the hundreds of millions of Hindus in the world today. ![]() Free Download Sir Charles Eliot, "Hinduism and Buddhism an Historical Sketch Volume I" English | 2005 | pages: 268 | ISBN: 8180942236 | PDF | 0,8 mb |