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The main body of the text describes a conceptual framework for analyzing the performance of PLL frequency synthesizers, and presents optimization procedures for the different performance aspects. The analysis of the PLL properties is performed with the use of the open-loop bandwidth and phase margin concepts, to enable the influence of higher-order poles to be taken into account from the beginning of the design process. The theoretical system analysis is complemented by descriptions of innovative system and building block architectures, by circuit implementations in bipolar and CMOS technologies, and by measurement results. Architectures for RF Frequency Synthesizers contains basic information for the beginner as well as in-depth knowledge for the experienced designer. It is widely illustrated with practical design examples used in industrial products. ![]() Free Download Architecture of Computing Systems: 36th International Conference, ARCS 2023, Athens, Greece, June 13-15, 2023, Proceedings by Georgios Goumas, Sven Tomforde, Jürgen Brehm, Stefan Wildermann, Thilo Pionteck English | PDF (True) | 2023 | 333 Pages | ISBN : 303142784X | 17 MB This book constitutes the proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems, ARCS 2023, which took place in Athens, Greece, in June 2023. ![]() Free Download Anoma Pieris, "Architecture and Nationalism in Sri Lanka: The Trouser Under the Cloth" English | 2012 | pages: 264 | ISBN: 0415630029, 1138118648 | EPUB | 23,3 mb The role of the home, the domestic sphere and the intimate, ethno-cultural identities that are cultivated within it, are critical to understanding the polemical constructions of country and city; tradition and modernity; and regionalism and cosmopolitanism. The home is fundamental to ideas of the homeland that give nationalism its imaginative form and its political trajectory. ![]() Free Download Archaeoseismology: Methodologies and Case Studies by Laura Pecchioli English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2023 | 200 Pages | ISBN : 3031283023 | 138.1 MB Archaeoseismic research provides data and information on past earthquakes but is limited by the lack of ongoing discussions about methodology. This volume is an interdisciplinary approach including archaeologists, geologists, geophysicists, seismologists, engineers, and architects from different countries to present a comprehensive recording and interpretation of ancient natural disasters on some case studies. The publication is an introduction to various aspects of the field of archaeoseismology for the knowledge of past seismicity, the reconstruction of the chronological history of a place, the interpretation and identification of seismic effects using different methods, etc. The collection provides an overview of research into archaeoseismology, making new contributions through innovative ideas on various topics. The publication can be an illustrative introduction to better understand the complexity of interpreting seismic effects on ancient and modern masonries, particularly for students with an open mind. ![]() Free Download Applied Statistics: A Handbook of BMDP™ Analyses by E. J. Snell English | PDF | 1987 | 174 Pages | ISBN : 0412284103 | 9.8 MB This handbook is a realization of a long term goal of BMDP Statistical Software. As the software supporting statistical analysis has grown in breadth and depth to the point where it can serve many of the needs of accomplished statisticians it can also serve as an essential support to those needing to expand their knowledge of statistical applications. Statisticians should not be handicapped by heavy computation or by the lack of needed options. When Applied Statistics, Principle and Examples by Cox and Snell appeared we at BMDP were impressed with the scope of the applications discussed and felt that many statisticians eager to expand their capabilities in handling such problems could profit from having the solutions carried further, to get them started and guided to a more advanced level in problem solving. Who would be better to undertake that task than the authors of Applied Statistics? A year or two later discussions with David Cox and Joyce Snell at Imperial College indicated that a wedding of the problem statements and suggested solutions with control language to accomplish these analyses would further the learning process for many statisticians. They were willing to undertake the project. Joyce Snell has done an excellent job of melding the two approaches and has carried many of the problems a step further by suggesting alternate approaches and follow-up analyses. ![]() Free Download Applied Statistical Learning: With Case Studies in Stata by Matthias Schonlau English | EPUB (True) | 2023 | 339 Pages | ISBN : 3031333896 | 25.7 MB This textbook provides an accessible overview of statistical learning methods and techniques, and includes case studies using the statistical software Stata. After introductory material on statistical learning concepts and practical aspects, each further chapter is devoted to a statistical learning algorithm or a group of related techniques. In particular, the book presents logistic regression, regularized linear models such as the Lasso, nearest neighbors, the Naive Bayes classifier, classification trees, random forests, boosting, support vector machines, feature engineering, neural networks, and stacking. It also explains how to construct n-gram variables from text data. Examples, conceptual exercises and exercises using software are featured throughout, together with case studies in Stata, mostly from the social sciences; true to the book's goal to facilitate the use of modern methods of data science in the field. Although mainly intended for upper undergraduate and graduate students in the social sciences, given its applied nature, the book will equally appeal to readers from other disciplines, including the health sciences, statistics, engineering and computer science. ![]() Free Download Peter Markowich, "Applied Partial Differential Equations:: A Visual Approach" English | 2006 | pages: 210 | ISBN: 3540346457, 3662518120 | PDF | 17,5 mb This book presents topics of science and engineering which occur in nature or are part of daily life. It describes phenomena which are modelled by partial differential equations, relating to physical variables like mass, velocity and energy, etc. to their spatial and temporal variations. The author has chosen topics representing his career-long interests, including the flow of fluids and gases, granular flows, biological processes like pattern formation on animal skins, kinetics of rarified gases and semiconductor devices. Each topic is presented in its scientific or engineering context, followed by an introduction of applicable mathematical models in the form of partial differential equations. ![]() Free Download Applied Multivariate Statistics in Geohydrology and Related Sciences by Charles E. Brown English | PDF | 1998 | 247 Pages | ISBN : 364280330X | 26.3 MB It has been evident from many years of research work in the geohydrologic sciences that a summary of relevant past work, present work, and needed future work in multivariate statistics with geohydrologic applications is not only desirable, but is necessary. This book is intended to serve a broad scientific audience, but more specifi cally is geared toward scientists doing studies in geohydrology and related geo sciences.lts objective is to address both introductory and advanced concepts and applications of the multivariate procedures in use today. Some of the procedures are classical in scope but others are on the forefront of statistical science and have received limited use in geohydrology or related sciences. The past three decades have seen a significant jump in the application of new research methodologies that focus on analyzing large databases. With more general applications being developed by statisticians in various disciplines, multivariate quantitative procedures are evolving for better scientific applica tion at a rapid rate and now provide for quick and informative analyses of large datasets. The procedures include a family of statistical research methods that are alternatively called "multivariate analysis" or "multivariate statistical methods". ![]() Free Download Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis by Wolfgang Härdle , Léopold Simar English | PDF | 2003 | 480 Pages | ISBN : 3540030794 | 29.6 MB Most of the observable phenomena in the empirical sciences are of multivariate nature. This book presents the tools and concepts of multivariate data analysis with a strong focus on applications. The text is devided into three parts. The first part is devoted to graphical techniques describing the distributions of the involved variables. The second part deals with multivariate random variables and presents from a theoretical point of view distributions, estimators and tests for various practical situations. The last part covers multivariate techniques and introduces the reader into the wide basket of tools for multivariate data analysis. The text presents a wide range of examples and 228 exercises. |