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![]() Free Download Advanced Visual Quantum Mechanics by Bernd Thaller English | PDF (True) | 2005 | 519 Pages | ISBN : 0387207775 | 4.8 MB Advanced Visual Quantum Mechanics is a systematic effort to investigate and to teach quantum mechanics with the aid of computer-generated animations. Although it is self-contained, this book is part of a two-volume set on Visual Quantum Mechanics. The first book appeared in 2000, and earned the European Academic Software Award in 2001 for oustanding innovation in its field. While topics in book one mainly concerned quantum mechanics in one- and two-dimensions, book two sets out to present three-dimensional systems, the hydrogen atom, particles with spin, and relativistic particles. It also contains a basic course on quantum information theory, introducing topics like quantum teleportation, the EPR paradox, and quantum computers. Together the two volumes constitute a complete course in quantum mechanics that places an emphasis on ideas and concepts, with a fair to moderate amount of mathematical rigor. The reader is expected to be familiar with calculus and elementary linear algebra. Any further mathematical concepts will be illustrated in the text. ![]() Free Download Advanced Technologies, Systems, and Applications VIII: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Innovative and Interdisciplinary Applications of Advanced Technologies (IAT 2023) by Naida Ademović, Jasmin Kevrić, Zlatan Akšamija English | EPUB (True) | 2023 | 631 Pages | ISBN : 3031430557 | 123.5 MB This book presents proceedings of the 14th Days of Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences held in Tuzla, BIH, June 1-4, 2023. Delve into the intellectual tapestry that emerged from this event, as we unveil our highly anticipated Conference Proceedings Book. This groundbreaking publication captures the essence of seven captivating technical sessions spanning from Civil Engineering through Power Electronics all the way to Data Sciences and Artificial Intelligence, each exploring a distinct realm of innovation and discovery. Uniting diverse disciplines, this publication catalyzes interdisciplinary collaboration, forging connections that transcend traditional boundaries. Within these pages, readers find a compendium of knowledge, insights, and research findings from leading researchers in their respective fields. The editors would like to extend special gratitude to the chairs of all symposia for their dedicated work in the production of this volume. ![]() Free Download Advanced Techniques in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining by Nikhil R. Pal, Lakhmi Jain English | PDF | 2005 | 264 Pages | ISBN : 1852338679 | 6.4 MB Data mining and knowledge discovery (DMKD) is a rapidly expanding field in computer science. It has become very important because of an increased demand for methodologies and tools that can help the analysis and understanding of huge amounts of data generated on a daily basis by institutions like hospitals, research laboratories, banks, insurance companies, and retail stores and by Internet users. This explosion is a result of the growing use of electronic media. But what is data mining (DM)? A Web search using the Google search engine retrieves many (really many) definitions of data mining. We include here a few interesting ones. One of the simpler definitions is: "As the term suggests, data mining is the analysis of data to establish relationships and identify patterns" [1]. It focuses on identifying relations in data. Our next example is more elaborate: An information extraction activity whose goal is to discover hidden facts contained in databases. Using a combination of machine learning, statistical analysis, modeling techniques and database technology, data mining finds patterns and subtle relationships in data and infers rules that allow the prediction of future results. Typical applications include market segmentation, customer profiling, fraud detection, evaluation of retail promotions, and credit risk analysis [2]. ![]() Free Download Advanced Quantum Mechanics, 4th Edition by Franz Schwabl English | PDF (True) | 2008 | 248 Pages | ISBN : 3540850619 | 6 MB Advanced Quantum Mechanics, the second volume on quantum mechanics by Franz Schwabl, discusses nonrelativistic multi-particle systems, relativistic wave equations and relativistic quantum fields. Characteristic of the author´s work are the comprehensive mathematical discussions in which all intermediate steps are derived and where numerous examples of application and exercises help the reader gain a thorough working knowledge of the subject. The topics treated in the book lay the foundation for advanced studies in solid-state physics, nuclear and elementary particle physics. This text both extends and complements Schwabl´s introductory Quantum Mechanics, which covers nonrelativistic quantum mechanics and offers a short treatment of the quantization of the radiation field. The fourth edition has been thoroughly revised with new material having been added. Furthermore, the layout of the figures has been unified, which should facilitate comprehension. ![]() Free Download Advanced Problem in Mechanics III: Proceedings of the XLIX International Summer School-Conference "Advanced Problems in Mechanics", 2021, St. Petersburg, Russia by D. A. Indeitsev, A. M. Krivtsov English | EPUB (True) | 2023 | 443 Pages | ISBN : 303137245X | 85.3 MB This book focuses on original theories and approaches in the field of mechanics. It reports on both theoretical and applied researches, with a special emphasis on problems and solutions at the interfaces of mechanics and other research areas. The respective chapters highlight cutting-edge works fostering development in fields such as micro- and nanomechanics, material science, physics of solid states, molecular physics, astrophysics, and many others. Special attention has been given to outstanding research conducted by young scientists from all over the world. This book is based on the 49th edition of the international conference "Advanced Problems in Mechanics", which was held on June 21-25, 2021, in St. Petersburg, Russia, and co-organized by The Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and the Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences, under the patronage of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It provides researchers and graduate students with an extensive overview of the latest research and a source of inspiration for future developments and collaborations in mechanics and related fields.
![]() Free Download Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2010: Smart Systems for Green Cars and Safe Mobility by Gereon Meyer, Jürgen Valldorf English | PDF | 2010 | 458 Pages | ISBN : 3642126472 | 28.6 MB The automobile of the future has to meet two primary requirements: the super-efficient use of energy and power and the ultra-safe transportation of people and goods. Both features are increasingly enabled by smart, adaptive and context aware information and communication technologies (ICT), elect- cal or electronic components and systems rather than solely by the mecha- cal means of classic automotive engineering. The most advanced example of this trend is the electrified vehicle combining a full electric powertrain with completely electronic controls like smart power and energy managers, ste- by-wire technologies and intelligent networking capabilities allowing all p- viders and consumers of energy to work in efficient synergy. In the course of this year the first series production electric vehicles will finally come into the market. Automakers - unsure if electric vehicles would really sell - have long time been hesitant to make the necessary changes of their product portfolios. In the coincidence of economic crisis and growing concerns about global warming and energy security companies and public authorities jointly succeeded to overcome many obstacles on the path towards electrifi- tion. ![]() Free Download Advanced Mechanics of Solids by Otto T. Bruhns English | PDF | 2003 | 217 Pages | ISBN : 3540437975 | 11.5 MB Mechanics, and in particular, the mechanics of solids, forms the basis of all engi neering sciences. It provides the essential foundations for understanding the action of forces on bodies, and the effects of these forces on the straining of the body on the one hand, and on the deformation and motion of the body on the other. Thus, it provides the solutions of many problems with which the would-be engineer is going to be confronted with on a daily basis. In addition, in engineering studies, mechanics has a more vital importance, which many students appreciate only much later. Because of its clear, and analyt ical setup, it aids the student to a great extent in acquiring the necessary degree of abstraction ability, and logical thinking, skills without which no engineer in the practice today would succeed. Many graduates have confirmed to me that learning mechanics is generally per ceived as difficult. On the other hand, they always also declared that the preoccu pation with mechanics made an essential contribution to their successful education. Besides, as far as my experience goes, this success does not depend very much on the inclusion of special chapters, or the knowledge of particular formulae. Rather, it is important that to a sufficient degree, one has learned how to logically describe a given physical phenomenon, starting from the preconditions. And that from this description one can derive rules for related phenomena, and also rules for layout design, for dimensioning, etc. similarly supported structures. ![]() Free Download Advanced Machine Learning Applications in Big Data Analytics by Taiyong Li, Wu Deng, Jiang Wu English | PDF | 2023 | 656 Pages | ISBN : 3036584862 | 58.8 MB With the development of computer technology and communication technology, various industries have collected a large amount of data in different forms, so-called big data. How to obtain valuable knowledge from these data is a very challenging task. Machine learning is such a direct and effective method for big data analytics. In recent years, a variety of advanced machine learning technologies have emerged, and they continue to play important roles in the era of big data.
![]() Free Download Advanced Crop Improvement, Volume 2: Case Studies of Economically Important Crops by Aamir Raina, Mohammad Rafiq Wani, Rafiul Amin Laskar, Nasya Tomlekova, Samiullah Khan English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2023 | 579 Pages | ISBN : 3031266684 | 48 MB As per the reports of FAO, the human population will rise to 9 billion by the end of 2050 and 70% of more food must be produced over the next three decades to feed the additional population. The breeding approaches for crop improvement programs are dependent on the availability and accessibility of genetic variation, either spontaneous or induced by the mutagens. Plant breeders, agronomists, and geneticists are under constant pressure to expand food production by employing innovative breeding strategies to enhance yield, adaptability, nutrition, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. In conventional breeding approaches, introgression of genes in crop varieties is laborious and time-consuming. Nowadays, new innovative plant breeding techniques such as molecular breeding and plant biotechnology, supplement the traditional breeding approaches to achieve the desired goals of enhanced food production. With the advent of recent molecular tools like genomics, transgenics, molecular marker-assisted back-crossing, TILLING, Eco-TILLING, gene editing, CRISPR CAS, non-targeted protein abundant comparative proteomics, genome wide association studies have made possible mapping of important QTLs, insertion of transgenes, reduction of linkage drags, and manipulation of genome. In general, conventional and modern plant breeding approaches would be strategically ideal for developing new elite crop varieties to meet the feeding requirement of the increasing world population. ![]() Free Download Advanced Crop Improvement, Volume 1: Theory and Practice by Aamir Raina, Mohammad Rafiq Wani, Rafiul Amin Laskar, Nasya Tomlekova, Samiullah Khan English | EPUB (True) | 2023 | 546 Pages | ISBN : 3031281454 | 26.5 MB As per the reports of FAO, the human population will rise to 9 billion by the end of 2050 and 70% of more food must be produced over the next three decades to feed the additional population. The breeding approaches for crop improvement programs are dependent on the availability and accessibility of genetic variation, either spontaneous or induced by the mutagens. Plant breeders, agronomists, and geneticists are under constant pressure to expand food production by employing innovative breeding strategies to enhance yield, adaptability, nutrition, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. In conventional breeding approaches, introgression of genes in crop varieties is laborious and time-consuming. Nowadays, new innovative plant breeding techniques such as molecular breeding and plant biotechnology, supplement the traditional breeding approaches to achieve the desired goals of enhanced food production. With the advent of recent molecular tools like genomics, transgenics, molecular marker-assisted back-crossing, TILLING, Eco-TILLING, gene editing, CRISPR CAS, non-targeted protein abundant comparative proteomics, genome wide association studies have made possible mapping of important QTLs, insertion of transgenes, reduction of linkage drags, and manipulation of genome. In general, conventional and modern plant breeding approaches would be strategically ideal for developing new elite crop varieties to meet the feeding requirement of the increasing world population. |