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![]() Free Download Sentiment Analysis in the Medical Domain by Kerstin Denecke English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2023 | 151 Pages | ISBN : 3031301862 | 7.6 MB Sentiment analysis deals with extracting information about opinions, sentiments, and even emotions conveyed by writers towards topics of interest. Medical sentiment analysis refers to the identification and analysis of sentiments or emotions expressed in free-textual documents with a scope on healthcare and medicine. This fascinating problem offers numerous application areas in the domain of medicine, but also research challenges. The book provides a comprehensive introduction to the topic. The primary purpose is to provide the necessary background on medical sentiment analysis, ranging from a description of the notions of medical sentiment to use cases that have been considered already and application areas of relevance. Medical sentiment analysis uses natural language processing (NLP), text analysis and machine learning to realise the process of extracting and classifying statements regarding expressed opinion and sentiment. The book offers a comprehensive overview on existing methods of sentiment analysis applied to healthcare resources or health-related documents. It concludes with open research avenues providing researchers indications which topics still have to be developed in more depth.
![]() Free Download Lee Wolverton, "Sent by the Iron Sky: The Legacy of an American Parachute Battalion in World War II" English | 2019 | pages: 405 | ISBN: 147283738X | PDF | 20,4 mb This gripping, fully illustrated title follows the story of the men of 3rd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, the comrades of the "Band of Brothers," from their formation to their involvement in the D-Day landings, their part in the bitter fighting to hold Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge, and finally their occupation of Berchtesgaden, Hitler's mountain retreat. ![]() Free Download Semiotic Perception and Dynamic Forms of Meaning by Antonino Bondi , David Piotrowski , Yves-Marie Visetti English | PDF (True) | 2023 | 180 Pages | ISBN : 3031424506 | 2 MB What do we mean by semiotic perception? Why should the concepts of perception and expressivity be reinterpreted within the encompassing framework of a dynamic theory of semiotic fields and forms? Can we redeploy the concept of form in such a way as to make explicit such a native solidarity ('chiasmatic' would have said Merleau-Ponty) between perception, praxis and expression - and first and foremost in the activity of language, right to the heart of the life of the social and speaking animal that we are? What then would be the epistemological and ontological consequences, and how might this affect the way we describe semiolinguistic forms? This book aims to provide answers to these questions by opening up avenues of research on how to understand the linguistic and semiotic dimensions at work in the constitution of experience, both individual and collective. ![]() Free Download Semi-Infinite Algebraic Geometry of Quasi-Coherent Sheaves on Ind-Schemes: Quasi-Coherent Torsion Sheaves, the Semiderived Category, and the Semitensor Product by Leonid Positselski English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2023 | 225 Pages | ISBN : 3031379047 | 28.7 MB Semi-Infinite Geometry is a theory of "doubly infinite-dimensional" geometric or topological objects. In this book the author explains what should be meant by an algebraic variety of semi-infinite nature. Then he applies the framework of semiderived categories, suggested in his previous monograph titled Homological Algebra of Semimodules and Semicontramodules, (Birkhäuser, 2010), to the study of semi-infinite algebraic varieties. Quasi-coherent torsion sheaves and flat pro-quasi-coherent pro-sheaves on ind-schemes are discussed at length in this book, making it suitable for use as an introduction to the theory of quasi-coherent sheaves on ind-schemes. The main output of the homological theory developed in this monograph is the functor of semitensor product on the semiderived category of quasi-coherent torsion sheaves, endowing the semiderived category with the structure of a tensor triangulated category. The author offers two equivalent constructions of the semitensor product, as well as its particular case, the cotensor product, and shows that they enjoy good invariance properties. Several geometric examples are discussed in detail in the book, including the cotangent bundle to an infinite-dimensional projective space, the universal fibration of quadratic cones, and the important popular example of the loop group of an affine algebraic group.
![]() Free Download Self-consistent Quantum-Field Theory and Bosonization for Strongly Correlated Electron Systems by Rudolf Haussmann English | PDF | 1999 | 181 Pages | ISBN : 3540658122 | 15.3 MB This research monograph offers an introduction to advanced quantum field theoretical techniques for many-particle systems beyond perturbation theory. Several schemes for resummation of the Feynman diagrams are described. The resulting approximations are especially well suited for strongly correlated fermion and boson systems. ![]() Free Download Self-Organizing Neural Networks: Recent Advances and Applications by Udo Seiffert, Lakhmi C. Jain English | PDF | 2002 | 289 Pages | ISBN : 3662003430 | 28.5 MB The Self-Organizing Map (SOM) is one of the most frequently used architectures for unsupervised artificial neural networks. Introduced by Teuvo Kohonen in the 1980s, SOMs have been developed as a very powerful method for visualization and unsupervised classification tasks by an active and innovative community of interna tional researchers. A number of extensions and modifications have been developed during the last two decades. The reason is surely not that the original algorithm was imperfect or inad equate. It is rather the universal applicability and easy handling of the SOM. Com pared to many other network paradigms, only a few parameters need to be arranged and thus also for a beginner the network leads to useful and reliable results. Never theless there is scope for improvements and sophisticated new developments as this book impressively demonstrates. The number of published applications utilizing the SOM appears to be unending. As the title of this book indicates, the reader will benefit from some of the latest the oretical developments and will become acquainted with a number of challenging real-world applications. Our aim in producing this book has been to provide an up to-date treatment of the field of self-organizing neural networks, which will be ac cessible to researchers, practitioners and graduated students from diverse disciplines in academics and industry. We are very grateful to the father of the SOMs, Professor Teuvo Kohonen for sup porting this book and contributing the first chapter. ![]() Free Download Steven Watts, "Self-Help Messiah: Dale Carnegie and Success in Modern America" English | 2013 | pages: 592 | ISBN: 1590515021 | EPUB | 6,3 mb An illuminating biography of the man who taught Americans "how to win friends and influence people"
![]() Free Download Self-Assembly of Flat Organic Molecules on Metal Surfaces: A Theoretical Characterisation by Manuela Mura English | PDF (True) | 2012 | 181 Pages | ISBN : 3642303242 | 11.4 MB Manuela Mura's thesis is devoted to ab initio studies of self-assembled organic molecules on a gold surface. This area of research is particularly vibrant because of the various applications such studies have in nanoscience and surface chemistry and physics. In this thesis Manuela Mura uses theory to suggest atomistic models for the observed assembled and she proposes an assembly mechanism. The methods and results developed as part of this work will be of wide interest to physicists and chemists working on the assemblies of organic molecules on crystal surfaces. ![]() Free Download Hayden Pelliccia, "Selected Dialogues of Plato: The Benjamin Jowett Translation" English | 2001 | pages: 352 | ISBN: 0375758402 | EPUB | 2,0 mb Benjamin Jowett's translations of Plato have long been classics in their own right. In this volume, Professor Hayden Pelliccia has revised Jowett's renderings of five key dialogues, giving us a modern Plato faithful to both Jowett's best features and Plato's own masterly style. ![]() Free Download Selected Chapters in the Calculus of Variations by Jürgen Moser , Oliver Knill English | PDF (True) | 2003 | 139 Pages | ISBN : 3764321857 | 9 MB 0.1 Introduction These lecture notes describe a new development in the calculus of variations which is called Aubry-Mather-Theory. The starting point for the theoretical physicist Aubry was a model for the descrip tion of the motion of electrons in a two-dimensional crystal. Aubry investigated a related discrete variational problem and the corresponding minimal solutions. On the other hand, Mather started with a specific class of area-preserving annulus mappings, the so-called monotone twist maps. These maps appear in mechanics as Poincare maps. Such maps were studied by Birkhoff during the 1920s in several papers. In 1982, Mather succeeded to make essential progress in this field and to prove the existence of a class of closed invariant subsets which are now called Mather sets. His existence theorem is based again on a variational principle. Although these two investigations have different motivations, they are closely re lated and have the same mathematical foundation. We will not follow those ap proaches but will make a connection to classical results of Jacobi, Legendre, Weier strass and others from the 19th century. Therefore in Chapter I, we will put together the results of the classical theory which are the most important for us. The notion of extremal fields will be most relevant. In Chapter II we will investigate variational problems on the 2-dimensional torus. We will look at the corresponding global minimals as well as at the relation be tween minimals and extremal fields. In this way, we will be led to Mather sets. |