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![]() Free Download Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., "Richard M. Nixon: The American Presidents Series: The 37th President, 1969-1974" English | 2007 | pages: 208 | ISBN: 0805069631, 0786299029 | EPUB | 1,8 mb The complex man at the center of America's most self-destructive presidency
![]() Free Download Ricci-Calculus: An Introduction to Tensor Analysis and Its Geometrical Applications by J. A. Schouten English | PDF | 1954 | 535 Pages | ISBN : 364205692X | 42.5 MB This is an entirely new book. The first edition appeared in 1923 and at that time it was up to date. But in 193 5 and 1938 the author and Prof. D. J. STRUIK published a new book, their Einführung I and li, and this book not only gave the first systematic introduction to the kernel index method but also contained many notions that had come into prominence since 1923. For instance densities, quantities of the second kind, pseudo-quantities, normal Coordinates, the symbolism of exterior forms, the LIE derivative, the theory of variation and deformation and the theory of subprojective connexions were included. Now since 1938 there have been many new developments and so a book on RICCI cal culus and its applications has to cover quite different ground from the book of 1923. Though the purpose remains to make the reader acquainted with RICCI's famous instrument in its modern form, the book must have quite a different methodical structure and quite different applica tions have to be chosen. The first chapter contains algebraical preliminaries but the whole text is modernized and there is a section on hybrid quantities (quantities with indices of the first and of the second kind) and one on the many abridged notations that have been developed by several authors. In the second chapter the most important analytical notions that come before the introduction of a connexion aredealt with in full. ![]() Free Download Peter Dennis, "Rhodesian Light Infantryman 1961-80" English | 2015 | pages: 68 | ISBN: 1472809629 | PDF | 7,8 mb The 1st Battalion, The Rhodesian Light Infantry (RLI), was one of the most innovative and successful counter-insurgency units in modern history, developing and perfecting a range of tactics and operational concepts that have since become standard practise in modern military forces. Formed in 1961 and then re-formed in 1964 as a commando battalion after the dissolution of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, the RLI was an all-white unit that incorporated foreign soldiers from South Africa, The UK, USA, Canada and Europe into its ranks. It was a key weapon in independent Rhodesia's struggle against the Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army (ZANLA) and Zimbabwe People's Revolutionary Army (ZIPRA) during the bloody Rhodesian Bush War. This comprehensive study explores the unit's dramatic history, revealing the RLI's fearsome airborne and combat capacity, which gave the unit, at times, near total tactical superiority against its opponents. ![]() Free Download Joseph J. Ellis, "Revolutionary Summer: The Birth of American Independence" English | 2013 | pages: 240 | ISBN: 0307701220, 0307946371 | EPUB | 5,0 mb A distinctive portrait of the crescendo moment in American history from the Pulitzer-winning American historian, Joseph Ellis. ![]() Free Download Reuse Methodology Manual for System-on-a-Chip Designs by Michael Keating , Pierre Bricaud English | PDF | 2002 | 305 Pages | ISBN : 0387740988 | 10.3 MB "Reuse Methodology Manual for System-on-a-Chip Designs, Third Edition" outlines a set of best practices for creating reusable designs for use in an SoC design methodology. These practices are based on the authors' experience in developing reusable designs, as well as the experience of design teams in many companies around the world. Silicon and tool technologies move so quickly that many of the details of design-for-reuse will undoubtedly continue to evolve over time. But the fundamental aspects of the methodology described in this book have become widely adopted and are likely to form the foundation of chip design for some time to come. ![]() Free Download Michael Winter, "Rethinking Virtue Ethics" English | 2012 | pages: 191 | ISBN: 9400737025, 9400721927 | PDF | 1,3 mb Rethinking Virtue Ethics offers a model of Aristotelian virtue ethics based on a deductive paradigm. This book argues that, contrary to what many contemporary thinkers are inclined to believe, Aristotelian virtue ethics is consistent with at least some action-guiding moral principles being true unconditionally, and that a justification for general moral principles can be grounded in fundamental concepts within Aristotle's theory. An analysis of ethical propositions that hold for the most part is proposed that fits well within the deductive paradigm developed. ![]() Free Download Bhikhu Parekh, "Rethinking Multiculturalism: Cultural Diversity and Political Theory" English | 2005 | pages: 421 | ISBN: 1403944539, 1403944520 | PDF | 5,5 mb This important and much acclaimed book rapidly became a classic on first publication. In it, Bhikhu Parekh shows that the Western tradition of political philosophy has very limited theoretical resources to cope with cultural diversity. He then discusses how it can be revised and what new conceptual tools are needed. The core of the book addresses the important theoretical questions raised by contemporary multicultural society, especially the nature and limits of intercultural equality and fairness, national identity, citizenship, and cross-cultural political discourse. The new second edition includes a substantial additional chapter addressing key issues. ![]() Free Download Resilience in Papal Rome, 1656-1870: A City's Response to Crisis by Marina Formica , Donatella Strangio English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2023 | 331 Pages | ISBN : 3031412591 | 5.6 MB This book analyses the evolution of the city of Rome, in particular, papal Rome, from the plague of 1656 until 1870 when it became the capital of the Kingdom of Italy. The authors explore papal Rome as a resilient city that had to cope with numerous crises during this period. By focusing on a selection of different crises in Rome, the book combines cultural, political, and economic history to examine key turning points in the city's history. The book is split into chapters exploring themes such as diplomacy and international relations, disease, environmental disasters, famine, public debt, and unravels the political, economic, and social consequences of these transformative events. All the chapters are based on untapped original sources, chiefly from the State Archive in Rome, the Vatican Archives, the Rome Municipal Archives, the École Française Library, the National Library, and the Capitoline Library. ![]() Free Download Residue Number Systems: Algorithms and Architectures by P. V. Ananda Mohan English | PDF | 2002 | 262 Pages | ISBN : 1402070314 | 16.4 MB There has been continuing interest in the improvement of the speed of Digital Signal processing. The use of Residue Number Systems for the design of DSP systems has been extensively researched in literature. Szabo and Tanaka have popularized this approach through their book published in 1967. Subsequently, Jenkins and Leon have rekindled the interest of researchers in this area in 1978, from which time there have been several efforts to use RNS in practical system implementation. An IEEE Press book has been published in 1986 which was a collection of Papers. It is very interesting to note that in the recent past since 1988, the research activity has received a new thrust with emphasis on VLSI design using non ROM based designs as well as ROM based designs as evidenced by the increased publications in this area. The main advantage in using RNS is that several small word-length Processors are used to perform operations such as addition, multiplication and accumulation, subtraction, thus needing less instruction execution time than that needed in conventional 16 bitl32 bit DSPs. However, the disadvantages of RNS have b. een the difficulty of detection of overflow, sign detection, comparison of two numbers, scaling, and division by arbitrary number, RNS to Binary conversion and Binary to RNS conversion. These operations, unfortunately, are computationally intensive and are time consuming. ![]() Free Download Reshetnyak's Theory of Subharmonic Metrics by François Fillastre, Dmitriy Slutskiy English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2023 | 389 Pages | ISBN : 3031242548 | 27.7 MB Despite the fundamental role played by Reshetnyak's work in the theory of surfaces of bounded integral curvature, the proofs of his results were only available in his original articles, written in Russian and often hard to find. This situation used to be a serious problem for experts in the field. This book provides English translations of the full set of Reshetnyak's articles on the subject. Together with the companion articles, this book provides an accessible and comprehensive reference for the subject. In turn, this book should concern any researcher (confirmed or not) interested in, or active in, the field of bounded integral curvature surfaces, or more generally interested in surface geometry and geometric analysis. Due to the analytic nature of Reshetnyak's approach, it appears that his articles are very accessible for a modern audience, comparing to the works using a more synthetic approach. |