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![]() Free Download Frederick Copleston, "Religion and The One: Philosophies East and West" English | 1982 | pages: 284 | ISBN: 082450092X, 0826465722 | PDF | 4,3 mb Theories of one ultimate reality exist in philosophies of both the East and the West, and in both traditions such theories are commonly connected with religion. In Religion and the One, Frederick Copleston explores the approach that different philosophies have taken to the question of divine reality, with a special focus on the metaphysics of the One.In the first part of the book, Copleston looks at the features of different traditions, discussing Taoist philosophy, the Vedanta schools of thought in India, the development of philosophy in the Islamic world, and a number of movements from the Western tradition. The second part questions why people form such theories, exploring factors such as the nature of the self and the cognitive value of mysticism.Writing with all his hallmark learning and lucidity, the author also discusses the consequences of the metaphysics of the One for ethical ideals and social activism. Approaching the issues in an open-minded and unprejudiced fashion, he does not pretend to have answers to all the questions he raises. However, unlike many theologians and philosophers, he is not prepared to dismiss metaphysics as being inherently irreligious. ![]() Free Download Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: Wave Equations by Walter Greiner English | PDF | 1990 | 353 Pages | ISBN : N/A | 27.8 MB More than a generation of Gennan-speaking students around the world have worked their way to an understanding and appreciation of the power and beauty of modern theoretical physics - with mathematics, the most fundamental of sciences - using Walter Greiner's textbooks as their guide. The idea of developing a coherent, complete presentation of an entire field of science in a series of closely related textbooks is not a new one. Many older physicists remember with real pleasure their sense of adventure and discovery as they worked their ways through the classic series by Sommerfeld, by Planck and by Landau and Lifshitz. From the students' viewpoint, there are a great many obvious advantages to be gained through use of consistent notation, logical ordering of topics and coherence of presentation; beyond this, the complete coverage of the science provides a unique opportunity for the author to convey his personal enthusiasm and love for his subject. The present five volume set, Theoretical Physics, is in fact only that part of the complete set of textbooks developed by Greiner and his students that presents the quantum theory. I have long urged him to make the remaining volumes on classical mechanics and dynamics, on electromagnetism, on nuclear and particle physics, and on special topics available to an English-speaking audience as well, and we can hope for these companion volumes covering all of theoretical physics some time in the future.
![]() Free Download Emmanuel L Rehfeld, "Relationale Ontologie Bei Paulus: Die Ontische Wirksamkeit Der Christusbezogenheit Im Denken Des Heidenapostels" Deutsch | 2012 | pages: 535 | ISBN: 3161520122 | PDF | 5,8 mb English summary: The center of both Paul's own piety and theological reflection is a person . According to Paul, the Jewish apostle to the Gentiles (K.-W. Niebuhr), everything depends on the relation to Jesus Christ. A consequence of this rather exceptional way of thinking is reflected in Paul's language, specifically in the phrase in Christ which is the keyword of his Christianity(Adolf Deissmann). Emmanuel L. Rehfeld explores the content and the meaning of this phrase as well as its implications for the apostle's anthropological, hamartiological, soteriological and eschatological views. He argues that a consistent understanding of these is possible solely within the framework of relational-ontological thinking. Ignoring this insight and approaching the Pauline letters with inadequate categories in language and thinking will most likely result in inconsistent or contradictory interpretations. German description: Im Zentrum der Frommigkeit und des theologischen Denkens des Heidenapostels aus Israel (K.-W. Niebuhr) steht eine Person Paulus zufolge entscheidet sich alles an der Relation zu Jesus Christus . Dieses durchaus ungewohnliche Denken schlagt sich in der Sprache des Apostels nieder - besonders pragnant in seiner Formel vom Sein in Christus, dem Kennwort seines Christentums (Adolf Deissmann). Emmanuel L. Rehfeld untersucht den Sachgehalt dieser Formel und die mit ihr verbundenen anthropologischen, hamartiologischen, soteriologischen und eschatologischen Anschauungen des Apostels, die nur im Rahmen relational-ontologischen Denkens widerspruchsfrei zu verstehen sind. Wird diese Einsicht nicht konsequent genug beachtet, kann dies zu inkonsistenten Deutungen fuhren, die der Tatsache geschuldet sind, dass man sich mit unangemessenen Sprach- und Denkkategorien den paulinischen Schriftzeugnissen nahert.
![]() Free Download Reimagining the Historian in Victorian England: Books, the Literary Marketplace, and the Scholarly Persona by Elise Garritzen English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2023 | 397 Pages | ISBN : 3031284607 | 11.7 MB This book traces the transformation of history from a Romantic literary pursuit into a modern academic discipline during the second half of the nineteenth century, and shows how this change inspired Victorians to reconsider what it meant to be a historian. This reconceptualization of the 'historian' lies at the heart of this book as it explores how historians strove to forge themselves a collective scholarly persona that reflected and legitimised their new disciplinary status and gave them authority to speak on behalf of the past. The author argues that historians used the persona as a replacement for missing institutional structures, and converted book parts to a sphere where they could mould and perform their persona. By ascribing agency to titles, footnotes, running heads, typography, cover design, size, and other paratexts, the book makes an important shift in the way we perceive the formation of modern disciplines. By combining the persona and paratexts, it offers a novel approach to themes that have enjoyed great interest in the history of science. It examines, for example, the role which epistemic and moral virtues held in the Victorian society and scholarly culture, the social organization and hierarchies of scholarly communities, the management of scholarly reputations, the commercialization of knowledge, and the relationship between the persona and the underpinning social, political, economic, and cultural structures and hierarchies. Making a significant contribution to persona studies, it provides new insights for scholars interested in the history of humanities, science, and knowledge; book history; and Victorian culture. ![]() Free Download Dogancan Ozsel, "Reflections on Conservatism" English | 2011 | pages: 338 | ISBN: 144383355X | PDF | 2,1 mb In comparison to other political doctrines, conservatism is an understudied subject and there are few books that bring together works of scholars studying conservatism from different perspectives. Reflections on Conservatism is among these few pieces and is written for those who are interested in conservative thinking and conservative movements in different countries. In Reflections on Conservatism, readers will find 13 articles covering a wide range of aspects on conservatism. Six of these articles offer analyses of certain theoretical aspects of conservatism and focus on issues such as the definition of conservatism, the theme of inequality in conservative thinking and the applicability of conservative principals to postcolonial politics. Following these, there are seven articles that focus on conservative movements or thinkers from different countries. Here, readers will find detailed discussions on the contemporary state of British and US conservatisms as well as Sarkozy s UMP. There are also other articles that present the portrayal of post-war cultural conservatism in Denmark, Antall s conservatism in Hungary and radical conservative trends in Turkey. ![]() Free Download Malcolm Pearson, "Reeds Skipper's Handbook" English | 2010 | pages: 209 | ISBN: 1408124777 | PDF | 5,6 mb The Reed's Skipper's Handbook, now in its 6th edition, has been a bestseller since first publication. A handy pocket size, it is a useful reference of everything a boater would need to know when at sea. Packed with a wide range of information in a concise form it is frequently recommended by sailing instructors as a quick reference guide and as a study aid for anyone taking their sailing certification exams. The 6th edition has been expanded with new material on boat handling, tides, rope work and general seamanship.
![]() Free Download Reconsidering the Limits to Growth: A Report to the Russian Association of the Club of Rome by Viktor Sadovnichy, Askar Akaev, Ilya Ilyin, Sergey Malkov, Leonid Grinin, Andrey Korotayev English | PDF (True) | 2023 | 540 Pages | ISBN : 3031349989 | 19.1 MB Echoing the famous "The Limits to Growth" report from 1972, this edited volume analyses the changes that the World System has undergone to the present, on the fiftieth anniversary of the original report. During the past fifty years, both the concept and understanding of these limits have significantly changed. This book highlights that the evolution of the World System has approached a new critical milestone, moving into a fundamentally new phase of historical development, when the old economic and social technologies no longer work as efficiently as before or even begin to function counterproductively, which leads the World System into a systemic crisis. ![]() Free Download Reconciling Responsibility with Reality: A Comparative Analysis of Modes of Active Leadership Liability in International Criminal Law by Johannes Block English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2023 | 514 Pages | ISBN : 9462656061 | 11.7 MB This book explores the issue of leadership criminality from a new angle by comparing two highly relevant modes of responsibility. By contrasting individual criminal responsibility for ordering international crimes with indirect perpetration through an organisation, it shows the doctrinal weaknesses of the latter and outlines the much-overlooked advantages of the former. The volume analyses the development of both forms of responsibility, looking at their origins, and their reception in academia and practical use in jurisprudence. ![]() Free Download Kenneth J. Reckford, "Recognizing Persius" English | 2009 | pages: 256 | ISBN: 069114141X | EPUB | 0,4 mb Recognizing Persius is a passionate and in-depth exploration of the libellus-or little book-of six Latin satires left by the Roman satirical writer Persius when he died in AD 62 at the age of twenty-seven. In this comprehensive and reflectively personal book, Kenneth Reckford fleshes out the primary importance of this mysterious and idiosyncratic writer. Reckford emphasizes the dramatic power and excitement of Persius's satires-works that normally would have been recited before a reclining, feasting audience. In highlighting the satires' remarkable honesty, Reckford shows how Persius converted Roman satire into a vehicle of self-exploration and self-challenge that remains relevant to readers today. ![]() Free Download Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering: Select Proceedings of ICOFTIME 2020 by C. S. Ramesh, Praduymna Ghosh, Elango Natarajan English | EPUB | 2021 | 215 Pages | ISBN : 9811620857 | 170.1 MB This book presents the select peer-reviewed proceedings of the International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Mechanical Engineering (ICOFTIME 2020). The contents focus on latest research in different areas of mechanical engineering such as additive manufacturing, vibrations, robotics and automation, nano and smart materials, green energy, supply chain management, aviation, and biomechanics. The book also includes numerical and optimization methods relevant for several real-life mechanical engineering problems. Given its contents, this book will prove useful for researchers and professionals alike. |