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![]() Free Download Recent Developments in Water Resources and Transportation Engineering: Select Proceedings of TRACE 2022 by Nidhi Nagabhatla, Yusuf Mehta, Brijesh Kumar Yadav, Ambika Behl, Madhuri Kumari English | PDF (True) | 2023 | 313 Pages | ISBN : 9819929040 | 10.2 MB This book comprises select proceedings of the International Conference on Trends and Recent Advances in Civil Engineering (TRACE 2022). The book focuses on the latest research works carried out in the area of water resources and transportation engineering. Various topics covered in this book include technological intervention and solution for smart and sustainability in water resources and transportation infrastructure, crop protection, resilience to disaster like flood, hurricane, and drought, traffic congestion, transport planning, green and intelligent transportation infrastructure, etc. The book is useful to researchers and practitioners working in the areas of civil engineering, water resources, and transportation engineering.
![]() Free Download Recent Developments in Electrical and Electronics Engineering: Select Proceedings of ICRDEEE 2022 by Poonam Singhal, Sakshi Kalra, Bhim Singh, R. C. Bansal English | PDF,EPUB(True) | 2023 | 516 Pages | ISBN : 9811979928 | 131.7 MB This book contains cutting-edge research content presented by researchers, engineers, developers, and practitioners from academia and industry at the International Conference on Recent Developments in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICRDEEE 2022). The materials in the book include theory and applications for different areas of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The topics covered include power systems and protection, energy, electric vehicles, smart grid, semiconductor technologies, electrical machines and drives, control systems with artificial intelligence, etc. The content is useful for researchers, professionals, and academicians in understanding current research trends, findings, and future scope of research in electrical and electronics engineering models. ![]() Free Download Recent Advances in Modeling and Forecasting Kaiyu: Tools for Predicting and Verifying the Effects of Urban Revitalization Policy by Saburo Saito, Kenichi Ishibashi, Kosuke Yamashiro English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2023 | 620 Pages | ISBN : 9819912407 | 126 MB This book is the first comprehensive presentation of a Kaiyu Markov model with covariates and a multivariate Poisson model with competitive destinations. These two models are core techniques when the authors and colleagues conduct their Kaiyu studies. The two models are usually used to forecast the effects of specific urban redevelopment on both the number of visitors and consumer shop-around or Kaiyu movements. Their Kaiyu studies originated from the constructions of a Kaiyu Markov model and the disaggregated hierarchical decision Huff model almost simultaneously around the early 1980s. This book retrospectively reviews how these models have evolved from the start to the present state, and previews the ongoing efforts to make further extensions of these models. The extension of the Huff model started from the disaggregated hierarchical decision Huff model with shop-arounds. In retrospect, the model formulated the consumer's simultaneous choice of destinations as a joint probability. The mechanism to determine this joint probability was a recursive conditional probability system. Now the Huff model has shifted from joint probability to multivariate frequency Poisson with competitive destinations. On the other hand, the Kaiyu Markov model started from a descriptive model. Because it cannot forecast changes in shop-arounds or consumer Kaiyu behaviors, the Kaiyu Markov model with covariates was developed in which entrance and shop-around choice probabilities are explained by the respective two logit models with covariates such as distances and shop-floor areas. The noticeable point is that it can explain consumers' probability of quitting their shop-arounds. Thus, the model enables one to evaluate the effects of urban revitalization policy that promotes consumers' shop-arounds or Kaiyu behaviors. Furthermore, if the Kaiyu Markov model can estimate the actual numbers of flows of consumers' shop-arounds among shopping sites, the corresponding money flows also can be estimated as economic effects. This book discusses from scratch the evolution of all these topics. Thus this book provides the basics of the Kaiyu Markov model, a tutorial for the theory and estimation of the conditional logit model, and a chapter serving as a practical research manual for forecasting changes caused by urban development based on consumers' Kaiyu behaviors. ![]() Free Download Recent Advances in Metrology: Select Proceedings of AdMet 2022 by Sanjay Yadav, Naveen Garg, Shankar G. Aggarwal, Shiv Kumar Jaiswal, Harish Kumar, Venu Gopal Achanta English | PDF (True) | 2023 | 225 Pages | ISBN : 9819945968 | 11.3 MB This book presents the select proceedings of the 11th National Conference on Advances in Metrology (AdMet 2022). The book highlights and discusses the recent technological developments in the areas of fundamental and quantum metrology, physico-mechanical and electrical metrology, time and frequency metrology, materials metrology, industrial and legal metrology, digital transformation in metrology, among others. This book is aimed for those engaged in conformity assessment, quality system management, calibration, and testing in all sectors of industry. The book is a valuable reference for metrologists, scientists, engineers, academicians, and students from research institutes and industrial establishments to explore the future directions and research in the areas of sensors, advance materials, measurements, and quality improvement. ![]() Free Download Recent Advances in Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence by Yue Wu, Xinglong Zhang, Pengfei Jia English | PDF | 2023 | 218 Pages | ISBN : 3036574824 | 20.3 MB Machine learning and computational intelligence are currently among the hottest research directions and have been applied to various areas with many successes, such as fields of image processing, point cloud processing, and natural language processing. Researchers explore many intelligent algorithms which are characterized by computational adaptability, robustness, and high-level performance. These algorithms facilitate intelligent behavior in complex and dynamic environments and the development of technology that enables machines to think, behave, or act more humanely. This book, consisting of 10 articles written by research experts on topics of interest, reports on the latest research in machine learning and computational intelligence. Many novel and interesting methods are introduced, which we hope will provide guiding significance for the further development of machine learning and computational intelligence. ![]() Free Download Recent Advances in Fracture Mechanics: Honoring Mel and Max Williams by W. G. Knauss, R. A. Schapery English | PDF | 1998 | 432 Pages | ISBN : 0792358244 | 40.8 MB The papers in this volume represent a considerable cross-section of the field of fracture mechanics, a testimony to the breadth of interest that Mel and Max Williams' friends share with them. Several are expanded versions of papers that were given in special sessions honoring them at the 1997 Ninth International Conference on Fracture Mechanics in Sydney, Australia. ![]() Free Download Greg Pembroke, "Reasons My Kid Is Crying" English | 2014 | pages: 208 | ISBN: 0804139830 | EPUB | 114,7 mb A glimpse into the tribulations of parenting that is part documentary, part therapy, and completely hilarious.
![]() Free Download Bill Swan, "Real Justice: Convicted for Being Mi'kmaq: The story of Donald Marshall Jr. (Lorimer Real Justice)" English | 2016 | pages: 184 | ISBN: 1459404394, 1459404386 | EPUB | 0,4 mb When a black teen was murdered in a Sydney, Cape Breton park late one night, his young companion, Donald Marshall Jr., became a prime suspect. Sydney police coached two teens to testify against Donald which helped convict him of a murder he did not commit. He spent 11 years in prison until he finally got a lucky break. Not only was he eventually acquitted of the crime, but a royal commission inquiry into his wrongful conviction found that a non-aboriginal youth would not have been convicted in the first place. Donald became a First Nations activist and later won a landmark court case in favour of native fishing rights. He was often referred to as the "reluctant hero" of the Mi'kmaq community. ![]() Free Download Patrick Frank, "Readings in Latin American Modern Art" English | 2004 | pages: 271 | ISBN: 0300102550 | EPUB | 2,1 mb This important and welcome volume is the first English-language anthology of writings on Latin American modern art of the twentieth century. The book includes some fifty seminal essays and documents―including statements, interviews, and manifestoes by artists―that encompass the broad diversity of this emerging field. Many of these materials are difficult to access and some are translated here for the first time. Together the selections explore the breadth and depth of Latin American modern art as well as its distinctive evolution apart from American and European art history. ![]() Free Download Joyce Jennings, Janet Lerner, "Reading Problems: Assessment and Teaching Strategies" English | 2013 | pages: 513 | ISBN: 0132837803 | PDF | 4,0 mb In this well-respected text, multiple approaches to teaching students with reading problems are presented with practical strategies, extensive descriptions of tests, and its own IRI. A comprehensive survey of teaching strategies, formal and informal assessment, theory, and research, Reading Problems by Jennings, Lerner, and Caldwell combines invaluable information from the field of reading with allied fields such as special education, bilingual education, medical science, and policy studies. The new Seventh Edition encourages the collaboration of general education teachers and reading teachers; offers strategies for ELL students; discusses both formal and informal assessment; emphasizes early literacy for young children; covers both reading and writing; includes information on specific reading skills, word recognition, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension; updates on Special Education legislation; discusses the impact of the Common Core State Standards on literacy instruction and assessment. |