Free Download Biomedical Sensors Data Acquisition with LabVIEW: Effective Way to Integrate Arduino with LabView (English Edition) by Anshuman Prakash, Dr. Lovi Raj Gupta, Dr. Rajesh Gupta English | August 6, 2020 | ISBN: 9389845998 | 202 pages | PDF | 7.52 Mb Explore and work with tools for Biomedical Data Acquisition and Signal Processing Free Download Biomaterials and Biopolymers English | 2023 | ISBN: 3031361342 | 239 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 40 MB This book is written to serve as textbook on biomaterials and biopolymers for faculty and students and thus contains a broad introduction and basic terms, followed by major developments over the years with some emphasis on recent developments and future prospects. Free Download Biology Exploring the Diversity of Life English | 2023 | ISBN: 0176911146 | 1458 Pages | PDF | 293 MB Biology: Exploring the Diversity of Life, Fifth Canadian Edition, is uniquely designed for today's Canadian biology students. This introductory biology text captures students' imaginations and evokes a sense of curiosity about the vast world of biology. In the middle of the book, students will find The Purple Pages, which contains basic scientific information on the chemical, physical, and environmental foundations of biology. This section immediately immerses students in the subject and can be easily referenced when needed. The authors have taken great care to encourage critical thinking and learning with engaging visuals and by integrating the material across the book's chapters. Biology: Exploring the Diversity of Life conveys the principles of biology while helping students unravel their own misconceptions (Concept Fix features) and explore the topical relevance (Why It Matters features) and dynamic nature of biology (Research Method and Experimental Research figures), all within a uniquely Canadian and international context. This edition has been extensively updated to include context from Indigenous researchers to provide a more open, decolonized, "multi-science" perspective that acknowledges all Indigenous Peoples as having scientific knowledge of the natural world through their own cultural lens. Free Download Biological Sciences, Revised Edition: Notable Research and Discoveries English | 2020 | ASIN : B0BSR8594F | 274 Pages | EPUB | 5.4 MB Biological Sciences, Revised Edition covers a wide range of topics under the vast umbrella of biology, the study of life. Students will learn about the methods and applications of the field through an exploration of disciplines, such as neurology, genetics, and virology. This newly revised edition uses scientific journal articles, reports, and press releases to offer the latest from key scientists and researchers in the field. Free Download Biologia molecolare. Struttura e dinamica di genomi e proteomi Italiano | 2018 | ISBN: 8808920895 | 680 Pages | PDF | 152 MB La biologia molecolare ha subìto profondi cambiamenti negli ultimi anni, grazie a nuove tecnologie che hanno permesso di aumentare in modo esponenziale le nostre conoscenze su struttura e funzionamento del DNA. In particolare l'analisi su larga scala dei genomi, lo sviluppo della proteomica, i metodi che studiano le dinamiche delle singole molecole e la criomicroscopia hanno fornito informazioni cruciali per comprendere i meccanismi molecolari alla base di espressione e regolazione genica. Zlatanova e Holde sono partiti dall'esigenza di scrivere un manuale adeguato a questo contesto quasi esplosivo. I primi quattro capitoli introducono le idee di base della disciplina: presentano proteine e acidi nucleici con una trattazione sintetica ma dettagliata, adatta sia per un corso di base sia per un veloce ripasso in un corso avanzato. L'argomento al cuore dell'opera è però il genoma, visto alla luce della stretta interdipendenza fra la struttura molecolare e le dinamiche della trasmissione e dell'espressione dell'informazione genetica. Con un approccio originale, gli autori affrontano prima la trascrizione, poi la traduzione e quindi la replicazione. A questi argomenti sono dedicati i capitoli centrali, approfonditi e aggiornati per fornire basi solide su temi di attualità e di rilievo crescente, oltre che fondamentali per chi intenda occuparsi di genomica traslazionale, la disciplina ponte tra ricerca biomolecolare e pratica clinica. Completano la trattazione i capitoli dedicati a DNA ricombinante, struttura del genoma, ricombinazione genica e riparazione del DNA. Sono inserite, dove è utile, anche nozioni di biologia dei sistemi, su organismi modello e RNA regolatori. In ogni capitolo ci sono inoltre rubriche applicative e di contesto: le descrizioni degli esperimenti più rilevanti, le tecniche, i risvolti clinici e anche veri e propri approfondimenti disciplinari. Free Download Biologia delle piante di Raven Italiano | 2013 | ISBN: 8808175049 | 937 Pages | PDF | 417 MB La settima edizione italiana della "Biologia delle piante" di Raven ha subito la revisione più rilevante della sua storia. Ci sono stati infatti interessanti sviluppi in ogni settore, dalle peculiarità molecolari della fotosintesi alle notevoli differenze nei rapporti tassonomici, evidenziate confrontando le sequenze di DNA e RNA, ai progressi della genomica e dell'ingegneria genetica che permettono una migliore comprensione dell'anatomia e della fisiologia delle piante. Nel registrare i nuovi progressi, gli autori hanno rafforzato l'esposizione, spiegato attentamente i nuovi termini e aggiunto schemi, foto e micrografie elettroniche più recenti, continuando a dedicare particolare attenzione ai principali temi del libro: il funzionamento di un organismo vegetale come risultato dinamico dei processi mediati dalle interazioni biochimiche; le relazioni evolutive, preziose per comprendere la struttura e la funzione degli organismi, l'ecologia come tema integrato che enfatizza la nostra dipendenza dalle piante; la ricerca molecolare, essenziale per rivelare i dettagli di genetica vegetale, funzioni cellulari e relazioni tassonomiche. Free Download Bioethanol: A Green Energy Substitute for Fossil Fuels English | 2023 | ISBN: 3031365410 | 605 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 24 MB This book looks deeply into the prospects for using ethanol as a greener alternative to fossil fuels and the technical and scientific issues that surround them. Ethanol, with its numerous advantages, has emerged as a promising contender to replace gasoline as a fuel source. Currently, it is commercially available as a blend with gasoline, commonly known as E10 and E25, utilizing various ratios of ethanol. Despite its clear benefits over gasoline, the widespread adoption of ethanol as a fuel remains hindered by its limited availability. In this insightful book, we aim to explore the multifaceted challenges surrounding ethanol's full integration into our energy landscape, employing a comprehensive approach through review manuscripts. Leading worldwide experts, known for their deep understanding of ethanol as a fuel, have contributed to the book. Their valuable insights and contributions enrich the book's content, offering readers a comprehensive exploration of the subject matter. This book is a compelling resource for researchers, energy professionals, and anyone interested in understanding the challenges and opportunities associated with the integration of ethanol as a substitute for gasoline. Free Download Biochar and its Composites: Fundamentals and Applications English | 2023 | ISBN: 9819952387 | 453 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 32 MB The book discusses the commercial applications of biochar and its composites. Biochar prepared from pyrolysis of waste biomass is gaining widespread attention in environmental remediation due to its multifaceted benefits. This book explores these possible applications of biochar in water treatment and removal of pollutants from the contaminated sites. It also emphasizes the role of biochar engineering through different physical and chemical methods to enhance structural and physicochemical properties of biochar such as surface area, porosity and surface functional group. It also focuses on the diverse source of biomass that can be used for biochar production, different methodologies for biochar preparation and biochar engineering for improvement of its properties. Finally, it describes all the applications of biochar that can contribute to environmental remediation and sustainability. Given the contents, the book will be useful for students, researchers and professionals in the area of environmental chemistry and material science. Free Download Bio-inspired Information Pathways: From Neuroscience to Neurotronics English | 2023 | ISBN: 3031367049 | 433 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 105 MB This open access book offers a timely and comprehensive review of the field of neurotronics. Gathering cutting-edge contributions from neuroscientists, biologists, psychologists, as well as physicists, microelectronics engineers and information scientists, it gives extensive information on fundamental information pathways in selected nervous systems. It also highlights their relevance as building blocks for novel computing architectures, such as bio-inspired electronic devices, neuromorphic architectures, memristive devices, adaptive sensors and emergent, pulsed-coupled oscillatory networks. All in all, this book offers a unique bridge between fundamental research in neuroscience, neural information processing, nonlinear dynamics, and self-organization, and advanced practical applications concerning the fabrication of hardware-oriented computing. Free Download Bi-Syndromes or Rheumatic Disorders Treated By Traditional Chinese Medicine by Sun Vagermeersch English | January 1, 1994 | ISBN: 2872930116 | 294 pages | PDF | 111 Mb This book collates an impressive amount of theoretical and practical information regarding the study and treatment of rheumatic ailments in Chinese medicine. The treatments contained herein encompass both acupuncture and herbal medicine. This is one of the most comprehensive works in English on this topic. It offers you: (1) a detailed explanation of the Chinese medical theory of Bi, ie rheumatic disorders; (2) a comparison of the Chinese medical signs and symptoms with Western clinical conditions; (3) 118 distinct acupuncture points, 76 single herbs, and 90 formulas, including their specific properties, functions and uses in the treatment of rheumatic complaints; (4) 150 illustrations of acupuncture points and medicinal products; (5) diagrams summarizing the pathogenic mechanisms of rheumatic diseases; (6) an extensive index. This book is a must for any practitioner of Chinese medicine and acupuncture since it links theory with rich clinical experience in the field of rheumatology. |