Free Download Genomics of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria in Industrial Waste Water Treatment English | 2023 | ISBN: 3031446178 | 268 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 12 MB This book discusses the key problems and solutions with various applicable approaches to combat antibiotic-resistant genes in industrial waste water. Several genes are selected within the chapters to illustrate the past and future roles of molecular ecophysiology and genomics in the development of wastewater microbiology as an important subdiscipline of microbial ecology. As we have very limited knowledge of composition, dynamics and stability of microbial communities, various processes in wastewater treatment have been generally considered to be "black box." In recent years, with the development of several new high throughput sequencing platforms, metagenome sequencing strategies and bioinformatics toolboxes, the analysis of the genome of complex communities has become much more accessible and means easier. Free Download Genetic Science and New Digital Technologies: Science and Technology Studies and Health Praxis English | 2023 | ISBN: 1529223318 | 247 Pages | PDF (True) | 16 MB From health tracking to diet apps to biohacking, technology is changing how we relate to our material, embodied selves. Drawing from a range of disciplines and case studies, this volume looks at what makes these health and genetic technologies unique and explores the representation, communication and internalization of health knowledge. Showcasing how power and inequality are reflected and reproduced by these technologies, discourses and practices, this book will be a go-to resource for scholars in science and technology studies as well as those who study the intersection of race, gender, socio-economic status, sexuality and health. Free Download Genetic Manipulation of Secondary Metabolites in Medicinal Plant English | 2023 | ISBN: 9819949386 | 638 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 21 MB This book provides a comprehensive introduction and review of state-of-the-art biotechnological tools in enhancement of bioactive compounds in medicinal and aromatic plants. Plant bioactive compounds are plant-based natural products that display a variety of pharmacological applications. These bioactive compounds are important as medicines, pigments, flavorings and drugs because most of the pharmaceutical industries are highly dependent on medicinal plants and their extraction. The book introduces a systematic overview of state-of-the-art biotechnological techniques such as Omics, Crisper /Cas9 and RNAi to enhance the plant bioactive contents as well as enlists various in vitro techniques, hairy root culture and transgenic technology to enhance plant bioactive contents using plant tissue culture approaches. The book also provides an overview of the role of induced mutation, biotic and abiotic stress to increase the bioactive contents in plants and discusses the significant role of endophytes to enhance the contents of plant bioactive compound. The book also opens discussions related to standard operating procedures using hydroponics system of cultivation for significant enhancement of bioactive compound(s) and much more. This book serves as an excellent reference book for the researchers working in the field of plant secondary metabolites and pharmaceutical industries at global level. 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Nachhaltigkeitsziel der UN (SDG 5, Geschlechtergleichheit), indem es auf Ungleichheiten hinweist und neue Wege aufzeigt. Free Download Gems of Ophthalmology-Glaucoma English | 2018 | ISBN: 9352702492 | 489 Pages | PDF | 27 MB This book focuses on Gems of Ophthalmology-Glaucoma. Glaucoma is a progressive optic neuropathy marked by damage to optic nerve head associated with visual field defects. It is the second important cause of blindness worldwide. According to one estimate there are more than 67 million people affected by glaucoma of which about 10% are blind. The blindness caused by glaucoma is irreversible. The glaucoma blindness may be silent or painful and stormy. It is estimated that by 2020, glaucoma may affect 80 million people globally. The book on Glaucoma presents a detail account of routine glaucoma investigations, such as gonioscopy, optic nerve and visual fields examinations as well as advanced imaging technology. Different types of secondary glaucoma, uveitic, pigmentary, pseudoexfoliative, traumatic, neovascular, phacomorphic, etc. have been described in detail. The developmental glaucoma and management of glaucoma with coexisting cataract are also covered in the book. Treatment modalities, such as medical, laser and surgery of developmental and adult glaucoma has been described adequately. This book will help postgraduates, residents and general ophthalmologists to understand glaucoma in a better way and enable them to treat glaucoma at an early stage to prevent blindness. Free Download Gems of Ophthalmology-Diseases of Uvea English | 2018 | ISBN: 9352702727 | 458 Pages | PDF | 16 MB Uveitis, polymerase chain reaction, intraocular inflammation, intraocular tuberculosis, ocular sarcoidosis, presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome, lyme disease, herpes simplex, ocular cysticercosis, endophthalmitis, Behçet's disease, intravitreal therapeutics, choroidal melanoma Free Download Gelassen und sicher im Stress: Das Stresskompetenz-Buch: Stress erkennen, verstehen, bewältigen Deutsch | 2023 | ISBN: 3662671158 | 256 Seiten | PDF (True) | 7 MB „Gestresst!" - „Keine Zeit!" - „Ich weiß nicht, wo mir der Kopf steht!" Stress kennt fast jeder, und viele leiden unter den negativen Folgen von Dauerstress. Was also tun? Dieses Buch zeigt vielfältige Handlungsmöglichkeiten auf und macht Mut für den eigenen Weg zu einem gelassenen und gesunden Umgang mit Stressbelastungen in Beruf und Alltag. Es ist geschrieben für Stressgeplagte zur Selbsthilfe und als verständliche Begleitlektüre bei Stressbewältigungskursen oder im Rahmen einer Beratung, für Personalverantwortliche und Führungskräfte in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung, auch für beratend und therapeutisch Tätige, die stressbelastete Personen unterstützen, und für alle, die ihre persönliche Stresskompetenz weiterentwickeln wollen. |