Free Download Data Analytics for Smart Grids Applications-A Key to Smart City Development English | 2023 | ISBN: 303146091X | 795 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 74 MB This book introduces big data analytics and corresponding applications in smart grids. The characterizations of big data, smart grids as well as a huge amount of data collection are first discussed as a prelude to illustrating the motivation and potential advantages of implementing advanced data analytics in smart grids. Basic concepts and the procedures of typical data analytics for general problems are also discussed. The advanced applications of different data analytics in smart grids are addressed as the main part of this book. By dealing with a huge amount of data from electricity networks, meteorological information system, geographical information system, etc., many benefits can be brought to the existing power system and improve customer service as well as social welfare in the era of big data. However, to advance the applications of big data analytics in real smart grids, many issues such as techniques, awareness, and synergies have to be overcome. This book provides deployment of semantic technologies in data analysis along with the latest applications across the field such as smart grids. Free Download Data Analytics for Process Engineers: Prediction, Control and Optimization English | 2024 | ISBN: 3031468651 | 151 Pages | PDF (True) | 3 MB This book provides an industry-oriented data analytics approach for process engineers, including data acquisition methods and sources, exploratory data analysis and sensitivity analysis, data-based modelling for prediction, data-based modelling for monitoring and control, and data-based optimization of processes. While many of the current data analytics books target business-related problems, the rationale for this book is a specific need to understand and select applicable data analytics approaches pragmatically to analyze process engineering-related problems; this tailored solution for engineers gets amalgamated with governing equations, and in several cases, with the physical understanding of the phenomenon being analyzed. We also consider this book strategically conceived to help map Education 4.0 with Industry 4.0 since it can support undergraduate and graduate students to gain valuable and applicable data analytics stills that can be further used in their workplace. Moreover, it can be used as a reference book for professionals, a quick reference to data analytics tools that can facilitate and/or optimize their process engineering tasks. 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