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LaSaine, "Air Officer Commanding: Hugh Dowding, Architect of the Battle of Britain" English | 2018 | pages: 272 | ISBN: 1611689376 | EPUB | 11,6 mb Hugh Dowding may be described as the prime architect of British victory in the battle of Britain, and thus as one of a handful of officers and men most responsible for ensuring that Hitler's planned invasion of England never occurred. Dowding was born in 1882 at the apex of British imperial power and had an early career as a gunner on the fabled North-West Frontier of the British Indian Empire. During the first year of World War I, he served with distinction as a combat pilot in France, but his real test would come in 1936, when he was assigned the critical task of reorganizing the Air Defense of Great Britain as the first air officer commanding-in-chief of the new RAF Fighter Command. In that capacity he stood up to senior staff―and Winston Churchill―by preventing the dismantling of British air defenses during the Battle of France in the spring of 1940, defying pressure from the British Army, Britain's French allies, and His Majesty's Government to send the bulk of the RAF's front-line fighters to the Continent in what Dowding predicted would be a futile effort to stem the German onslaught. While holding back as many of his best fighter aircraft as he could, in June Dowding deployed 11 Group under his hand-picked lieutenant, Air Vice-Marshal Keith Park, to repulse the Luftwaffe over Dunkirk, covering the evacuation of some 338,000 British and French troops from the Continent. During the three months of fighting known as the Battle of Britain, the integrated air defense system organized and trained by Dowding fought the vaunted Luftwaffe to a standstill in daylight air-to-air combat. In October, the Germans abandoned their attempt to win a decisive battle for air superiority over England, turning instead to the protracted campaign of attrition by nighttime area bombing known as the Blitz. In building, defending, and overseeing the operations of Fighter Command, Dowding was thus not only one of the master builders of air power, but also the only airman to have been the winning commander in one of history's decisive battles. ![]() Free Download Professor Filip Reyntjens, "Aid and Authoritarianism in Africa: Development without Democracy" English | 2016 | pages: 192 | ISBN: 1783606282 | EPUB | 1,0 mb In 2013 almost half of Africa's top aid recipients were ruled by authoritarian regimes. While the West may claim to promote democracy and human rights, in practice major bilateral and international donors, such as USAID, DFID, the World Bank and the European Commission, have seen their aid policies become ever more entangled with the survival of their authoritarian protégés. Local citizens thus find themselves at the receiving end of a compromise between aid agencies and government elites, in which development policies are shaped in the interests of maintaining the status quo. ![]() Free Download Agricultural Waste to Value-Added Products: Technical, Economic and Sustainable Aspects English | 2023 | ISBN: 9819944716 | 724 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 39 MB This edited book provides a comprehensive review of the current agricultural waste disposal techniques focusing on the ongoing research in the production of various agro waste-derived value-added products. Further topic includes the techno-economic aspects in up-scaling the technology from lab scale to commercial/pilot scale. Sustainable waste management and alternative renewable energy sources are the most important requirements in this era of rapid industrialization and urbanization. Agricultural waste, which is one of the major contributors to overall waste production, has the ability to be an essential source of renewable energy and other valuable products. The ongoing research and technical advancements in agro-waste treatment lead to the efficient conversion of waste into different value-added products. This book is of primary interest to academicians, researchers, scientists and engineers working in the field of agro-residue management, and biomass to bio-energy conversion technologies. Also, the book serves as reading material for students of Environmental Engineering/Civil and Environmental Engineering and Agricultural Engineering. Rural Management authorities, Industrial and Government policy-making agencies may also find it useful read. ![]() Free Download Agricultural Biocatalysis: Enzymes in Agriculture and Industry English | 2023 | ISBN: 9814968471 | 553 Pages | PDF (True) | 36 MB Agricultural biocatalysis is of immense scientific interest nowadays owing to its increasing importance in the efforts for more sustainable agriculture while optimizing environmental impacts. Plant compatibility is essential for developing eco-friendly and sustainable microbial products. Therefore, our search for novel technologies ought to be in the foreground, for which a thorough understanding of biochemical processes, application of agricultural enzymes, traits, and viruses get the highest priority. ![]() Free Download Julie Guthman, "Agrarian Dreams: The Paradox of Organic Farming in California" English | 2004 | pages: 264 | ISBN: 0520240952 | EPUB | 1,9 mb In an era of escalating food politics, many believe organic farming to be the agrarian answer. In this first comprehensive study of organic farming in California, Julie Guthman casts doubt on the current wisdom about organic food and agriculture, at least as it has evolved in the Golden State. Refuting popular portrayals of organic agriculture as a small-scale family farm endeavor in opposition to "industrial" agriculture, Guthman explains how organic farming has replicated what it set out to oppose. ![]() Free Download Agiler Organisationsaufbau: Die Entwicklung einer handlungsfähigen Organisation Deutsch | 2023 | ISBN: 3662681455 | 180 Seiten | PDF (True) | 2.3 MB Klassische, über Jahre oder sogar Jahrzehnte erfolgreiche Organisationen geraten aus dem Tritt. Der Absatz und die Beliebtheit ihrer Produkte und Dienstleistungen scheint zu schwinden. Die Innovationkraft scheint nicht mehr vorhanden zu sein, obwohl sie doch alles wie früher machen. Sie bemerken nicht, dass sich das wirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Umfeld verändert und versuchen diese Entfernung mit Produktverbesserungen zu kompensieren. |