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![]() Free Download Technology and Measurement around the Globe English | 2024 | ISBN: 1316515281 | 379 Pages | PDF | 4 MB There have been tremendous advancements in technology-based assessments in new modes of data collection and the use of artificial intelligence. Traditional assessment techniques in the fields of psychology, business, education, and health need to be reconsidered. Yet, while technology is pervasive, its spread is not consistent due to national differences in economics and culture. Given these trends, this book offers an integrative consolidation of how technology is changing the face of assessments across different regions of the world. There are three major book sections: in foundations, core issues of computational models, passively sensed data, and privacy concerns are discussed; in global perspectives, the book identifies ways technology has changed how we assess human attributes across the world, and finally, in regional focus, the book surveys how different regions around the world have adopted technology-based assessments for their unique cultural and societal context. ![]() Free Download Technology and Literature English | 2024 | ISBN: 1108472583 | 438 Pages | PDF | 8 MB Whereas previous books have explored how literature depicts or discusses scientific concepts, this book argues that literature is a technology. It shows how literature has been shaped by technological revolutions, and reveals the essential work that literature has done in helping to uncover the consequences of new technologies. Individual chapters focus on how specific literary technologies - the development of writing, the printing press, typewriters, the computer - changed the kinds of stories it was possible to tell, and how one could tell them. They also cover the way that literature has engaged with non-literary technologies - clocks, compasses, trains, telegraphs, cameras, bombs, computer networks - to help its readers to work through the new social configurations and new possibilities for human identity and imagination that they unveil. Human life is inescapably mediated through technology; literature demonstrates this, and thus helps its readers to engage consciously and actively with their technological worlds. ![]() Free Download Technische Mechanik 2 - Elastostatik Deutsch | 2023 | ISBN: 366267758X | 634 Seiten | PDF (True) | 21 MB Der zweite Band dieser Buchreihe beschäftigt sich mit der Elastostatik, nachdem im ersten die Stereostatik behandelt wurde. Beginnend mit den Grundlagen der Spannungstheorie über die unterschiedlichen Belastungsarten: Zug, Druck, Biegung, Torsion, Schub und Pressung wird auf Stabilitätsprobleme eingegangen (Knicken, Drillen, Beulen) bis im Anschluss die Grundlagen der Kontinuumsmechanik, deren Gleichungen die Grundlagen eines jeden modernen FEM Programm bilden, behandelt wird. Die numerische Lösung, wie sie FEM Programme nutzen, wird im letzten Kapitel untersucht. ![]() Free Download Tech Titans: A Kid's Introduction to AI And Machine Learning by Mr Staffin English | December 15, 2023 | ISBN: 8872035120 | 29 pages | PDF | 4.36 Mb ![]() Free Download Team Topologies: Organisation von Business- und IT-Teams für einen schnellen Arbeitsfluss Deutsch | 2023 | ISBN: 3960092318 | 532 Seiten | EPUB | 4 MB Team Topologies ist ein praktisches, schrittweise anpassbares Modell für die Gestaltung von Organisationen und die Interaktion von Teams. Es basiert auf vier Teamtypen und drei Formen der Teaminteraktion und versteht Teams als entscheidenden Faktor der Wertschöpfung. Mit der technologischen und organisatorischen Reife einer Organisation werden sich Teamstrukturen und Kommunikationswege kontinuierlich weiterentwickeln. ![]() Free Download Teaching World Languages with the Five Senses: Practical Strategies and Ideas for Hands-On Learning English | 2024 | ISBN: 1032265752 | 119 Pages | PDF (True) | 16 MB With this fun, practical guide, you will have everything you need to re-envision and reinvigorate your world language classroom. Author Elizabeth Porter draws on a brain-based approach to show how language learning is a sensory experience. Students can effectively learn languages and improve retention through activities and lessons that incorporate the five senses - sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. Chapters include real-world, research-backed examples and classroom strategies and activities ready for use. An essential resource for world language teachers, this book introduces language learning philosophy and an out-of-the-box, effective approach that uses neuroscience combined with best practices to promote a highly engaging language learning environment.
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