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![]() Free Download Synoptische Meteorologie: Methoden der Wetteranalyse und -prognose Deutsch | 2023 | ISBN: 3662672162 | 493 Seiten | PDF (True) | 48 MB Das vorliegende Buch beschäftigt sich mit der synoptischen Meteorologie mittlerer Breiten im europäischen Raum. Hierbei wird versucht, die in der angewandten synoptischen Meteorologie interessanten Fragestellungen mit Hilfe der Erkenntnisse aus der theoretischen Meteorologie zu erklären und auf diese Weise eine Verbindung zwischen theoretischer und angewandter Meteorologie zu schaffen. Zunächst erfolgt eine detaillierte Darstellung moderner Beobachtungs- und Messverfahren zur Beschreibung des momentanen atmosphärischen Zustands. Hierzu gehören u.a. die Vorstellung des Stationsmodells sowie die Wolkenklassifikation nach Vorgaben der World Meteorological Organization. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf der ausführlichen Diskussion der Mess- und Beobachtungsmethoden auf dem Gebiet der Satelliten- und Radarmeteorologie. Dies geschieht vornehmlich anhand der mit dem europäischen Wettersatellitensystem Meteosat Second Generation gewonnenen Daten und dem vom Deutschen Wetterdienst errichteten Radarverbund zur flächendeckenden Niederschlagserfassung innerhalb Deutschlands. ![]() Free Download Syncytia: Origin, Structure, and Functions English | 2023 | ISBN: 3031379357 | 914 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 78 MB This book gives a current overview on the development, origin, structure, and functions of germline and somatic cell syncytia during embryogenesis and organogenesis. It also reviews pathogen-induced syncytia and the role of syncytial cells in cancer development.
![]() Free Download Synchronization Control of Markovian Complex Neural Networks with Time-varying Delays English | 2024 | ISBN: 3031478347 | 271 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 26 MB This monograph studies the synchronization control of Markovian complex neural networks with time-varying delays, and the structure of the book is summarized as follows. Chapter 1 introduces the system description and some background knowledges, and also addresses the motivations of this monograph. In Chapter 2, the stochastic synchronization issue of Markovian coupled neural networks with partially unknown transition rates and random coupling strengths is investigated. In Chapter 3, the local synchronization issue of Markovian neutral complex networks with partially information of transition rates is investigated. The new delay-dependent synchronization criteria in terms of LMIs are derived, which depends on the upper and lower bounds of the delays. In Chapter 4, the local synchronization issue of Markovian nonlinear coupled neural networks with uncertain and partially unknown transition rates is investigated. The less conservative local synchronization criteria containing the bounds of delay and delay derivative are obtained based on the novel augmented Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional and a new integral inequality. In Chapter 5, the sampled-data synchronization issue of delayed complex networks with aperiodic sampling interval is investigated based on enhanced input delay approach, which makes full use of the upper bound of the variable sampling interval and the sawtooth structure information of varying input delay. In Chapter 6, the sampled-data synchronization issue of Markovian coupled neural networks with mode-dependent interval time-varying delays and aperiodic sampling intervals is investigated based on an enhanced input delay approach. Furthermore, the mode-dependent sampled-data controllers are proposed based on the delay dependent synchronization criteria. In Chapter 7, the synchronization issue of inertial neural networks with time-varying delays and generally Markovian jumping is investigated. In Chapter 8, we conclude the monograph by briefly summarizing the main theoretical findings. ![]() Free Download SwiftUI Cookbook - Third Edition English | 2023 | ISBN: 9781805121732 | 935 Pages | EPUB | 47 MB SwiftUI is the modern way to build user interfaces for iOS, macOS, and watchOS. It provides a declarative and intuitive way to create beautiful and interactive user interfaces. The new edition of this comprehensive cookbook includes a fully updated repository for SwiftUI 5, iOS 17, Xcode 15, and Swift 5.9. With this arsenal, it teaches you everything you need to know to build beautiful and interactive user interfaces with SwiftUI 5, from the basics to advanced topics like custom modifiers, animations, and state management. ![]() Free Download Swept-source Optical Coherence Tomography: A Color Atlas (Second Edition) English | 2018 | ISBN: 9813271779 | 101 Pages | PDF (True) | 57 MB This book is written for retinal specialists and clinicians with a special interest in retinal diseases. It presents a collection of images and brief annotations of the microstructures of both the normal and diseased eye captured on swept source optical coherence tomography.The swept-source OCT is a relatively new form of imaging and is able to capture structures and details which previous generations of OCT machines cannot. This type of imaging represents the forefront in ocular imaging. This second edition includes a new chapter on optic nerve conditions and more cases on eye conditions that were imaged with the SS-OCT. It also showcases the use of swept-source OCT for OCT angiography. ![]() Free Download Peter Guralnick, "Sweet Soul Music: Rhythm and Blues and the Southern Dream of Freedom" English | 2012 | pages: 438 | ISBN: 0060960493 | EPUB | 21,8 mb Chronicles the history of Soul Music from its origins in the rural South to its heydey as a multimillion dollar business ![]() Free Download Sustainable Textile Chemical Processing English | 2024 | ISBN: 1032629908 | 508 Pages | PDF (True) | 12 MB This book covers different aspects of efforts being put in making the textile chemical processing sustainable. Right from understanding the importance of sustainability, it covers various approaches towards sustainable textile processing. Sustainability in this context makes us think proactively and introspect our business-as-usual practices for higher productivity, lower costs and more profits. ![]() Free Download Sustainable Management: Coping with the Dilemmas of Resource-Oriented Management English | 2023 | ISBN: 3031457900 | 365 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 26 MB In the second edition of this book, the concept of resource-based sustainability has once again been expanded to include further references to modern management theories. The author shows that overcoming the dilemmas that sustainability creates for companies and all organizations leads to more complex decisions that also require higher levels of awareness. The concept of sustainable leadership is closely related to the resource approach. Finally, readers will learn how to tell a compelling transformation narrative toward sustainability. ![]() Free Download Sustainable Lean Construction: Select Proceedings of ILCC 2022 English | 2024 | ISBN: 9819954541 | 514 Pages | PDF (True) | 20 MB This book presents select proceedings of the Indian Lean Construction Conference (ILCC 2022) with adoption and implementation cases of lean concepts across Indian construction projects. The topics covered are lean culture and behavior, lean in sustainable and green technologies, lean supply chain management and offsite construction, lean in public sector, lean in modern construction techniques, etc. The book also discusses various properties and performance attributes of lean tools and techniques across various construction practices in infrastructure and real estate projects. The book is a valuable reference for researchers and construction professionals interested in Lean Construction. ![]() Free Download Sustainable International Business: Smart Strategies for Business and Society English | 2023 | ISBN: 3031437845 | 917 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 16 MB This is a unique book that adopts a global approach to studying international business. It stimulates research and rethinking among scholars and practitioners to understand how businesses operate internationally into lucrative markets, and their role in sustainable business growth, glocal value creation, and economic development. It provides insights into how international firms, entrepreneurs, family businesses, and other stakeholders balance the act of value creation and conducting sustainable and ethical business. The book covers economic, social, and environmental dimensions of sustainability such as poverty alleviation through FDI and remittances, diversity and inclusion in management, and ethical governance to value creation for stakeholders and profit maximization through sustainable firm growth, entrepreneurial initiatives, and sustainable business models. It addresses capacity building and the grand challenges that international business needs to develop solutions for. The chapters offer multiple types of contributions including conceptual and theoretical works, literature reviews, and empirical (qualitative and quantitative) studies. The authors, and the topics included, provide a wide international representation and illustrate multi-layered sustainable business perspectives that cover developing, emerging, and developed country contexts as well as multiple directions of international business flows. |