Free Download Jugend und Wohnen: Wohnsituation und Lebenslage junger Erwachsener in der Stadt By Daniel Rieser (auth.) 1997 | 301 Pages | ISBN: 3531130307 | PDF | 8 MB InhaltI. Einleitung: Fragestellung und Methode - Theorien der sozialen Plazierung und Individualisierung / II. Essen: Metropole des Ruhrgebiets oder Krisenregion: Stadtentwicklung und Wohnbedingungen bis 1945 - Stadtentwicklung und Wohnbedingungen nach 1945 - Strukturwandel und Deindustrialisierung - Polarisierung innerhalb der Stadt / III. Wohnsituation junger Erwachsener: Wohnen bei den Eltern - Wohnen alleine - Wohnen mit einem Partner - Wohnen in einer Gemeinschaft - Zusammenfassung / IV. Stadtteil, Stadt und Region: Abgelegener Arbeiterstadtteil - Abgelegener Stadtteil mit Großsiedlung - Citynaher, vernachlässigter Stadtteil - Citynaher, sozial-räumlich gemischter Stadtteil - Abgelegener bürgerlicher Stadtteil - Zusammenfassung / V. Soziale Plazierung und politische Einstellungen: Lebenslage, soziale Plazierung und Individualisierung - Zugehörigkeit zu sozialen Gruppierungen und Betroffenheit durch gesellschaftliche Probleme - Parteipräferenzen - Zusammenfassung.Zielgruppe1. Sozialwissenschaftler 2. Stadt- und Regionalplaner 3. Diplompädagogen 4. Sozialpädagogen 5. Sozialarbeiter
Free Download Judicial Review of Legislation: A Comparative Study of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and South Africa By Gerhard van der Schyff (auth.) 2010 | 220 Pages | ISBN: 9048190010 | PDF | 3 MB Constitutionalism is the permanent quest to control state power, of which the judicial review of legislation is a prime example. Although the judicial review of legislation is increasingly common in modern societies, it is not a finished project. This device still raises questions as to whether judicial review is justified, and how it may be structured. Yet, judicial review's justification and its scope are seldom addressed in the same study, thereby making for an inconvenient divorce of these two related avenues of study. To narrow the divide, the object of this work is quite straightforward. Namely, is the idea of judicial review defensible, and what influences its design and scope? This book addresses these matters by comparing the judicial review of legislation in the United Kingdom (the Human Rights Act of 1998), the Netherlands (the Halsema Proposal of 2002) and the Constitution of South Africa of 1996. These systems present valuable material to study the issues raised by judicial review. The Netherlands is of particular interest as its Constitution still prohibits the constitutional review of acts of parliament, while allowing treaty review of such acts. The Halsema Proposal wants to even out this difference by allowing the courts also to apply constitutional norms to legislation and not only to international norms. The Human Rights Act and the South African Constitution also present interesting questions that will make their study worthwhile. One can think of the issue of dialogue between the legislature and the judiciary. This topic enjoys increased attention in the United Kingdom but is somewhat underexplored in South African thought on judicial review. These and similar issues are studied in each of the three systems, to not only gain a better understanding of the systems as such, but also of judicial review in general. Free Download Journalistische Kultur: Rahmenbedingungen im internationalen Vergleich By Dr. Marcel Machill (auth.), Dr. Marcel Machill (eds.) 1997 | 260 Pages | ISBN: 3531131133 | PDF | 7 MB Dr. Marcel Machill ist McCloy Scholar an der Kennedy School of Government der Harvard University in Cambridge (USA).
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Free Download Jihad made in Germany: Ottoman and German Propaganda and Intelligence Operations in the First World War By Tilman Ludke 2005 | 264 Pages | ISBN: 3825880710 | PDF | 10 MB This study analyses German and Ottoman efforts to promote a Muslim uprising in the Ottoman Empire and the Entente colonies in the First World War through intelligence and propaganda operations. Where appropriate, reference will be made to similar activities carried out by the British. These activities ended in failure. Germany over-rated the power of Pan-Islam and did not succeed in producing the desired rebellions. Britain, on the other hand, underrated Ottoman internal cohesion, and overrated the appeal of Arab nationalism to gain the support of the Ottoman Arabs for Britain's ends. Free Download Jews in Egypt: Communists and Citizens By Irmgard Schrand 2005 | 302 Pages | ISBN: 3825875164 | PDF | 12 MB Discourse about Jewish communists in Egypt shows that the perception of minorities is linked to the majority's perception of its own condition. Jewish communists became politically active in Egypt during a period when Egyptian society as a whole was in a process of change. Where that change would lead was uncertain. Different political and social forces were engaged in a power struggle. Young Jews turned to communism because it seemed to be the best basis for social justice and equality. What they hoped to accomplish in Egypt seems utopian today, and many of their former comrades believe that the Jewish leadership of Egyptian communist groups was very likely a consequence of foreign manipulation. Irmgard Schrand teaches at the Hochschule fr ffentliche Verwaltung in Bremen, Germany. Free Download Jewish Space Lasers: The Rothschilds and 200 Years of Conspiracy Theories by Mike Rothschild English | September 19, 2023 | ISBN: 1685890644 | 336 pages | PDF | 5.27 Mb With the current rise of antisemitism, this important book looks at how one Jewish family -the Rothschilds-became a lightning rod for the conspiracy theories of the last two centuries, and how those theories are still very much alive today. |