Free Download Handbuch Online-Kommunikation By Klaus Beck (auth.), Wolfgang Schweiger, Klaus Beck (eds.) 2010 | 549 Pages | ISBN: 3531170139 | PDF | 3 MB Das Handbuch gibt in 23 Beiträgen einschlägiger FachautorInnen einen umfassenden und systematischen Überblick des aktuellen Forschungsstandes kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Online-Forschung. Einführend werden die zentralen Fragestellungen, theoretischen Ansätze und empirischen Befunde dargestellt. Das Themenspektrum reicht von den Grundlagen computervermittelter Kommunikation (interpersonale, Gruppen- und öffentliche Kommunikation), über ökonomische, ethische und politische Fragen wie Regulierung und Kontrolle des Internets, sowie seine Verbreitung, Nutzung und Wirkung. Weitere Beiträge befassen sich mit Öffentlichkeit und Journalismus online, kulturellen und sozialpsychologischen Aspekten, Online-Werbung und -PR, Gesundheitskommunikation, E-Learning und Wissensmanagement sowie Online-Spielen. Ein Überblick über Methoden der Online-Forschung sowie die wichtigsten Datenquellen und Standarduntersuchungen rundet das Werk ab. Free Download Handbook of the Psychology of Fatherhood by Sonia Molloy, Pierre Azzam, Anthony Isacco English | November 23, 2022 | ISBN: 303114497X | 406 pages | MOBI | 1.74 Mb This handbook examines the psychology of fatherhood throughout the lifespan and across multiple contexts. It synthesizes the trajectory of research and theorization of fathering that has traditionally dominated fatherhood literature. The book explores fathering within the developmental stages of children, from infancy to adulthood. In addition, it addresses the health and well-being of fathers from the perinatal period onward, with a focus on isolation, loss, trauma, and mental and physical health. The book emphasizes positive fatherhood and masculinity, thereby offering new perspectives of fatherhood. It synthesizes cutting-edge research on the intersectionality of fathering and provides knowledge of fatherhood for diverse populations, including military, LGBTQ, and fathers on the margins. The handbook reviews clinical assessment as well as community-based prevention and intervention strategies for issues of fatherhood and examines directions for future public policy and on-the-ground work. It offers recommendations for promoting the health and well-being of fathers and their families from multiple perspectives. Free Download Handbook of the Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics By Prof. George Bragues (auth.), Christoph Luetge (eds.) 2013 | 1582 Pages | ISBN: 9400714939 | PDF | 11 MB The Handbook of Business Ethics: Philosophical Foundations is a standard interdisciplinary reference handbook in the field of business ethics. Articles by notable philosophers and economists examine fundamental concepts, theories and questions of business ethics: Are morality and self-interest compatible? What is meant by a just price? What did the Scholastic philosophers think about business? The handbook will cover the entire philosophical basis of business ethics. Articles range from historical positions such as Aristotelianism, Kantianism and Marxism to systematic issues like justice, religious issues, rights and globalisation or gender. The book is intended as a reference work for academics, students (esp. graduate), and professionals. Free Download Handbook of Quantifiers in Natural Language By Edward L. Keenan (auth.), Edward L. Keenan, Denis Paperno (eds.) 2012 | 970 Pages | ISBN: 9400726805 | PDF | 9 MB Covering a strikingly diverse range of languages from 12 linguistic families, this handbook is based on responses to a questionnaire constructed by the editors. Focusing on the formation, distribution and semantic interpretation of quantificational expressions, the book explores 17 languages including German, Italian, Russian, Mandarin Chinese, Malagasy, Hebrew, Pima, Basque, and more. The language data sets enable detailed crosslinguistic comparison of numerous features. These include semantic classes of quantifiers (generalized existential, generalized universal, proportional, partitive), syntactically complex quantifiers (intensive modification, Boolean compounding, exception phrases) and several others such as quantifier scope ambiguities, quantifier float, and binary quantifiers. Its theory-independent content extends earlier work by Matthewson (2008) and Bach et al. (1995), making this handbook suitable for linguists, semanticians, philosophers of language and logicians alike. Free Download Handbook of Marine Natural Products By John Blunt, John Buckingham, Murray Munro (auth.), Ernesto Fattorusso, William H. Gerwick, Orazio Taglialatela-Scafati (eds.) 2012 | 1452 Pages | ISBN: 9048138337 | PDF | 27 MB "Handbook of Marine Natural Products" takes a fresh approach to describing the major themes of research in this rapidly developing field. This two volume reference work begins with a section that provides a taxonomic survey of the secondary metabolites of diverse marine life including microbes, algae, and invertebrates. This is followed by a demonstration of the techniques and strategies employed in modern structure elucidation of complex natural products. The natural roles of marine natural products are then explored in a series of focused chapters which include the topics of symbiosis, anti-predation and antifouling, chemical interactions, and defence against UV stress. Various routes which facilitate the understanding of marine natural product biosynthesis are subsequently explained and these are followed by an extensive set of chapters on the biomedical potential of marine natural products. The latter portion of this section considers the technologies and scientific disciplines necessary for advancing bioactive marine natural product lead compounds into actual pharmaceuticals. The reference work finishes with a selection of chapters describing marine toxins and their impact on public health and seafood resources. Final thoughts presented at the end of the second volume focus on the future of this field of investigation and discovery research.This publication is presented as a reference handbook and general concepts are emphasized and illustrated with numerous interesting examples, graphical information, and a comprehensive index. "Handbook of Marine Natural Products" introduces students who are at advanced undergraduate and entry graduate student levels to this fascinating multidisciplinary field. It is an ideal desk companion for courses focusing on this contemporary area. Free Download Handbook of Hydroxybenzophenones By Robert Martin (auth.) 2000 | 650 Pages | ISBN: 9401058725 | PDF | 30 MB Hydroxybenzophenones are most useful synthetic intermediates in the chemical industry, for example in pharmaceuticals, dyes, fragrances, agrochemicals, explosives and plastics. In this handbook, the diverse methods of obtaining over 1900 hydroxybenzophenones are described, and their physico-chemical properties and spectroscopic data references are indicated. Hence, ketones are classified methodically. They are thus easily accessible from three tables; the molecular formula index, the chemical abstracts registry numbers, and the usual names index. This work will prove to be a valuable tool for laboratory work and research and development departments. It is set to become the reference on hydroxybenzophenones. This handbook is particularly intended for engineers in chemical synthesis and academic as well as industrial researchers from various branches of chemistry.
Free Download Handbook of Human-Machine Systems (IEEE Press Series on Human-Machine Systems) by Giancarlo Fortino, David Kaber, Andreas Nürnberger English | July 25, 2023 | ISBN: 1119863635 | 528 pages | PDF | 35 Mb Handbook of Human-Machine Systems Free Download Handbook of Asian Education: A Cultural Perspective By Yong Zhao (editor), Jing Lei (editor), Guofang Li (editor), Ming Fang He (editor), Kaori Okano (editor), Nagwa Megahed (editor), David Gamage (editor), Hema Ramanathan (editor) 2010 | 584 Pages | ISBN: 0805864458 | PDF | 3 MB Comprehensive and authoritative, this Handbook provides a nuanced description and analysis of educational systems, practices, and policies in Asian countries and explains and interprets these practices from cultural, social, historical, and economic perspectives. Using a culture-based framework, the volume is organized in five sections, each devoted to educational practices in one civilization in Asia: Sinic, Japanese, Islamic, Buddhist, and Hindu. Culture and culture identities essentially are civilization identities; the major differences among civilizations are rooted in their different cultures. This framework offers a novel approach to capturing the essence of the diverse educational systems and practices in Asia. Uniquely combining description and interpretation of educational practices in Asia, this Handbook is a must-have resource for education researchers and graduate students in international and comparative education, globalization and education, multicultural education, sociocultural foundations of education, and Asian studies, and for educational administrators and education policy makers. Free Download Halla Bol By Sudhanva Deshpande 2019 | 266 Pages | ISBN: 8194357918 | PDF | 6 MB This is not a story of death. It is a story of life. The luminous life of Safdar Hashmi, extraordinary in all its ordinariness. Free Download Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis: Folgeband 2: Drogen A-K By Professor Dr. W. Blaschek (auth.), Professor Dr. W. Blaschek, Professor Dr. R. Hänsel, Dr. K. Keller, Professor Dr. J. Reichling, Professor Dr. H. Rimpler, Professor Dr. G. Schneider (eds.) 1998 | 909 Pages | ISBN: 3642637949 | PDF | 39 MB Die beiden zum Gebiet Drogen erscheinenden Bände des Folgewerks von Hagers Handbuch enthalten, wie im Grundwerk der 5. Auflage, Monographien in alphabetischer Reihenfolge über Arzneipflanzengattungen. Jede einzelne Monographie umfaßt die für die pharmazeutische Praxis wichtigen Arzneipflanzen mit den dazugehörigen allopathischen und homöopathischen Zubereitungen. In den Monographien werden Aussagen über die Botanik, Chemotaxonomie, Analytik, Wirkung, medizinische Anwendung und Toxikologie gemacht. Von besonderer Bedeutung sind Drogen des DAB/HAB und von in Europa gültigen Arzneibüchern. |