Free Download Ethics and Self-Knowledge: Respect for Self-Interpreting Agents By Peter Lucas (auth.) 2011 | 208 Pages | ISBN: 9400715595 | PDF | 2 MB This book explores the theoretical basis of our ethical obligations to others as self-knowing beings - this task being envisaged as an essential supplement to a traditional ethic of respect for persons. Authoritative knowledge of others brings with it certain obligations, which are reflected in (inter alia) the moral and legal safeguards designed to ensure that certain information is 'put out of play' for job selection purposes etc. However, the theoretical basis for such obligations has never been fully clarified. This book begins by identifying a distinctive class of 'interpretive' moral wrongs (including stereotyping, discrimination and objectification). It then shows how our obligations in respect of these wrongs can be understood, drawing on insights from the tradition of philosophical reflection on recognition. The book will be of interest to anyone concerned with the adequacy of a modern ethic of respect for persons - particularly in applied and professional ethics.
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Aus dem umfänglichen qualitativen Datenmaterial wird eine Typologie familialer Ernährungsversorgungsstile generiert, die innovative Ansatzpunkte für eine zielgruppenbezogene Gesundheits- und Ernährungsprävention eröffnet. Zugleich wird deutlich, dass die derzeit im öffentlichen Raum vorhandenen Strukturen und Angebote zur Entlastung und Unterstützung der Ernährungsversorgung in Familien mit berufstätigen Eltern weder in quantitativer noch in qualitativer Hinsicht ausreichen, was einen erheblichen gesellschaftspolitischen Handlungsbedarf anzeigt. Free Download Escape of the Amethyst by C. E. Lucas Phillips English | November 14, 2021 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B09CPWCJGZ | 270 pages | PDF | 1.82 Mb The astounding true story of the ordeal and escape of the British frigate Amethyst from Chinese Communist batteries in the Yangtze River in April 1949. 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Die Einführung in die Verfahren erfolgt anhand passender Beispiele, wobei auf komplizierte mathematische Herleitungen verzichtet wird. Alle Datenbeispiele sind auf einer CD beigegeben, so dass sie selbst nachvollzogen bzw. modifiziert werden können. Free Download Errol Flynn: The Illustrated Life Chronology by Robert Florczak English | February 28, 2022 | ISBN: 1493049216 | 320 pages | MOBI | 98 Mb Though there have been myriad books on Errol Flynn - scores of biographies, film studies, analyses, etc. - there has never been one that unfurls his dashing life day-by-day, predominantly through photos, letters, news clippings, and documents. This book does so: from Flynn's birth in Hobart, Australia in 1909 through to his death in Vancouver, Canada in 1959, with over 1,000 images (many rarely or never before published) culled from Florczak's personal collection of over 11,000. The book is the result of the author's travels around the world to photograph locations key to Flynn's life, and with text gathered from years of research in the Warner Bros. Archives, the USC Cinematic Arts Library, and the Margaret Herrick Library. Among other popular day-by-day pictorial biographies are those of Frank Sinatra, Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland, Ernest Hemingway, Elvis Presley, The Beatles, and Eric Clapton. Flynn's colorful life was lived out on the world stage and a better candidate for a book of this style would be hard to find. |