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Free Download Effective Academic Writing 3 By Rhonda Liss, Jason Davis 2012 | 230 Pages | ISBN: 019432348X | PDF | 5 MB Effective Academic Writing, Second Edition provides the tools necessary for successful academic writing:-Step-by step Writing Process guides and refines writing skills.-Timed Writing practice prepares students for success on high-stakes tests.-Online Writing Tutor on Oxford Learn improves academic writing inside and outside the classroom.-Online Grammar Practice provides extra practice where and when your students need it the most.Step-By-Step Instruction takes students through the complete academic writing process starting at the sentence level and ending with the researched essay. Free Download Educational Research with Our Youngest: Voices of Infants and Toddlers By Eva Johansson (auth.), Eva Johansson, E. Jayne White (eds.) 2011 | 208 Pages | ISBN: 9400723938 | PDF | 3 MB Interpreting the voices of under three year olds is central to early childhood education. Yet entering into their life-worlds is fraught with challenges and unrealised possibilities. This ground-breaking book generates a dialogue about the multiple ways researchers have exploited a range of methods for approaching, accessing, understanding and interpreting infant voice. Each chapter explores the kinds of ethical considerations and dilemmas that may arise in this process. The book itself represents a chorus of international voices (researchers, children, teachers and parents), all adding to a discussion about various circumstances, dilemmas and possibilities involved in doing research with our youngest. This book is an essential read for researchers and teachers alike who seek to 'listen' and 'see' very young children with fresh ears and eyes. Free Download Educational Research - the Ethics and Aesthetics of Statistics By Paul Smeyers (auth.), Paul Smeyers, Marc Depaepe (eds.) 2010 | 224 Pages | ISBN: 9048198720 | PDF | 3 MB Statistics are everywhere. Their power and their undoubted efficacy in many areas have given rise to faith in measurement and metrics. More of them will tell us all that we need to know. Their use carries with it a number of presuppositions: that reality can be satisfactorily represented and that it can be controlled or the risks managed. The papers in this book interpret the ethics and aesthetics of statistics in terms of representation, visualisation and accessibility, focus on the appeal of 'simplicity', of technical languages, numbers, diagrams and pictures, and pay attention to their connection with action plans. The book explores what has made educational researchers dependent on statistics, and deals with their use in areas such as the prevalence of maltreatment of children, European citizenship, well-being and happiness, illegal migrants, and university expansion. There is discussion of how the quest for more and better statistics finds its voice in policy initiatives that become slogans, and how public opinion polls are used to rationalise political decision-making. Can a more limited and modest use be made of statistics which does not deflect attention away from education's core business and which does not destroy the local practical knowledge that on which good education is based? 'Smeyers and Depaepe continue to bring together a significant international group of educational philosophers and historians on topics of importance to researchers. This fifth volume in their series takes up the 'gold standard' use of statistics in case studies not contributed elsewhere. I highly recommend this text to counter a current over-emphasis on technique in research methodology. Use of statistics remains but herein under new, insightful conceptualizations.' Lynda Stone, Philosophy of Education, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA 'Once again, Depaepe and Smeyers succeeded in bringing together distinguished international and cross-disciplinary scholars exploring very timely and critical issues in current educational research. This is a groundbreaking book on a theme that can't be ignored by educational researchers and those interested in a better understanding of the culture of science and science as culture. Moreover, the present book instigates to study history of educational research, a limited but developing field, and invites reflection to those who are sometimes too reliant on number crunching as a mode of interpretation and rather credulous in the acceptance of institutional records. Frank Simon, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Ghent University, Belgium This publication, as well as the ones that are mentioned on the preliminary pages of this work, were realized by the Research Community (FWO-Vlaanderen/Research Foundation Flanders, Belgium) Philosophy and History of the Discipline of Education: Faces and Spaces of Educational Research. Free Download Education, Culture and Epistemological Diversity: Mapping a Disputed Terrain By Claudia W. Ruitenberg, D. C. Phillips (auth.), Claudia W. Ruitenberg, D.C. Phillips (eds.) 2012 | 162 Pages | ISBN: 9400720653 | PDF | 1 MB In the recent educational research literature, it has been asserted that ethnic or cultural groups have their own distinctive epistemologies, and that these have been given short shrift by the dominant social group. Educational research, then, is pursued within a framework that embodies assumptions about knowledge and knowledge production that reflect the interests and historical traditions of this dominant group. In such arguments, however, some relevant philosophical issues remain unresolved, such as what claims about culturally distinctive epistemologies mean, precisely, and how they relate to traditional epistemological distinctions between beliefs and knowledge. Furthermore, can these ways of establishing knowledge stand up to critical scrutiny? This volume marshals a variety of resources to pursue such open questions in a lively and accessible way: a critical literature review, analyses from philosophers of education who have different positions on the key issues, a roundtable discussion, and interactions between the two editors, who sometimes disagree. It also employs the work of prominent feminist epistemologists who have investigated parallel issues with sophistication. This volume does not settle the question of culturally distinctive epistemologies, but teases out the various philosophical, sociological and political aspects of the issue so that the debate can continue with greater clarity. Free Download Education for Self-transformation: Essay Form as an Educational Practice By Duck-Joo Kwak (auth.) 2012 | 150 Pages | ISBN: 9400724004 | PDF | 2 MB Exemplifying what it advocates, this book is an innovative attempt to retrieve the essay form from its degenerate condition in academic writing. Its purpose is to create pedagogical space in which the inner struggle of 'lived experience' can articulate itself in the first person. Working through essays, the modern, 'post-secular' self can guide, understand, and express its own transformation. This is not merely a book about writing methods: it has a sharp existential edge. Beginning by defining key terms such as 'self-transformation', Kwak sketches the contemporary debates between Jürgen Habermas and Charles Taylor on the status of religious language in the public domain, and its relationship to secular language. This allows her to contextualize her book's central questions: how can philosophical practice reduce the experiential rift between knowledge and wisdom? How can the essay form be developed so that it facilitates, as praxis, pedagogical self-transformation? Kwak develops her answers by working through ideas of George Lukács and Stanley Cavell, of Hans Blumenberg and Søren Kierkegaard, whose work is much less familiar in this context than it deserves to be. Kwak's work provides templates for new forms of educational writing, new approaches to teaching educators, and new ways of writing methodology for educational researchers. Yet the importance of her ideas extends far beyond teaching academies to classroom teachers, curriculum developers - and to anyone engaged in the quest to lead a reflective life of one's own.
Free Download Edmund Husserl. Untersuchungen zur Urteilstheorie: Texte aus dem Nachlass (1893-1918) By Robin Rollinger (auth.), Robin Rollinger (eds.) 2009 | 517 Pages | ISBN: 1402068964 | PDF | 5 MB Die im vorliegenden Band herausgebenen Forschungsmanuskripten basieren auf den sogenannten U-Blättern, einer von Edith Stein im Auftrag Husserls 1917 zusammengestellten Manuskriptsammlung zur "Urteilstheorie". Für Husserl war die Urteilstheorie das Kernstück der phänomenologischen Theorie der Vernunft, da in ihr die Probleme der Logik, der Ausdrucks- und Bedeutungslehre sowie der Erkenntnistheorie in ihrer wechselseitigen Verbundenheit zum Austrag kommen.Die im ersten Teil des Bandes veröffentlichten Texte aus dem Zeitraum 1893 bis 1899 zeigen, wie Husserls urteilstheoretische Forschungen ihren Ausgang von der intensiven Auseinandersetzung mit der Urteilstheorie seines Lehrers Franz Brentano nehmen. Diese Texte bieten einen wichtigen Einblick in die Entwicklung und Vorgeschichte von Husserls Bedeutungs- und Erkenntnislehre in den Logischen Untersuchungen; behandelt werden insbesondere die Scheidung von subjektiv-psychologischer und objektiv-logischer Forschungsrichtung, die Erfüllungslehre, die Lehre von der kategorialen Anschauung, die Bedeutungskategorien sowie der Evidenz- und Wahrheitsbegriff. Besondere Beachtung verdienen in diesen frühen Manuskripten Husserls Bestimmungen der Begriffe "Satz" und "Sachverhalt", insofern es sich hierbei um Schlüsselbegriffe seiner späteren, im zweiten Teil des Bandes dokumentierten Urteilstheorie handelt.Dieser zweite Teil kann als Ergänzung zu den in anderen Bänden der Husserliana herausgegebenen Göttinger Vorlesungen Husserls zur Logik und Erkenntnistheorie angesehen werden. Er vervollständigt das Bild von der Weiterentwicklung und den grundlegenden Veränderungen in Husserls Bedeutungs- und Urteilslehre nach den Logischen Untersuchungen. In den hier veröffentlichten, aus den Jahren 1908 bis 1918 stammenden Texten versucht Husserl sich unter anderem über den Urteilsbegriff selbst Klarheit zu verschaffen. Hierbei gilt es einerseits das im Urteil Vermeinte genau zu bestimmen und Satz als ideale Bedeutung vom Sachverhalt als Urteilsgegenständlichkeit sorgfältig zu unterscheiden und die mit diesen Termini verbundenen Äquivokationen zu beseitigen; andrerseits geht es darum das Urteilen als Denkakt zu seinen anschaulichen Vorstellungsunterlagen ins Verhältnis zu setzen. Beachtenswert sind desweiteren Husserls Bemühungen um eine Klärung des Unterschieds zwischen Wesensurteilen und empirischen Urteilen. Ein umfangreiches, für die Methode phänomenologischer Deskription bedeutsames Manuskript ist einer Untersuchung der immanent-deiktischen Urteile und ihrer Gültigkeit gewidmet. |