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![]() Free Download Translocal Ruralism: Mobility and Connectivity in European Rural Spaces By Charlotta Hedberg, Renato Miguel do Carmo (auth.), Charlotta Hedberg, Renato Miguel do Carmo (eds.) 2012 | 224 Pages | ISBN: 9400723148 | PDF | 4 MB Rural areas are often viewed as isolated and stagnating areas and urban areas as their opposites. Against such a backdrop, this book seeks to unveil a set of dynamics that view rural areas as 'translocal' in the sense that they are 'changing' and 'interconnected'. Social transformations take place in rural areas as the result of intense exchanges between different people, settings and geographies. Accordingly, rural-urban but also rural-rural interrelations on international and national scales are strongly contributing to rural change. Translocal ruralism is exemplified through the analysis of local and global migratory flows, the activities of rural firms in national and global arenas, the spread of different forms of transportation and dislocation, and the growing information society, which enables rural spaces to be connected to the world and improves new ways of interconnection and sociability practices.The book is structured into two parts, which intertwine the dynamics of rural spaces. The first part, 'Linking nodes: people and networks connecting places', is concerned with mobilities such as migration and commuting, and the establishment of national and global networks. The second part, 'International mobilities: a tension between scales', analyses the dynamics of international migration and mobilities in rural areas.
![]() Free Download Transitions to Early Care and Education: International Perspectives on Making Schools Ready for Young Children By DeAnna M. Laverick (auth.), DeAnna M. Laverick, Mary Renck Jalongo (eds.) 2011 | 204 Pages | ISBN: 9400705727 | PDF | 3 MB Transitions to new educational experiences are a universal rite of passage encountered by children worldwide. This volume in the Educating the Young Child: Advances in Theory and Research, Implications for Practice series provides early childhood educators with a resource that focuses on the transitions that young children make to early care and education settings, along with the issues that surround this important time in their lives. New experiences, such as the start of formal schooling, mark important and exciting events that also evoke different reactions from children and their families. The diverse experiences, traits, and needs exhibited by young children provide early childhood educators with what may be a potentially challenging role. With an international focus, the purpose of Transitions to Early Care and Education: International Perspectives on Making Schools Ready for Young Children is to communicate an enlarged view of the transition process in order to appreciate and honor the promise and potential of all children worldwide. Contributing to this volume are a group of distinguished researchers, practitioners, and educators in the field of early childhood education. Their collective expertise is shared with those who are committed to educating and caring for young children and the families they serve.
![]() Free Download Transitioning to Java: Kickstart your polyglot programming journey by getting a clear understanding of Java by Ken Fogel, Geertjan Wielenga English | April 28, 2023 | ISBN: 1804614017 | 354 pages | PDF | 23 Mb Develop your Java coding skills by exploring object-oriented methodologies, functional programming, software design patterns, and more ![]() Free Download Transgender Children and Young People: Born in Your Own Body By Heather Brunskell-Evans (editor), Michele Moore (editor) 2018 | 245 Pages | ISBN: 1527503984 | PDF | 3 MB This book is a collection of essays about the current theory and practice of transgendering children. Essays are written against the grain of the popularised medical definition of the transgender child as a young person whose true gender lies in the brain, or pre-social identity. Contributors contest this diagnosis from a range of social constructionist perspectives, including as social theorists, psychotherapists, persons living as transgender, individuals who regret having transitioned, and parents of adolescents identifying as transgender. They argue that medicine, social policy and the law discursively construct the transgender child, and contend that it is politics, not science, which accounts for the exponential rise in the number of children diagnosed as transgender by gender identity clinics. They conclude that todays medical and social trend for transgendering children is not liberal and progressive, but politically reactionary, physically and psychologically dangerous and abusive. ![]() Free Download Transformation des VEB LEW Hennigsdorf By Sabine Reetz (auth.) 1999 | 127 Pages | ISBN: 3824468859 | PDF | 4 MB Die Transformation des VEB LEW Hennigsdorf zeichnet sich durch verschiedene Besonderheiten aus. Hierzu gehört die Integration der historischen Entwicklung des Unternehmens in den Transformationsprozess ebenso wie die frühzeitige Beteiligung potentieller Investoren an der Umwandlung. Diese hat sich positiv auf eine konsequente Durchführung der Privatisierung und der anschließenden Sanierung des Unternehmens ausgewirkt, da durch das aufeinander abgestimmte Handeln der unterschiedlichen Interessengruppen Reibungsverluste vermieden werden konnten. Sabine Reetz dokumentiert die Entwicklung des Transformationsprozesses und beschreibt diesen anhand der GERT-Netzplantechnik, die bislang nur vereinzelt in der Transformationsforschung eingesetzt wurde. Die Autorin betrachtet die Auswirkungen des Outsourcing in ehemals volkseigenen Betrieben insbesondere hinsichtlich der Ausgliederung von Unternehmenskernbereichen, der Vertragsgestaltung für die Beziehungen zwischen den ausgegliederten Geschäftszweigen und dem ausgliedernden Mutterunternehmen sowie des Managements. ![]() Free Download Transformation des Kombinats Lacke und Farben By Dirk-Henner Wellershoff (auth.) 1998 | 147 Pages | ISBN: 3824467453 | PDF | 4 MB Für den Transformationsprozeß in den fünf neuen Bundesländern konnte die klassische Betriebswirtschaftslehre bisher keine Untersuchungsmethode anbieten, mit der eine aussagefähige Erkenntnis über Erfolgs- und Mißerfolgsfaktoren möglich gewesen wäre. Dirk-Henner Wellershoff analysiert mit Hilfe der Netzwerkanalyse und der GERT-Netzplantechnik den Transformationsverlauf des Kombinats Lacke und Farben. Der Autor zeigt, auf welche Weise die Transformationsdauer verkürzt sowie die Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit erhöht werden kann und identifiziert die GERT-Netzplantechnik als ein wertvolles Instrument zur Untersuchung von Unternehmen in den Ländern, die sich noch im Transformationsprozeß befinden.
![]() Free Download Transformation der Seeschiffahrt: Privatisierung und Restrukturierung im Ostseeraum By Falk von Seck (auth.) 1998 | 384 Pages | ISBN: 3824468298 | PDF | 11 MB Die Privatisierung der sozial und ökonomisch bedeutsamen ehemals sozialistischen Reedereikonzerne im Ostseeraum leistet einen wichtigen ordnungspolitischen Beitrag zur Systemtransformation. Es stellt sich jedoch die Frage, inwieweit Privatisierung Anreize schafft, die zu betrieblichen Restrukturierungen und damit zur Stärkung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit dieser Reedereien führt. Falk von Seck zeigt, daß Privatisierung und Restrukturierung eine Verschlechterung der wirtschaftlichen Situation der betreffenden Reedereien und teilweise deren Bankrott nicht verhindern konnten. Der Autor stellt das dramatische Schrumpfen der vormals eigenkapitalorientierten Unternehmen und ihre Entwicklung zu weitgehend fremdfinanzierten mittelständischen Dienstleistern dar. Diese Unternehmen fallen weiter hinter internationale Standards zurück, geben eigene operative Aktivität auf und ziehen sich vielfach auf regionale Nischenmärkte und Slotcharterungen zurück.
![]() Free Download Toxic at Work: Surviving your psychopathic workmates, from the dominant bullies to the charming manipulators by David Gillespie English | May 7, 2024 | ISBN: 1761262270 | 288 pages | PDF | 3.37 Mb Most bullies are psychopaths, but not all psychopaths are immediately recognized as bullies. Some blind us with their charm and dazzle us with their success. Some are ferociously talented and startlingly effective (at least in the short term). But they all share a common trait that makes them highly dangerous: they don't have empathy. ![]() Free Download Towards a History of the Basque Language By José Ignacio Hualde; Joseba A. Lakarra; R.L. Trask 1996 | 372 Pages | ISBN: 9027236348 | PDF | 7 MB Questions related to the origin and history of the Basque language spark considerable interest, since it is the only surviving pre-Indo-European language in western Europe. However, until now, there was no readily available source in English providing answers to these questions or giving an overview of past and current research in this area. This book is intended to partly fill this void.The book contains both state-of-the-art papers which summarize our knowledge about particular areas of Basque historical linguistics, and articles presenting new hypotheses and points of view based on hard evidence and careful analysis.All contributors to this volume have demonstrated expertise in the topic within Basque historical linguistics that their chapter addresses. Two classical articles by the late Luis Michelena are included in English translation. In addition, the book includes studies on diachronic phonology, morphology and syntax. The relation of Basque to other languages is also investigated in a couple of chapters.
![]() Free Download Totale Institution und Rechtsschutz: Eine Untersuchung zum Rechtsschutz im Strafvollzug By Johannes Feest, Wolfgang Lesting, Peter Selling (auth.) 1997 | 252 Pages | ISBN: 3531129988 | PDF | 6 MB Dr. Johannes Feest ist Professor für Strafverfolgung, -vollzug, -recht an der Universität Bremen. Dr. Wolfgang Lesting ist Richter am Landgericht Verden. Dr. Peter Selling ist Rechtsanwalt in Rostock. |