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In diesem Band wird der Wirksamkeitsnachweis von Phytotherapeutika bei folgenden Indikationen diskutiert: Orthostatische Hypotonie; Leichte bis mittelschwere Depressionen; Chronische Schmerzleiden; Immunmodulation zur Infektvorbeugung und bei malignen Tumoren; Reizmagen- und Reizdarmsyndrom. Free Download Phytopharmaka IV: Forschung und klinische Anwendung By Prof. Dr. Jost Benedum (auth.), Prof. Dr. Dr. Dieter Loew, Prof. Dr. Norbert Rietbrock (eds.) 1998 | 192 Pages | ISBN: 3642959989 | PDF | 6 MB Schwerpunkte des 4. Symposiums "Phytopharmaka in Forschung und klinischer Anwendung" waren die - Qualität und Unbedenklichkeit von Phytopharmaka - Phytotherapie in der Pädiatrie - Verordnung und Anwendung von pflanzlichen Arzneimitteln Free Download Phytopharmaka III: Forschung und klinische Anwendung By Prof. Dr. G. Eisenbrand, Prof. Dr. W. Tang (auth.), Prof. Dr. Dr. Dieter Loew, Prof. Dr. Norbert Rietbrock (eds.) 1997 | 216 Pages | ISBN: 3642959946 | PDF | 7 MB Das 3. Symposium "Phytopharmaka in Forschung und klinischer Anwendung" befaßt sich mit Toxikologie und Sicherheit von Phytopharmaka, Immunstimulation und der Bedeutung von pflanzlichen Arzneimitteln bei Erkältungen. Free Download Phytopharmaka II: Forschung und klinische Anwendung By Prof. Dr. med. Uwe Fuhr (auth.), Prof. Dr. Dr. Dieter Loew, Prof. Dr. Norbert Rietbrock (eds.) 1996 | 212 Pages | ISBN: 3642854370 | PDF | 12 MB Auch das 2. Symposium trägt der raschen Entwicklung von Phytopharmaka in Forschung und klinischer Anwendung Rechnung.In diesem Buch geht es um die Darstellung der Erkenntnisse-zur Pharmakokinetik von Vielstoffgemischen,-zur Analytik und zur biopharmazeutischen Qualität von pflanzlichen Arzneimitteln,-zu klinisch-pharmakologischen Methoden zum Nachweis der Wirkung-und um den therapeutischen Stellenwert der Phytopharmaka bei Erkrankungen des rheumatischen Formenkreises, bei Leber und Darmerkrankungen und in der Onkologie. Free Download Physics for Clinical Oncology (Radiotherapy in Practice) by Amen Sibtain, Andrew Morgan, Niall MacDougall English | February 24, 2023 | ISBN: 0198862865 | 304 pages | MOBI | 16 Mb Radiotherapy remains a major non-surgical treatment modality for malignant disease, and an understanding of how this treatment works is essential in ensuring optimum practice. Trainees in oncology learn about ionising radiation, but to understand it fully they must also understand the physics relevant to its use in therapy. Free Download Physico-Chemical Principles of Color Chemistry By P. Rys (auth.), A. T. Peters, H. S. Freeman (eds.) 1996 | 312 Pages | ISBN: 9401065284 | PDF | 8 MB At the beginning of this series of volumes on Color Chemistry, the editors pointed to a number of events that have served as stimuli for techno logical advances in the field, thus preventing dyestuff manufacturing from becoming what might otherwise be viewed by now as a 'sunset industry'. The volumes which followed have provided ample evidence for our belief that the field of colour chemistry is very much alive, though arguably in need of further stimulus. For instance, a viable approach to the design of new chromophores and to the design of metal-free acid, direct, and reactive dyes having fastness properties comparable to their metallized counterparts represent the kind of breakthroughs that would help ensure the continued success of this important field. While it must be acknowledged that serendipity 'smiled' on our discipline at its inception and has repeated the favor from time to time since then, few would argue against the proposition that most of the significant advances in the technology associated with any scientific discipline result from research designed to enhance our understanding of the fundamental causes for experimental observations, many of which are pursued because they are unexpected, intriguing and intellectually stimulating. Little reflection is required for one who knows the history of the dyestuff industry to realize that this is certainly true in the colour chemistry arena, as it was basic research that led to fiber-reactive dyes, dyes for high technology, and modern synthetic organic pigments. Free Download Photosensitizers in Medicine, Environment, and Security By Fabienne Dumoulin (auth.), Tebello Nyokong, Vefa Ahsen (eds.) 2012 | 664 Pages | ISBN: 9048138701 | PDF | 17 MB This book addresses the synthesis of photosensitizers, the main emphasis being on the new methods of synthesis such as microwave, sonochemistry and the use of ionic liquids. It also addresses the photochemistry and photophysics of the photosensitizers alone and in combination with nanoparticles, the use of the photosensitizers in environmental control, safety and medicine. It discusses the common structures of the photosensitizers which are beneficial to these applications. |