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Free Download Parteien und Parteimitglieder in der Region: Sozialprofil, Einstellungen, innerparteiliches Leben und Wahlentscheidung in einem ostdeutschen Bundesland. Das Beispiel Sachsen-Anhalt By Bernhard Boll, Everhard Holtmann (auth.), Bernhard Boll M.A., Everhard Holtmann (eds.) 2001 | 324 Pages | ISBN: 3531136917 | PDF | 9 MB Auf der Basis einer repräsentativen Mitgliedererhebung der politischen Parteien Sachsen-Anhalts sowie zusätzlicher Befragungen der mittleren Partei-Eliten und der engeren Partei- und Fraktionsführungen werden, erstmals auf derart breiter empirischer Grundlage, die so-zialen Merkmale, ferner politische Werthaltungen und Einstellungen sowie die innerparteilichen Partizipationsmuster von Parteimitgliedern auf bzw. zwischen verschiedenen Organisationsebenen für dieses ostdeutsche Bundesland exemplarisch beschrieben. Ergänzt wird diese Parteienstudie um eine ökologische Wahlanalyse, in welcher anhand eines neu entwickelten Modells zur Typisierung von Regionen die ökonomischen Entwicklungspfade und Entwicklungspotentiale der Stadt- und Landkreise Sachsen-Anhalts mit den auf diese Kreise entfallenden Stimmenanteilen der Parteien in Beziehung gesetzt werden. Free Download Parlamente und ihr Umfeld By Prof. Dr. Winfried Steffani (auth.), Winfried Steffani, Uwe Thaysen (eds.) 1997 | 351 Pages | ISBN: 3322866130 | PDF | 19 MB Dr. Winfried Steffani ist Professor für Politikwissenschaft an der Universität Hamburg. Dr. Uwe Thaysen ist Professor für Politikwissenschaft an der Universität Lüneburg. Free Download Parallel Population and Parallel Human: A Cyber-Physical Social Approach (IEEE Press Series on Systems Science and Engineering) by Peijun Ye, Fei-Yue Wang English | June 27, 2023 | ISBN: 1394181892 | 352 pages | MOBI | 23 Mb Parallel Population and Parallel Human Free Download Paracord Critters: Animal Shaped Knots and Ties by J.D. Lenzen English | February 28, 2015 | ISBN: 0985557893 | 104 pages | EPUB | 28 Mb Paracord Critters (PC) presents full-color step-by-step instructions for twelve animal shaped knots and ties, made with paracord. Featuring pieces carefully selected and designed by J.D. Lenzen, PC will capture your imagination and increase your knowledge of wildlife, through the joy of tying cord. A former naturalist and the originator of fusion knotting, Lenzen skillfully shows how to make a menagerie of paracord creatures that live underwater, on land, and in the sky-with each creation represented as a useful item (pin, key fob, necklace) or figurine. Free Download Paper Collage Workshop: A fine artist's guide to creative collage by Samuel Price English | November 8, 2022 | ISBN: 0760374996 | 128 pages | MOBI | 23 Mb With Paper Collage Workshop, you can experience the joy of creativity as you use color swatches torn from magazines to transform photos into original collages. Free Download Paper Chemistry By J. C. Roberts (auth.), Dr J. C. Roberts (eds.) 1996 | 267 Pages | ISBN: 0751402362 | PDF | 6 MB Although the title of this book is Paper Chemistry, it should be considered as a text about the chemistry of the formation of paper from aqueous suspensions of fibre and other additives, rather than as a book about the chemistry of the raw material itself. It is the subject of what papermakers call wet-end chemistry. There are many other excellent texts on the chemistry of cellulose and apart from one chapter on the accessibility of cellulose, the subject is not addressed here. Neither does the book deal with the chemistry of pulp preparation (from wood, from other plant sources or from recycled fibres), for there are also many excellent texts on this subject. The first edition of this book was a great success and soon became established as one of the Bibles of the industry. Its achievement then was to collect the considerable advances in understanding which had been made in the chemistry of papermaking in previous years, and provide, for the first time, a sound physico chemical basis of the subject. This new edition has been thoroughly updated with much new material added. The formation of paper is a continuous filtration process in which cellulosic fibres are formed into a network which is then pressed and dried. The important chemistry involved in this process is firstly the retention of col loidal material during filtration and secondly the modification of fibre and sheet properties so as to widen the scope for the use of paper and board products.
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