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ICCS 2005 wasorganizedasaforumforscientistsfromthecoredisciplinesofcomputational science and numerous application areas to discuss and exchange ideas, results, and future directions. ICCS participants included researchers from many app- cation domains, including those interested in advanced computational methods for physics, chemistry, life sciences, engineering, economics and ?nance, arts and humanities, as well as computer system vendors and software developers. The primary objectives of this conference were to discuss problems and solutions in allareas,toidentifynewissues,toshapefuturedirectionsofresearch,andtohelp users apply various advanced computational techniques. The event highlighted recent developments in algorithms, computational kernels, next generation c- puting systems, tools, advanced numerical methods, data-driven systems, and emerging application ?elds, such as complex systems, ?nance, bioinformatics, computational aspects of wireless and mobile networks, graphics, and hybrid computation. ![]() Free Download Computational Intelligence in Games by Norio Baba, Lakhmi C. Jain English | PDF | 2001 | 171 Pages | ISBN : 3790813486 | 13.7 MB The most powerful computers in the world are not only used for scientific research, defence, and business, but also in game playing. Computer games are a multi-billion dollar industry. Recent advances in computational intelligence paradigms have generated tremendous interest among researchers in the theory and implementation of games. Game theory is a branch of operational research dealing with decision theory in a competitive situation. Game theory involves the mathematical calculations and heuristics to optimize the efficient lines of play. This book presents a sample of the most recent research on the application of computational intelligence techniques in games. This book contains 7 chapters. The first chapter, by Chen, Fanelli, Castellano, and Jain, is an introduction to computational intelligence paradigms. It presents the basics of the main constituents of compu tational intelligence paradigms including knowledge representation, probability-based approaches, fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms, and rough sets. In the second chapter, Chellapilla and Fogel present the evolution of a neural network to play checkers without human expertise. This chapter focuses on the use of a population of neural networks, where each network serves as an evaluation function to describe the quality of the current board position. After only a little more than 800 generations, the evolutionary process has generated a neural network that can play checkers at the expert level as designated by the u.s. Chess Federation rating system. The program developed by the authors has also competed well against commercially available software. ![]() Free Download Comprehensive Handbook: Obstetrics and Gynecology, 3rd Edition by Thomas Zheng English | November 1, 2020 | ISBN: 0982267770, 9780982267783 | True EPUB | pages | MB The highly anticipated 3rd Edition is finally here! All of the chapters are updated to reflect the latest recommendations, including the 2020 risk-based cervical cancer management guideline. You will be amazed by the new and improved book design, featuring a leatherette cover, sewn binding, full-color printing, color-coded book edges, and much more! ![]() Free Download Complexity Economics and Sustainable Development: A Computational Framework for Policy Priority Inference English | 2024 | ISBN: 1316516989 | 419 Pages | PDF | 22 MB ![]() Free Download Complex Numbers by Walter Ledermann English | PDF | 1962 | 70 Pages | ISBN : 0710086342 | 4 MB THE purpose of this book is to present a straightforward introduction to complex numbers and their properties. Complex numbers, like other kinds of numbers, are essen tially objects with which to perform calculations according to certain rules, and when this principle is borne in mind, the nature of complex numbers is no more mysterious than that of the more familiar types of numbers. This formal approach has recently been recommended in a Reportt prepared for the Mathematical Association. We believe that it has distinct advantages in teaching and that it is more in line with modern algebraical ideas than the alternative geometrical or kinematical definitions of ..; - 1 that used to be proposed. On the other hand, an elementary textbook is clearly not the place to enter into a full discussion of such questions as logical consistency, which would have to be included in a rigorous axiomatic treatment. However, the steps that had to be omitted (with due warning) can easily be filled in by the methods of abstract algebra, which do not conflict with the 'naive' attitude adopted here. I should like to thank my friend and colleague Dr. J. A. Green for a number of valuable suggestions, especially in connection with the chapter on convergence, which is a sequel to his volume Sequences and Series in this Library. ![]() Free Download Complacency: Classics and Its Displacement in Higher Education (Critical Antiquities) by John T. 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