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![]() Free Download Luthers Theologie in ihrer historischen Entwicklung und in ihrem systematischen Zusammenhang By Luther, Martin; Lohse, Bernhard 1995 | 378 Pages | ISBN: 3525521960 | PDF | 95 MB Luthers Theologie in ihrer historischen Entwicklung und in ihrem systematischen ZusammenhangNachdem die letzten großen Gesamtdarstellungen von Luthers Theologie meist Ende der 60er Jahre von Systematikern vorgelegt worden waren, schildert B. Lohse Luthers Theologie zunächst in ihrer historischen Entwicklung, sodann in ihrem systematischen Zusammenhang. Besonderes Gewicht legt er auf die Herausarbeitung der für Luther maßgeblichen Einflüsse, unter denen der des Augustin bei weitem am bedeutendsten war. B. Lohse verfolgt die Entwicklung von Luthers Theologie bis in die Spätzeit. In der systematischen Würdigung wird sowohl die Bedeutung des altkirchlichen Dogmas für Luther als auch die zentrale Stellung der Rechtfertigungslehre betont. Abschließend erörtert der Autor Luthers Stellung zu den Juden.:) ![]() Free Download Sujal R. Desai, "Lung Cancer " English | ISBN: 0521872022 | 2007 | 166 pages | PDF | 2 MB Despite the world-wide drive to increase awareness of the risks of smoking, lung cancer remains a global problem. A multidisciplinary team approach is now considered the most effective way to manage lung cancer. Imaging plays a central role in this multidisciplinary approach; this is reflected in the present volume. Individual chapters focus on imaging (including screening, diagnosis of symptomatic cases and staging), pathology and treatment options in lung cancer. Due to recent interest in the potential role of PET for a variety of malignancies, a separate chapter is devoted to this technique. Each volume in Contemporary Issues in Cancer Imaging is co-ordinated by an expert guest editor with contributions from all members of the multidisciplinary team, bringing together expertise from many specialities to promote the understanding and application of modern imaging in patient management. ![]() Free Download Lumbar Spine Access Surgery: A Comprehensive Guide to Anterior and Lateral Approaches English | 2024 | ISBN: 3031480333 | 385 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 56 MB Quality surgeons must have all the tips, tricks, and tools to provide their patients with the best care possible. Anterior and lateral approaches have revolutionized spine surgery, but even so, many surgeons have not learned the procedures and treatment involved, and the ones who have demonstrate a very difficult learning curve. This can be partially attributed to a lack of instructional literature, and this book aims to fill this gap so that incoming as well as veteran surgeons can add the anterior and lateral approaches to their arsenal. |