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![]() Free Download Knowledge, Patents, Power: The Making of a Patent System in the Dutch Republic by Marius Buning English | 2021 | ISBN: 9004320393 | 297 Pages | PDF | 22 MB ![]() Free Download Knowledge of Self By Supreme Understanding 2009 | 256 Pages | ISBN: 0981617026 | PDF | 8 MB Do you know who - and what - you are? Do you know who you're meant to be? Do you know how to find the answers to questions like these? Knowledge of Self is the result of a process of self-discovery, but few of us know where to begin when we're ready to start looking deeper. Although self-actualization is the highest of all human needs, it is said that only 5% of people ever attain this goal. In the culture of the Nation of Gods and Earths, commonly known as the Five Percent, students are instructed that they must first learn themselves, then their worlds, and then what they must do in order to transform their world for the better. This often intense process has produced thousands of revolutionary thinkers in otherwise desperate environments, where poverty and hopelessness dominate. Until now, few mainstream publications have captured the brilliant yet practical perspectives of these luminary men and women. Knowledge of Self: A Collection of Writings on the Science of Everything in Life presents the thoughts of Five Percenters, both young and old, male and female, from all over the globe, in their own words. Through essays, poems, and even how-to articles, this anthology presents readers with an accurate portrait of what the Five Percent study and teach, as well as sound direction on how to answer timeless questions like: Who am I, and why am I here? Why is there so much injustice in the world, and what can be done about it? Who is God and where on Earth is he? How do I improve myself without losing myself? Why are people of color in the situations they're in? What can we do about the global problems of racism and poverty?About the AuthorSupreme Understanding did his doctoral dissertation on methods employed by the Nation of Gods and Earths to turn around the lives of at-risk Black and Latino youth. C'BS Alife Allah is an award-winning blogger and freelance writer with long-standing ties to the NGE.
![]() Free Download Naoki Sakai, "Knowledge Production and Epistemic Decolonization at the End of Pax Americana " English | ISBN: 0367474026 | 2023 | 272 pages | EPUB, PDF | 842 KB + 38 MB This book critically analyzes the global hegemony of the United States - a hegemony whose innovative aspect consists in articulating postcoloniality to imperial control - in relation to knowledge and knowledge production. ![]() Free Download Irma Becerra-Fernandez, "Knowledge Management Ed 3" English | ISBN: 1032428023 | 2024 | 388 pages | EPUB | 4 MB Knowledge Management: Systems and Processes in the AI Era, Third Edition, is aimed at students and managers who seek detailed insights into contemporary knowledge management (KM). It explains the concepts, theories, and technologies that provide the foundation for knowledge management; the systems and structures that constitute KM solutions; and the processes for developing, deploying, and evaluating these KM solutions. This book serves as a complete introduction to the subject of knowledge management, incorporating technical and social aspects, as well as concepts, practical examples, traditional KM approaches, and emerging topics. This third edition has been revised and expanded to include more coverage of emergent trends such as cloud computing, online communities, crowdsourcing, and artificial intelligence. Aimed at advanced undergraduate, postgraduate, and MBA students who are seeking a comprehensive perspective on knowledge management,
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This book provides the results of a qualitative study that investigated the language resources that 8th and 11th grade students drew on to write an exposition and considered the role of writing in school history. The study combined a functional linguistic analysis of student writing with educational considerations in the underresearched content area of history. Data set consisted of writing done by students who were English language learners and other culturally and linguistically diverse students from two school districts in California. The book is an investigation of expository school history writing and teachers' expectations for this type of writing. School history writing refers to the kind of historical writing expected of students at the pre-college levels. The audience for the book includes researchers and students in advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in applied linguistics and education. The book is particularly valuable for those interested in applications of systemicfunctional linguistics in education. The issues covered in the book make it appropriate for those concerned with the expectations and challenges of literacy development in secondary content area classes. ![]() Free Download Gerhard Burde, "Knots Ed 3" English | ISBN: 3110270749 | 2013 | 426 pages | PDF | 6 MB This book is an introduction to classical knot theory. Topics covered include: different constructions of knots, knot diagrams, knot groups, fibred knots, characterisation of torus knots, prime decomposition of knots, cyclic coverings and Alexander polynomials and modules together with the free differential calculus, braids, branched coverings and knots, Montesinos links, representations of knot groups, surgery of 3-manifolds and knots, Jones and HOMFLYPT polynomials. ![]() Free Download Craig Yoe, "Knock-Knock! 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Was die Spezialisten mit ihrem detektivischen Spürsinn und modernster Technik aus den konservierten Knochen lesen, gibt ebenso erschreckende wie faszinierende Einblicke in das Leben, Leiden und Sterben unserer Vorfahren. ![]() Free Download David Bashow - Knights of the Air: Canadian Fighter Pilots in the First World War Mcarthur & Company | 2000 | ISBN: 1552781623 | English | 232 pages | PDF | 175.83 MB This book contains many striking historical photographs, maps, and documents, and the text is complemented by the outstanding art of Stephen Quick. ![]() Free Download Klimawandel und Biodiversität: Folgen für Deutschland Deutsch | 2012 | ISBN: 3534263863 | 423 Seiten | PDF EPUB (True) | 35 MB Beobachtungen der vergangenen 100 Jahre zeigen deutlich, dass sich das Klima weltweit erwärmt hat. Doch welche Auswirkungen hat dieser Klimawandel auf die lebendige Umwelt und die unterschiedlichen Ökosysteme? Und wie sehen diese Folgen speziell für Deutschland aus? Auf dem aktuellen Stand der Forschung gibt der vorliegende Band einen umfassenden Überblick über die Folgen des Klimawandels auf die Biodiversität in Deutschland, die heute als wichtige Ressource der Menschheit gesehen wird. Dabei verfolgen die Herausgeber einen interdisziplinären Ansatz, der mehr als 80 Autoren versammelt und alle relevanten Fachgebiete von der Klimatologie über die Biologie, die Bodenkunde und Forstwirtschaft bis hin zur Medizin und Soziologie einbezieht. Die Autoren zeigen dabei nicht nur Probleme auf, sondern weisen auf Forschungs-, Informations- und Handlungsbedarf hin und geben Empfehlungen, wie das zukünftige Handeln aussehen kann. |