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Free Download Annette Kamp, "Elderly Care in Transition: Management, Meaning and Identity at Work. A Scandinavian Perspective" English | ISBN: 8763002442 | 2012 | 246 pages | PDF | 1457 KB In Scandinavia, work in elderly care is a principal occupation and constitutes an important part of professional care work. Over the last decade, this sector has become a test piece for New Public Management (NPM). It is the area where NPM-inspired rationales and methodologies have been applied to the greatest extent. This book explores the challenges and future possibilities in elderly care from a working life perspective. Researchers from three Scandinavian countries present new studies of the daily work in elderly care, the change of tasks and services, and the reconstruction of a semi-profession. The specific translation of NPM into the Scandinavian context is examined, and how this affects: the meaning and identity of work in elderly care and the possibilities to reconstruct meaning under standardized working conditions * the new ideals of line management of elderly care and the ambiguities between bureaucracy and professionalism * subjectivity and emotions as a decisive element of the work in elderly care * the creation of new professionalism in pockets of the sector * the shifts in valuation of experience-based knowledge and care orientation. The book draws attention to new trends in the sector that may make way for transforming the logic of NPM, and thus points to possibilities that will enrich working life. Free Download El gran libro de las orquídeas de Magali Martija-Ochoa Español | 22 agosto 2018 | ISBN: 164461135X | True EPUB | 192 páginas | 36.9 MB Con sus treinta mil especies, sus ochocientos géneros terrestres o epífitos, sus miles de híbridos y su abanico casi infinito de colores, ¿qué otra familia de flores ha tenido tantos argumentos para seducirnos y fascinarnos como la de las orquídeas? Flor de culto, mitológica, medicinal, hechicera y de colección, la orquídea es una planta con una gran capacidad de adaptación climática, motivo por el que se ha extendido por el mundo entero. Free Download Debra Brighton, "El Segundo (Images of America)" English | 2016 | pages: 128 | ISBN: 1467115894, 1531699847 | EPUB | 23,2 mb By 1885, Daniel Freeman owned a successful 25,000-acre ranch along the coastline in Southern California. That year, he sold parcels to J.S. Vosberg, and this became the site of the town of El Segundo. The Standard Oil Company of California purchased 840 acres of dunes in June 1911, and R.J. Hanna was hired to construct and manage the new refinery. His wife is credited with naming the town El Segundo ("the second"), as it was the location of the second Standard Oil plant. The city quickly expanded and was incorporated on January 18, 1917. From an early oil town to the "Aerospace Capital of the World" in the mid-1950s, El Segundo today includes a thriving residential community as well as several Fortune 500 corporations, an Air Force base, and the Chevron El Segundo Refinery. Free Download James C. Humes, "Eisenhower and Churchill: The Partnership That Saved the World" English | 2001 | pages: 268 | ISBN: 0761525610, 0307335887 | EPUB | 1,9 mb Although born and raised more than an ocean apart, Dwight Eisenhower and Winston Churchill-the two titans of the greatest generation-led remarkably parallel lives whose paths would intersect during history's most harrowing days. Through their youth, education, and military training, both men experienced similar triumphs and failures that shaped their lives, though they met only for the first time upon the eve of war in 1941.
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