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![]() Free Download Red Hat RHCSA/RHCE 7 Cert Guide: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 By Sander van Vugt 2015 | 1008 Pages | ISBN: 0789754053 | EPUB | 44 MB Master every objective on the RHCSA and RHCE exams 4 Practice Exams (2 RHCSA and 2 RHCE) More than 40 interactive hands-on exercises and performance-based CLI simulations 3 Virtual Machines to help you test your skills in a real-world environment More than 30 minutes of unique video examining pre-assessment theoretical exams so you know if you are prepared to take the tests More than 2 hours of video instruction from our best-selling RHCSA and RHCE Complete Video Courses 40 interactive chapter and glossary quizzes This study guide helps you master topics on both the Red Hat RHCSA (EX200) and RHCE (EX300) exams for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version 7, including: Part 1: RHCSA Basic System Management: Installation, tools, text files, server connections; user, group, and permissions management; network configuration Operating Running Systems: Process management, VMs, package installation, task scheduling, logging, managing partitions, and LVM logical volumes Advanced System Administration: Basic kernel management, basic Apache server configuration, boot procedures/troubleshooting Managing Network Services: Using Kickstart; managing SELinux; configuring firewalls, remote mounts, FTP, and time services Part 2: RHCE System Configuration/Management: External authentication/authorization, iSCSI SANs, performance reporting, optimization, logging, routing/advanced networking, and Bash scripting System Security: Configuring firewalls, advanced Apache services, DNS, MariaDB, NFS, Samba, SMTP, SSH, and time synchronization Red Hat RHCSA/RHCE 7 Cert Guide contains proven study features that allow you to succeed on the exam the first time. Best-selling author and top Linux consultant Sander van Vugt shares preparation hints and test-taking tips, helping you identify areas of weakness to improve both your conceptual knowledge and hands-on skills. This complete study package includes the following: A test-preparation routine proven to help you pass Red Hat's tough certification exams Clearly defined chapter learning objectives covering all RHCSA (EX200) and RHCE (EX300) exam topics Chapter-ending review questions to help you drill on key concepts you must know thoroughly Chapter-ending labs showing what real exam tasks and assignments look like 4 Practice Exams that appear in the book and also on the on the companion website and DVD (2 RHCSA and 2 RHCE), so you can thoroughly test your skills before taking your actual exams More than 40 Interactive Hands-on Exercises and 40 Interactive Quizzes to help you immediately test and reinforce your knowledge 4 advanced Command-Line Interface simulations (2 RHCSA and 2 RHCE) walking you through realistic, complex, multi-step Red Hat scenarios Interactive Glossary Quiz on the companion website and DVD allowing you to test yourself on every glossary term covered in the book 2½+ hours of video training: 30 minutes of unique test-prep videos plus more than 2 hours of instruction from the best-selling RHCSA and RHCE Complete Video Course series 3 Virtual Machines on the companion website and DVD giving you easy access to a reliable environment for working through this book's labs and exercises A final preparation chapter, which guides you through tools and resources to help you craft your review and test-taking strategies Two Theoretical Pre-Assessment Exams (one RHCSA and one RHCE) so you can assess your skills and determine the best study path An Exam Essentials appendix that quickly recaps all major chapter topics for easy reference, found on both the companion website and DVD Study plan suggestions and templates to help you organize and optimize your study time Companion Website and DVD The companion website and DVD contain 4 practice exams, exercises, quizzes, virtual labs, video, and more. For details, open the DVD or access the companion website at www.pearsonitcertification.com/ Includes Exclusive Offer for 70% Off Premium Edition eBook and Practice Tests ![]() Free Download Recovering Armenia: The Limits of Belonging in Post-Genocide Turkey By Lerna Ekmekçioğlu 2016 | 240 Pages | ISBN: 0804796106 | PDF | 13 MB Recovering Armenia offers the first in-depth study of the aftermath of the 1915 Armenian Genocide and the Armenians who remained in Turkey. Following World War I, as the victorious Allied powers occupied Ottoman territories, Armenian survivors returned to their hometowns optimistic that they might establish an independent Armenia. But Turkish resistance prevailed, and by 1923 the Allies withdrew, the Turkish Republic was established, and Armenians were left again to reconstruct their communities within a country that still considered them traitors. 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Ultimately, the book explores this paradox: how someone could be an Armenian and a feminist in post-genocide Turkey when, through its various laws and regulations, the key path for Armenians to maintain their identity was through traditionally gendered roles. ![]() Free Download Reconstructing DEI: A Practitioner's Workbook by Lily Zheng English | November 14, 2023 | ISBN: 1523006064 | 328 pages | PDF | 2.95 Mb Author of the bestselling DEI Deconstructed returns with a companion workbook filled with practical and actionable techniques for changemakers at all stages of their DEI journey. ![]() Free Download Recommender Systems: Frontiers and Practices English | 2024 | ISBN: 9819989639 | 475 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 21 MB This book starts from the classic recommendation algorithms, introduces readers to the basic principles and main concepts of the traditional algorithms, and analyzes their advantages and limitations. 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Das Werk ist weit entfernt von den Versprechungen des Betreuers Prof Schur und zeigt, dass die Universität Liechtenstein als "Rechtsuniversität" eine angehende Baustelle ist.Dr. Bernd Hammermann - Buchbesprechung vom 19/9 ![]() Free Download Rechnerorganisation und Rechnerentwurf: Die Hardware/Software-Schnittstelle Deutsch | 2016 | ISBN: 3110446057 | 834 Seiten | PDF (True) | 12 MB Mit der deutschen Übersetzung zur fünfter Auflage des amerikanischen Klassikers Computer Organization and Design - The Hardware/Software Interface ist das Standardwerk zur Rechnerorganisation wieder auf dem neusten Stand - David A. Patterson und John L. Hennessy gewähren die gewohnten Einblicke in das Zusammenwirken von Hard- und Software, Leistungseinschätzungen und zahlreicher Rechnerkonzepte in einer Tiefe, die zusammen mit klarer Didaktik und einer eher lockeren Sprache den Erfolg dieses weltweit anerkannten Standardwerks begründen. Patterson und Hennessy achten darauf, nicht nur auf das "Wie" der dargestellten Konzepte, sondern auch auf ihr "Warum" einzugehen und zeigen damit Gründe für Veränderungen und neue Entwicklungen auf. Jedes der Kapitel steht für einen deutlich umrissenen Teilbereich der Rechnerorganisation und ist jeweils gleich aufgebaut: Eine Einleitung, gefolgt von immer tiefgreifenderen Grundkonzepten mit steigernder Komplexität. Darauf eine aktuelle Fallstudie, "Fallstricke und Fehlschlüsse", Zusammenfassung und Schlussbetrachtung, historische Perspektiven und Literaturhinweise sowie Aufgaben. In der neuen Auflage sind die Inhalte in den Kapiteln 1-5 an vielen Stellen punktuell verbessert und aktualisiert, mit der Vorstellung neuerer Prozessoren worden, und der Kapitel 6 ... from Client to Cloud wurde stark überarbeitet Umfangreiches Zusatzmaterial (Werkzeuge mit Tutorien etc.) steht Online zur Verfügung. ![]() Free Download Rechnerarchitektur: Einführung in den Aufbau moderner Computer Deutsch | 2016 | ISBN: 3110496658 | 362 Seiten | PDF EPUB (True) | 11 MB Eine hochkomplexe Architektur verbirgt sich auf engstem Raum - dem Prozessor. Schritt für Schritt führt der Autor in den grundlegenden Aufbau moderner Rechner ein. Anschaulichkeit und Nachvollziehbarkeit stehen dabei im Vordergrund. Verbreitete Rechnerarchitekturen, Schaltnetze, arithmetische und logische Operationen gehören ebenso zum Inhalt des Lehrbuchs wie Speichermedien, Schnittstellen oder Multiprozessorsysteme. Das Buch deckt den typischen Stoff einer einführenden Vorlesung zur Rechnerarchitektur an Hochschulen ab. Mit über 120 Aufgaben incl. Lösungen eignet sich das Buch hervorragend für das Selbststudium oder zur Vor- und Nachbereitung einer Vorlesung. ![]() Free Download J.N. Govil, Manohar Pathak, "Recent Progress In Medicinal Plants, Volune 40: Flavonoids And Antioxidants" English | 2016 | ISBN: 1626990778 | EPUB | pages: 853 | 7.6 mb Flavonoids are natural anti-oxidants derived from plants with the ability to sequester free radicals. Antioxidants are molecule that inhibit oxidation and harmful activities of free radicals. Natural oxidants are phytochemicals in the form of secondary metabolites that acts as reducing agents, hydrogen donators and single oxygen quenches. Thus, flavonoids may play a significant role in the decreased risk of chronic disease associated with a diet rich in plant-derived foods. Flavonoids are also common constituents of plants in traditional medicine to treat a wide range of diseases. The studies on flavonoids in traditional medicine have remarkably increased in the recent years. The volume on "Flavonoids and Antioxidants" of Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants Series explores structural variations of all subclasses of flavonoids, techniques for isolation, purification and determination of structures, chemical synthesis, biosynthesis and genetic, patterns of distribution in plants and uses. Simultaneously, the properties of antioxidants have been presented to understand their mechanisms, to clarify their activities and discussed to emphasize the importance of flavonoids by displaying a wide range of pharmacological and biochemical actions, such as antioxidants, antibacterial, antifungal, antithrombotic, antimutagenic, antiobesity and ant carcinogenetic activities. In brief, this Volume aims to describe those flavonoids and antioxidants, which possess many important bioactivities in a comprehensive and organized manner. The 24 chapters contributed by 77 contributors deals with the recent findings coupled with review related to all above aspects of flavonoids and antioxidants. Its contributors are form 15 countries namely: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Poland, Spain, Taiwan and Turkey. This special volume is designed for professionals of interdisciplinary health sciences, food technology, pharmaceutical sciences, pharmacognosy, pharmacology, agriculture, botany, medicine, therapeutics, traditional medicine, complementary and alternative medicine, aromatherapy, herbalism, medical and public health sciences, healthcare professionals of other various disciplines, policy-makers and marketing and economic strategists. 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