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![]() Free Download Literary Retranslation in Context By Susanne M. Cadera, Andrew Samuel Walsh 2016 | 246 Pages | ISBN: 3034319967 | PDF | 4 MB The present study examines the interrelation between literary texts, their successive retranslations and the corresponding historical, social and cultural backgrounds that inform these versions. In the case of each text, the authors analyse both the external factors (sociohistorical circumstances, publishing context, authors, translators, etc.) and the internal ones (text analysis, translation procedures or strategies) that influence this interrelation. The book also considers how the decision to retranslate a literary work may be due not only to the commercial criteria established by ✅Publishers, but also to external developments in the historical, cultural or social environment of the target culture, or to an evolution in the poetic and aesthetic considerations of the translations themselves, since translational activities and approaches change and evolve over time. Consequently, the procedures inherent in translation may influence the reception and perception of the original text in the target culture. Finally, the book explores how the retranslations of a work of literature may even change the image of an author and the perception of his or her work that has been established by previous translations. ![]() Free Download Alex Ross, "Listen to This" English | 2010 | pages: 384 | ISBN: 0374187746, 0312610688 | EPUB | 0,8 mb One of The Telegraph€™s Best Music Books 2011 Alex Ross€™s award-winning international bestseller, The Rest Is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century, has become a contemporary classic, establishingRoss as one of our most popular and acclaimed cultural historians. Listen to This, which takes its title from a beloved 2004 essay in which Ross describes his late-blooming discovery of pop music, showcases the best of his writing from more than a decade at The New Yorker. These pieces, dedicated to classical and popular artists alike, are at once erudite and lively. 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As with the first two editions, this book is especially useful for its explanations of iptables, packet filtering, and firewall optimization along with some advanced concepts including customizing the Linux kernel to enhance security.The third edition, while distribution neutral, has been updated for the current Linux Kernel and provides code examples for Red Hat, SUSE, and Debian implementations. Don't miss out on the third edition of the critically acclaimed Linux Firewalls. ![]() Free Download Linux Email Set Up and Run a Small Office Email Server By Alistair McDonald et al. 2005 | 316 Pages | ISBN: 190481137X | PDF | 11 MB Book DescriptionMany businesses want to run their email servers on Linux, but getting started can be complicated. The attractiveness of a free-to-use and robust email service running on Linux can be undermined by the apparent technical challenges involved. 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The opening chapter outlines key theories and charts their development from the nineteenth century through to today, drawing on work from computational historical linguistics, phylogenetics, and linguistic anthropology. Subsequent chapters build on theory to take a hands-on approach in mining empirical data in the process of reconstructing language prehistory, including references, links, and instructions to open access resources, and offering a step-by-step guide for employing the rich range of available methods in working with this data. Closing chapters situate theory and method in context against chronological and geographic perspectives and look ahead to future trajectories for continued progress in this emerging area of study. ![]() Free Download Lincoln's body : a cultural history By Fox, Richard Wightman; Lincoln, Abraham 2015 | 416 Pages | ISBN: 0393065308 | EPUB | 2 MB Even two hundred years after Abraham Lincoln's death, we, like Walt Whitman, "love the President personally."In a stunning feat of scholarship, insight, and engaging prose, Lincoln's Body explores how a president ungainly in body and downright "ugly" of aspect came to mean so much to us.The very roughness of Lincoln's appearance made him seem all the more common, one of us―as did his sense of humor about his own awkward physical nature. Nineteenth-century African Americans felt deep affection for their "liberator" as a "homely" man who did not hold himself apart. During Reconstruction, Southerners felt a nostalgia for the humility of Lincoln, whom they envisioned as a "conciliator." Later, teachers glorified Lincoln as a symbol of nationhood that would appeal to poor immigrants. Monument makers focused not only on the man's gigantic body but also on his nationalist efforts to save the Union, downplaying his emancipation of the slaves.Among both black and white liberals in the 1960s and 1970s, Lincoln was derided or fell out of fashion. More recently, Lincoln has once again been embodied (as both idealist and pragmatist, unafraid of conflict and transcending it) by outstanding historians, by self-identified Lincolnian president Barack Obama, and by actor Daniel Day-Lewis―all keeping Lincoln alive in a body of memory that speaks volumes about our nation. 35 illustrations ![]() Free Download Limits of AI - theoretical, practical, ethical English | 2024 | ISBN: 3662682893 | 170 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 5 MB Artificial intelligence is a key technology with great expectations in science, industry, and everyday life. This book discusses both the perspectives and the limitations of this technology. This concerns the practical, theoretical, and conceptual challenges that AI has to face. In an early phase of symbolic AI, AI focused on formal programs (e.g., expert systems), in which rule-based knowledge was processed with the help of symbolic logic. Today, AI is dominated by statistics-based machine learning methods and Big Data. While this sub-symbolic AI is extremely successful (e.g., chatbots like ChatGPT), it is often not transparent. The book argues for explainable and reliable AI, in which the logical and mathematical foundations of AI-algorithms become understandable and verifiable. ![]() Free Download Keith Edward Cantú, "Like a Tree Universally Spread: Sri Sabhapati Swami and Śivarājayoga " English | ISBN: 0197665470 | 2023 | 496 pages | EPUB, PDF | 51 MB + 44 MB This book examines the life of a nineteenth- to early twentieth-century Tamil yogin named Sri Sabhapati Swami (Śrī Sabhāpati Svāmī or Capāpati Cuvāmikaḷ, ca. 1828-1923/4) and his unique English, Tamil, Hindi, and Bengali literature on a Sanskrit-based system of yogic meditation known as the "Rājayoga for Śiva" (Tamil: civarājayōkam, Sanskrit: śivarājayoga), the full experience of which is compared to being like a "tree universally spread." Its practice was based on a unique synthesis of Tamil Vīraśaiva and Siddhar cosmologies in the colonial period, and the yogic literature in which it is found was designed to have universal appeal across boundaries of caste, gender, and sectarian affiliation. His works, all of which are here analyzed together for the first time, are an important record in the history of yoga, print culture, and art history due to his vividly-illustrated and numbered diagrams on the yogic body with its subtle physiology. ![]() Free Download Lightroom Pics: Perfekte Bilder mit Adobe® Lightroom By Andreas Pflaum 2016 | 321 Pages | ISBN: 3645604510 | PDF | 22 MB Tausende Fotografen benutzen die gleiche Kamera wie Sie. Um einen eigenen Stil, eine eigene, unverwechselbare Bildsprache zu entwickeln, müssen Sie Ihre Möglichkeiten erweitern. Erst mit Lightroom holen Sie das Beste aus Ihren Fotos heraus. 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