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![]() Free Download Digital Communication and Media Linguistics: With Case Studies in Journalism, PR, and Community Communication by Wibke Weber, Daniel Perrin, Aleksandra Gnach, Martin Engebretsen English | March 2, 2023 | ISBN: 1108490190, 1108748279 | True PDF | 280 pages | 7.7 MB This textbook offers an interdisciplinary, comprehensive and state-of-the-art overview of the media linguistics approaches to explain and understand digital communication and multimodality. Linking the fields of communication studies, applied linguistics and journalism, it grounds communication practices in a deep understanding of the social and societal implications of language use in digital media. The tools to analyse multimodal texts are analysed in light of the advantages and constraints that different communication modes pose, both individually and in combination. ![]() Free Download Digital Business: Strategien, Geschäftsmodelle und Technologien Deutsch | 2024 | ISBN: 3658414669 | 1159 Seiten | PDF (True) | 41 MB Digital Business ist ein wesentlicher Erfolgs- und Wettbewerbsfaktor für Unternehmen. Das Buch behandelt umfassend die Grundlagen, Strategien, Geschäftsmodelle und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten. Neben operativen Managementthemen werden neu in der 8. Auflage auch die digitale Transformation, die digitale Automatisierung und Robotik, Ansätze der Künstlichen Intelligenz und das Quantum Computing thematisiert. ![]() Free Download Different Technologies: Navigating the Evolution of Innovation by Ismail Erraji English | March 19, 2024 | ASIN: B0CW18NGTT | 93 pages | PDF | 24 Mb ![]() Free Download Louise Rafkin, "Different Daughters: A Book by Mothers of Lesbians" English | 2001 | ISBN: 1573441279 | EPUB | pages: 162 | 0.3 mb Coming out to mom is a lesbian rite of passage. In Different Daughters, thirty mothers of lesbians come together to trace their journeys towards acceptance of their daughters. Facing their fears and confusion, prejudice and misunderstandings, they speak honesty and bravely about the difficulties and joys of life with their "different daughters."
![]() Free Download Die Sprachform der homerischen Epen: Faktoren morphologischer Variabilität in literarischen Frühformen: Traditionen, Sprachwandel, sprachliche Anachronismen By Hackstein, Olav 2002 | 351 Pages | ISBN: 3895003026 | PDF | 19 MB One of the most salient characteristics of the Homeric language is its morphological variability. Ever since Witte and Parry, the meter and the formulaic diction have been believed to be the major factors conditioning the linguistic diversity of Homer's epics.While it has always been uncontroversial that the meter and the formulaic diction have a double-effect entailing both the preservation of linguistic archaisms and necessitating at the same time linguistic innovation with the employment of artificial and vernacular forms, it has rarely been asked let alone investigated whether additional factors can be held responsible for the linguistic diversity of Early Epic Greek. Prose texts in other languages and cultures may show an amount of morphological diversity comparable to that of Homer's epics and suggest that other factors than meter and formulaic diction may be at work generating a linguistic picture comparable to that offered by the Ilias and the Odyssey. Meter and formulaic diction need not be the only factors creating the surface symptom of morphological variability. Other factors include intra-linguistic processes (ongoing language change) and extra-linguistic stimuli (medial change). Most important among these is the beginning of literacy which always is characterized by a relative absence of language norms thus leaving more leeway for a freer combination of traditional (orally transmitted) language and contemporaneous vernacular language. The assumption that the poet(s) of the Homeric epics drew on the Ionic vernacular language is not entirely new; it has been hypothesized already by Witte and Parry. However none of these nor anybody else has attempted to identify the alleged traits of Ionic vernacular language in Homer's epics.Progress is however possible in light of new heuristic methods. As can be exemplified by many languages, vernacular forms frequently appear in the guise of "anachronisms", either as anticipatory anachronisms appearing later on in Ionic or as isolated (abortive) anachronisms passing from living use afterwards. Thenotion of the linguistic anachronism plays a central role in determining the vernacular Ionic variety of Greek posited by Parry. While such anachronistically "young" forms at first sight always seemed paradoxical and were athetized or emended in the course of textual edition, the paradox turns out to be a pseudo-paradox, once one realizes that the impression of an anachronism is created by the interweaving of two different but nonetheless synchronic varieties of Greek. Much of the seemingly anomalous forms can be real in Old Ionic and conform to well attested tendencies of the morphological development of Greek (remodelling of the ablaut system, thematization of athematic stems).In summary, the present work investigates the potential of the Homeric language to preserve archaisms and to exhibit linguistic innovation at the same time. It contains a new assessment of many difficult Homeric verb forms and thus purports to be a supplement to the treatment of the early epic Greek verb in PierreChantraine's Grammaire homérique (Tome I: Phonétique et morphologie. 5th corr. edition. Paris 1973). More generally, the monograph contains a typology of the interrelationship of social change and language change. ![]() Free Download Die Ju 88 und ihre Folgemuster By Heinz J. Nowarra 1995 | 249 Pages | ISBN: 3879435790 | PDF | 115 MB The Junkers Ju 88 was a World War II German Luftwaffe twin-engine, multi-role aircraft. Designed by Hugo Junkers company in the mid-1930s, it suffered from a number of technical problems during the later stages of its development and early operational roles, but became one of the most versatile combat aircraft of the war. Affectionately known as The Maid of all Work (a feminine version of jack of all trades), the Ju 88 proved to be suited to almost any role. Like a number of other Luftwaffe bombers, it was used successfully as a bomber, dive bomber, night fighter, torpedo bomber, reconnaissance aircraft, heavy fighter, and even as a flying bomb during the closing stages of conflict. ![]() Free Download Die Dokumente der klösterlichen Visitationen By Jörg Oberste 1999 | 153 Pages | ISBN: 250350969X | DJVU | 4 MB * Inhaltsverzeichnis : Abkuertzverzeichnis - Bibliographie : Uebergreifende Untersuchungen und Einfuehrungen, Ordensspezifische Untersuchungen, weiterfuehrende Einzeluntersuchungen. I. Klosterliche Visitationen - Spektrum und historische Entwicklung. 1. Definition des Genres. 2. Frühe Grundlagen der klösterlichen Visitation. 3. Die Zeit der Entfaltung: a. Das neue Model: Vistationen bei den Zisterzienser; b. Die Ausbreitung des Zisterziensischen Models; c. Frauenklöster und weibliche Ordenszweige. 4. Klosterreform und Visitation im ausgehenden Mittelalter. II. Die Typen klösterlichen Visitationsdokumente. 1. Die allgemeinen Vorschriften für die Visitation. 2. Die Visitatoren: a. Wahllisten; b. Vollmachten, Ankündigungen, Geleitbriefe. 3. Gegenstand und Ziel der Visitation: a. Forma visitationis, Modus visitandi, Interrogatien; b. Visitationspredigten und -traktate. 4. Ergebnisse der Visitation: a. Visitationsberichte und -protokolle; b. Visitationsurkunden (cartae visistationis). 5. Geschäftsschriftgut und Korrespondenz im Umfeld der Visitation. III. Aspekte der Quellenkritik 1. Überlieferungsformen: a. Handschrifte Befunde; b. Konzept, Original, Kopie; c. Serielle und Einzelüberlieferung; d. Formularbücher 2. Autoren und Adressaten. 3. Form und Sprache. 4. Grundprobleme der Interpretation: a. Der kommunative Zusammenhang: Schriftlichkeit und Mündlichkeit; b. Der klösterliche Alltag; c. Klösterliche Misstände und individuelle Devianzen; d. Klösterliche Konvente und ihre Amtsträger; e. Klösterliche Wirtschaft und Finanzen. 2. Die Beziehungen der Orden und Klöster zu Kirche und "Welt". V. Editionen 1. Benediktiner/Cluniazenser 2. Zisterzienser 3. Kartäuser 4. Regularkanoniker/Prämonstratenser 5. Andere Orden, Einzelkloster ![]() Free Download Didaktik der Informatik Deutsch | 2016 | ISBN: 3486716220 | 252 Seiten | PDF EPUB (True) | 19 MB Schulinformatik ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil einer zeitgemäßen Allgemeinbildung. Das technische Fach ermöglicht durch seine Inhalte, Methoden und Werkzeuge einen schüleraktivierenden, produktorientierten Unterricht. Die Beispiele sollen einen Eindruck von diesem Vorgehen vermitteln. 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