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![]() Free Download Identification of Outliers by D. M. Hawkins English | PDF | 1980 | 194 Pages | ISBN : 9401539960 | 13.5 MB The problem of outliers is one of the oldest in statistics, and during the last century and a half interest in it has waxed and waned several times. Currently it is once again an active research area after some years of relative neglect, and recent work has solved a number of old problems in outlier theory, and identified new ones. The major results are, however, scattered amongst many journal articles, and for some time there has been a clear need to bring them together in one place. That was the original intention of this monograph: but during execution it became clear that the existing theory of outliers was deficient in several areas, and so the monograph also contains a number of new results and conjectures. In view of the enormous volume ofliterature on the outlier problem and its cousins, no attempt has been made to make the coverage exhaustive. The material is concerned almost entirely with the use of outlier tests that are known (or may reasonably be expected) to be optimal in some way. Such topics as robust estimation are largely ignored, being covered more adequately in other sources. The numerous ad hoc statistics proposed in the early work on the grounds of intuitive appeal or computational simplicity also are not discussed in any detail. ![]() Free Download IR Playbook: A Comprehensive Introduction to Interventional Radiology by Nicole A. Keefe English | EPUB | 2018 | 521 Pages | ISBN : 3319712993 | 139.93 MB This textbook offers a comprehensive guide to interventional radiology (IR) for medical students, residents, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and fellows. IR is constantly evolving to meet the growing demands of patient care by applying cutting-edge technology to minimally invasive image-guided procedures. A dynamic specialty, interventional radiology has gained significant traction and interest in recent years, with combined IR/DR residencies rising to meet the increasing demand. This book addresses this growing need for a reference in IR, allowing students to gain a solid foundation to prepare them for their careers. ![]() Free Download Hämatologische Erkrankungen: Atlas und diagnostisches Handbuch by Torsten Haferlach Deutsch | EPUB | 2020 | 200 Pages | ISBN : 366259546X | 162.54 MB Knapp und präzise ist zu häufigen und seltenen Krankheitsbildern, die für die tägliche Routine des Hämatologen relevant sind, das diagnostische Vorgehen beschrieben. Von der Zytomorphologie ausgehend werden die notwendigen Bezüge zur Zytogenetik, Molekulargenetik und Immunologie mit einbezogen. Über 800 Abbildungen von typischen Blut- und Knochenmarkausstrichen illustrieren die Befunde und können als Vergleichsbilder für die eigene Diagnostik verwendet werden. Die aktuelle WHO-Klassifikation von 2017 ist umfassend berücksichtigt. ![]() Free Download Hypoparathyroidism: A Clinical Casebook by Natalie E. Cusano English | True EPUB | 2020 | 161 Pages | ISBN : 3030294323 | 1.25 MB Comprised exclusively of clinical cases of patients with hypoparathyroidism, this concise, practical casebook will provide clinicians with the best real-world strategies to properly diagnose and treat the various forms of the disorder they may encounter. It presents a detailed cross-section of patients across all age groups, with different etiologies of the disease and possible complications, to present sensible management scenarios to physicians treating patients with hypoparathyroidism.
![]() Free Download Hydrological Modelling and the Water Cycle: Coupling the Atmospheric and Hydrological Models by Soroosh Sorooshian, Kuo-Lin Hsu, Erika Coppola, Barbara Tomassetti, Marco Verdecchia, Guido Visconti English | PDF | 2008 | 293 Pages | ISBN : 354077842X | 106.6 MB This volume is a collection of a selected number of articles based on presentations at the 2005 L'Aquila (Italy) Summer School on the topic of "Hydrologic Modeling and Water Cycle: Coupling of the Atmosphere and Hydrological Models". The p- mary focus of this volume is on hydrologic modeling and their data requirements, especially precipitation. As the eld of hydrologic modeling is experiencing rapid development and transition to application of distributed models, many challenges including overcoming the requirements of compatible observations of inputs and outputs must be addressed. A number of papers address the recent advances in the State-of-the-art distributed precipitation estimation from satellites. A number of articles address the issues related to the data merging and use of geo-statistical techniques for addressing data limitations at spatial resolutions to capture the h- erogeneity of physical processes. The participants at the School came from diverse backgrounds and the level of - terest and active involvement in the discussions clearly demonstrated the importance the scienti c community places on challenges related to the coupling of atmospheric and hydrologic models. Along with my colleagues Dr. Erika Coppola and Dr. Kuolin Hsu, co-directors of the School, we greatly appreciate the invited lectures and all the participants. The members of the local organizing committee, Drs Barbara Tomassetti; Marco Verdecchia and Guido Visconti were instrumental in the success of the school and their contributions, both scienti cally and organizationally are much appreciated. ![]() Free Download Hydrodynamic Instability and Transition to Turbulence by Akiva M. Yaglom English | PDF | 2012 | 600 Pages | ISBN : 9400742363 | 110.8 MB This book is a complete revision of the part of Monin & Yaglom's famous two-volume work "Statistical Fluid Mechanics: Mechanics of Turbulence" that deals with the theory of laminar-flow instability and transition to turbulence. It includes the considerable advances in the subject that have been made in the last 15 years or so. It is intended as a textbook for advanced graduate courses and as a reference for research students and professional research workers.
![]() Free Download Hydraulic Parameter Identification: Generalized Interpretation Method for Single and Multiple Pumping Tests by Luc C. Lebbe English | PDF | 1999 | 371 Pages | ISBN : 3642642640 | 31.4 MB Hydraulic parameter identification is a crucial step in hydrogeological investigations. The book proposes a unique and generalized interpretation method for single and multiple pumping tests made in groundwater reservoirs with layered heterogeneity and with or without lateral anisotropy. This method eliminates the drawbacks of the numerous and frequently applied interpretation methods. The book also presents an introduction to inverse modeling, resulting in optimal parameter values with their joint confidence region and the corresponding residuals. Cross sections through this multidimensional region elucidate the relation between the shape of this region and some statistical parameters describing the reliability of the identified parameters. This method is demonstrated by means of five pumping or recharge tests.
![]() Free Download Hybrid Warfare 2.2: Where Biothreats Meet Irregular Operations and Cyber Warriors in the 21st Century by Manousos E. Kambouris English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2024 | 211 Pages | ISBN : 3031600185 | 8.1 MB The concept of Hybrid Warfare has gained prominence in recent decades. It is a novel terminology, but the concept is detectable since antiquity: Ancient Chinese, Ancient Greeks and the Jews of Exodus were all well familiar, so well to have let us know. Similarly, bioagents have been used malevolently since always. What is novel is that these two, in the present context, are not only interfacing smoothly, but in an enhanced context: The Hybrid Warfare, which has now enriched its portfolio, from actions of provocation, insurgency, economic warfare, special operations, proxy warfare and social destabilization to the Residual domain, the cyberspace, while the conventional, 3D space expands. Now the Space and the Deep are included in the topography of the friction zone. ![]() Free Download Human-Centric Smart Computing: Proceedings of ICHCSC 2023 by Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, Jyoti Sekhar Banerjee, Mario Köppen English | EPUB (True) | 2024 | 703 Pages | ISBN : 981997710X | 120.6 MB This book includes high-quality research papers presented at the Second International Conference on Human-Centric Smart Computing (ICHCSC 2023), organized by the University of Engineering and Management, Jaipur, India, on 5-6 July 2023 in New Delhi, India. The topics covered in the book are human-centric computing, hyper connectivity, and data science. The book presents innovative work by leading academics, researchers, and experts from industry. ![]() Free Download Human Motivation by Bernard Weiner English | PDF | 1985 | 485 Pages | ISBN : 1461295602 | 81.2 MB This book represents a major revision of my earlier work, Theories of Motivation: From Mechanism to Cognition. A number of shortcomings in the p,revious book became increasingly evident to me. First of all, there were serious omissions. Second, there has been much new knowl edge since the inception of the prior book, so that it was becoming out dated. And finally, I was dissatisfied with some of the writing, feeling that parts of the book were needlessly complex and that certain topics did not deserve the space that they were allotted. A revision, therefore, was initiated. I attempted to fill some of the gaps by including chapters on psychoanalytic, social learning, and humanistic theory. Furthermore, other topics that could have been dis cussed within the outline of Theories of Motivation but were neglected are incorporated into the present volume. These topics include, for ex ample, social facilitation, arousal, emotions, personal responsibility, and the irrationality of attributions. In addition to this new material, I up dated the ideas examined in Theories of Motivation. Little could be altered in-the sections on H ullian and Lewinian theory, for these con ceptions are no longer undergoing modification. The discussion of these theories was merely shortened and simplified, bringing them more in line with their current influence in psychology. But achievement and attribution theories have changed in the past years - or at least our understanding in these areas has changed - and discussion of these topics was greatly altered. |