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![]() Free Download Clinical Anatomy of the Face for Filler and Botulinum Toxin Injection, Second Edition by Hee-Jin Kim , Kyle K. Seo , Hong-Ki Lee , Ji-Soo Kim , Kwan-Hyun Youn English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2024 | 191 Pages | ISBN : 9819971322 | 327.5 MB In the second edition of this highly successful book, the authors once again aim to equip the reader with up-to-date information. This book, containing more than 200 cadaveric photos and 200 illustrations, aims to familiarize physicians practicing botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNT-A) and filler injection with the anatomy of the facial mimetic muscles, vessels, and soft tissues in order to enable them to achieve optimum cosmetic results while avoiding possible adverse events. Anatomic considerations of importance when administering BoNT-A and fillers are identified and in addition invaluable clinical guidelines are provided, highlighting, for example, the preferred injection points for BoNT-A and the adequate depth of filler injection. Unique insights are also offered into the differences between Asians and Caucasians with regard to relevant anatomy. The contributing authors include an anatomist who offers distinctive anatomic perspectives on BoNT-A and filler treatments and three expert physicians from different specialties, namely a dermatologist, a plastic surgeon, and a cosmetic physician, who share insights gained during extensive clinical experience in the use of BoNT-A and fillers.
![]() Free Download Climate Risk Management in Agriculture: Monthly and Seasonal Forecast Application by U. C. Mohanty , Palash Sinha , M. M. Nageswara Rao , Dillip Kumar Swain , K. K. Singh English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2024 | 374 Pages | ISBN : 3031518616 | 85.9 MB Sustainable agricultural production is vital for food security and agricultural productivity. It is greatly influenced by weather and climate conditions. This book focuses on understanding weather and climate systems and crop yield productions, including integrated weather-crop prediction systems for climate risk management in agriculture. It examines the impact of climate change and its variability on different crops, and possible ways to minimize the loss for farmers. This book also describes different weather and climate hazards, including the fundamentals of weather/climate prediction systems and numerical weather prediction (NWP) models. It presents the need for seamless weather/climate predictions and their impact on agriculture. The status and availability of different monthly and seasonal scale forecasts worldwide is explored and how the forecasting models or products can be evaluated using statistical methods. The book concisely elucidates systematic model bias removal techniques and a reliable approach based on multi-statistics in producing a single forecast from the multi-model grand ensemble. Since crop models need daily weather sequence, several standard disaggregation methods for generating daily weather sequences from monthly/seasonal products are presented. This book describes several aspects that are needed for agricultural practices and crop modelling. It encapsulates different components of crop models and their application, preparation methods of Crop Weather Calendar, application of disaggregated weather sequence in crop models, and generation of Climate Risk Matrices (CRM). A detailed methodology is presented for hands-on practice, including downloading and processing data, model evaluation and bias corrections, generating a single forecast, disaggregation, and preparing CRM based on crop model products. This book contains a total 11 chapters and appeals to students, researchers, scientists, and operational agencies.
![]() Free Download Climate Governance and Corporate Eco-innovation: A Framework for Sustainable Companies by Vu Quang Trinh English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2024 | 375 Pages | ISBN : 3031564227 | 15.6 MB Corporations are increasingly dedicated to implementing more robust climate change practices in an era characterized by natural resource constraints, socio-environmental challenges, and mounting climate change pressures. This book provides a timely exploration of theoretical and empirical perspectives on global climate governance and corporate eco-innovation activities. It illustrates how corporations are actively addressing climate change by enhancing their climate governance systems and integrating eco-innovation into their operations, significantly impacting financial decision-making, policies, performance, risk management, and other crucial indicators. In this context, eco-innovation represents a corporation's ability to reduce environmental costs and burdens for its customers. It plays a vital role in helping firms improve energy and environmental efficiency, mitigate energy consumption, reduce carbon emissions, and minimize ecological harm during and after production. Additionally, eco-innovation can create new market opportunities by enhancing existing environmental technologies. Furthermore, the shift from conventional corporate governance to a heightened focus on corporate climate governance mechanisms, such as the establishment of ecological committees, the implementation of cli-mate incentives for managers and executives, and the publication of sustainability or climate change reports, proves to be an effective strategy for motivating firms to become more dedicated to environmental protection and eco-innovation initiatives.
![]() Free Download Climate Adaptation in Urban Planning: Toward Sustainable and Resilient Urban Environments by Simona Mannucci English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2024 | 95 Pages | ISBN : 981974105X | 10 MB This book provides an overview of the current planning paradigms and technical strategies to cope with climate ![]() Free Download Classical Topology and Combinatorial Group Theory by John Stillwell English | PDF | 1980 | 309 Pages | ISBN : N/A | 35.4 MB In recent years, many students have been introduced to topology in high school mathematics. Having met the Mobius band, the seven bridges of Konigsberg, Euler's polyhedron formula, and knots, the student is led to expect that these picturesque ideas will come to full flower in university topology courses. What a disappointment "undergraduate topology" proves to be! In most institutions it is either a service course for analysts, on abstract spaces, or else an introduction to homological algebra in which the only geometric activity is the completion of commutative diagrams. Pictures are kept to a minimum, and at the end the student still does not understand the simplest topological facts, such as the reason why knots exist. In my opinion, a well-balanced introduction to topology should stress its intuitive geometric aspect, while admitting the legitimate interest that analysts and algebraists have in the subject. At any rate, this is the aim of the present book. In support of this view, I have followed the historical develop ment where practicable, since it clearly shows the influence of geometric thought at all stages. This is not to claim that topology received its main impetus from geometric recrea. ions like the seven bridges; rather, it resulted from the visualization of problems from other parts of mathematics complex analysis (Riemann), mechanics (poincare), and group theory (Oehn). It is these connections to other parts of mathematics which make topology an important as well as a beautiful subject. ![]() Free Download Classical Theory of Algebraic Numbers by Paulo Ribenboim English | PDF | 2001 | 676 Pages | ISBN : 0387950702 | 43.3 MB Gauss created the theory of binary quadratic forms in "Disquisitiones Arithmeticae" and Kummer invented ideals and the theory of cyclotomic fields in his attempt to prove Fermat's Last Theorem. These were the starting points for the theory of algebraic numbers, developed in the classical papers of Dedekind, Dirichlet, Eisenstein, Hermite and many others. This theory, enriched with more recent contributions, is of basic importance in the study of diophantine equations and arithmetic algebraic geometry, including methods in cryptography. This book has a clear and thorough exposition of the classical theory of algebraic numbers, and contains a large number of exercises as well as worked out numerical examples. The Introduction is a recapitulation of results about principal ideal domains, unique factorization domains and commutative fields. Part One is devoted to residue classes and quadratic residues. In Part Two one finds the study of algebraic integers, ideals, units, class numbers, the theory of decomposition, inertia and ramification of ideals. Part Three is devoted to Kummer's theory of cyclomatic fields, and includes Bernoulli numbers and the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem for regular prime exponents. Finally, in Part Four, the emphasis is on analytical methods and it includes Dinchlet's Theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions, the theorem of Chebotarev and class number formulas. A careful study of this book will provide a solid background to the learning of more recent topics.
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