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![]() Free Download Rebecca Morrison, "Mumbai To Mecca: A Pilgrimage to the Holy Sites of Islam" English | 2018 | pages: 150 | ISBN: 1909961515, 1904950299 | EPUB | 1,7 mb '"From the very first moment they realize that the Hajj-the pilgrimage to Mecca-is among the duties of each and every Muslim, the faithful long to go." ![]() Free Download Multithreading Applications in Win32: The Complete Guide to Threads By Jim Beveridge, Robert Wiener 1996 | 400 Pages | ISBN: 0201442345 | PDF | 23 MB Using multiple threads, you can create high-performance servers, build extensions for Internet servers, take advantage of multiprocessor systems, build sophisticated objects in OLE and COM, and improve application responsiveness. Writing such software requires more than theory and a reference manual; it requires a comprehensive understanding of how everything fits together and a guide to what works and what doesn't. Multithreading is supported under Windows NT and Windows 95 and later through the Win32 API, but coverage of this important topic has been sporadic and incomplete until now. In Multithreading Applications in Win32, with just enough theory and lots of sample code, Jim Beveridge and Bob Wiener show developers when, where, and how to use multithreading. Included in the book are: *Internet development examples, including ISAPI and WinSock. *Hands-on coverage of how to use threads and overlapped I/O for server development. *How to use the C run-time library and MFC in a multithreaded environment. *Examples in C and C++. *Comparisons to UNIX for developers transitioning from UNIX to Win32.The associated web site includes the code and sample applications from the book, including code that works with Internet WinSock. 0201442345B04062001 ![]() Free Download Frank Anthony Spina, "Multiplying Divisions: The Fractious Nature of Israel, God's Elect People" English | ISBN: 1666706132 | 2024 | 222 pages | EPUB | 2 MB The Old Testament features only one God, YHWH, electing only one people, Israel, not only for its own benefit but also to be eventually a light to the nations. Unfortunately, this singular people struggled in every era with a propensity to divide, thus pitting one segment of the community against another. Israel had to deal with potential division as it was settling in Canaan, in the period of the judges, and throughout the monarchy. Famously, after the Great Schism following Solomon's reign, Israel (=the Northern Kingdom) and Judah (=the Southern Kingdom) experienced separate exiles. The major narratives treating Israel's tendency to divide are the subject of this book. The book also features a survey of prophetic perspectives on Israel's (dis)unity, including hope for its eventually being unified. In a final chapter, the (dis)unity of the fledgling church as well as the implications of viewing canonical Israel as a figure for the church will be considered. In that vein, it appears that the church has emulated its biblical figure, Israel, all too well as it not only displayed division throughout its history but continues to multiply divisions to this day. ![]() Free Download Neamat El Gayar, Josef Kittler, Fabio Roli, "Multiple Classifier Systems" English | 2010 | pages: 336 | ISBN: 3642121268 | PDF | 8,8 mb These proceedings are a record of the Multiple Classi?er Systems Workshop, MCS 2010, held at the Nile University, Egypt in April 2010. Being the ninth in a well-established series of meetings providing an international forum for d- cussion of issues in multiple classi?er system design, the workshop achieved its objective of bringing together researchers from diverse communities (neural n- works, pattern recognition, machine learning and statistics) concerned with this researchtopic.Frommorethan50submissions, theProgramCommitteeselected 31 papers to create an interesting scienti?c program.Paperswere organizedinto sessionsdealingwithclassi?ercombinationandclassi?erselection, diversity, b- ging and boosting, combination of multiple kernels, and applications. The wo- shopprogramandthisvolumewereenrichedbytwoinvitedtalksgivenbyGavin Brown(University of Manchester, UK), and Friedhelm Schwenker(University of Ulm, Germany). As usual, the workshop would not have been possible without the help of many individuals and organizations. First of all, our thanks go to the members of the MCS 2010 Program Committee, whose expertise and dedication helped us create an interesting event that marks the progressmade in this ?eld overthe last year and aspire to chart its future research. The help of James Field from the University of Surrey, who administered the submitted paper reviews, and of Giorgio Fumera who managed the MCS website deserve a particular mention. Special thanks are due to the members of the Nile University Organizing C- mittee, AhmedSalah, AmiraElBaroudy, EsraaAly, HebaEzzat, NesrineSameh, Rana Salah and Mohamed Zahhar for their indispensable contributions to the registration management, local organization, and proceedings preparation. ![]() Free Download Multiphase Flow Dynamics 5: Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics By Nikolay Ivanov Kolev 2011 | 852 Pages | ISBN: 364220600X | PDF | 24 MB The present Volume 5 of the successful book package "Multiphase Flow Dynamics" is devoted to nuclear thermal hydraulics which is a substantial part of nuclear reactor safety. It provides knowledge and mathematical tools for adequate description of the process of transferring the fission heat released in materials due to nuclear reactions into its environment. It step by step introduces into the heat release inside the fuel, temperature fields in the fuels, the "simple" boiling flow in a pipe described using ideas of different complexity like equilibrium, non equilibrium, homogeneity, non homogeneity. Then the "simple" three-fluid boiling flow in a pipe is described by gradually involving the mechanisms like entrainment and deposition, dynamic fragmentation, collisions, coalescence, turbulence. All heat transfer mechanisms are introduced gradually discussing their uncertainty. Different techniques are introduced like boundary layer treatments or integral methods. Comparisons with experimental data at each step demonstrate the success of the different ideas and models. After an introduction of the design of the reactor pressure vessels for pressurized and boiling water reactors the accuracy of the modern methods is demonstrated using large number of experimental data sets for steady and transient flows in heated bundles. Starting with single pipe boiling going through boiling in the rod bundles the analysis of complete vessel including the reactor is finally demonstrated. Then a powerful method for nonlinear stability analysis of flow boiling and condensation is introduced. Models are presented and their accuracies are investigated for describing critical multiphase flow at different level of complexity. Basics of designing of steam generators, moisture separators and emergency condensers are presented. Methods for analyzing a complex pipe network flows with components like pumps, valves etc. are also presented. Methods for analysis of important aspects of the severe accidents like melt-water interactions, external cooling and cooling of layers of molten nuclear reactor material are presented. Valuable sets of thermo-physical and transport properties for severe accident analysis are presented for the following materials: uranium dioxide, zirconium dioxide, stainless steel, zirconium, aluminum, aluminum oxide, silicon dioxide, iron oxide, molybdenum, boron oxide, reactor corium, sodium, lead, bismuth, and lead-bismuth eutectic alloy. The emphasis is on the complete and consistent thermo dynamical sets of analytical approximations appropriate for computational analysis. Therefore the book presents a complete coverage of the modern Nuclear Thermal Hydrodynamics.This present second edition includes various updates, extensions, improvements and corrections.This present second edition includes various updates, extensions, improvements and corrections.
![]() Free Download Multiphase Flow Dynamics 4: Turbulence, Gas Adsorption and Release, Diesel Fuel Properties By Nikolay Ivanov Kolev 2011 | 348 Pages | ISBN: 3642207480 | PDF | 5 MB The present Volume 4 of the successful monograh package "Multiphase Flow Dynamics"is devoted to selected Chapters of the multiphase fluid dynamics that are important for practical applications but did not find place in the previous volumes. The state of the art of the turbulence modeling in multiphase flows is presented. As introduction, some basics of the single phase boundary layer theory including some important scales and flow oscillation characteristics in pipes and rod bundles are presented. Then the scales characterizing the dispersed flow systems are presented. The description of the turbulence is provided at different level of complexity: simple algebraic models for eddy viscosity, simple algebraic models based on the Boussinesq hypothesis, modification of the boundary layer share due to modification of the bulk turbulence, modification of the boundary layer share due to nucleate boiling. The role of the following forces on the mathematical description of turbulent flows is discussed: the lift force, the lubrication force in the wall boundary layer, and the dispersion force. A pragmatic generalization of the k-eps models for continuous velocity field is proposed containing flows in large volumes and flows in porous structures. A Methods of how to derive source and sinks terms for multiphase k-eps models is presented. A set of 13 single- and two phase benchmarks for verification of k-eps models in system computer codes are provided and reproduced with the IVA computer code as an example of the application of the theory. This methodology is intended to help other engineers and scientists to introduce this technology step-by-step in their own engineering practice.In many practical application gases are solved in liquids under given conditions, released under other conditions and therefore affecting technical processes for good of for bad. Useful information on the solubility of oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon dioxide in water under large interval of pressures and temperatures is collected, and appropriate mathematical approximation functions are provided. In addition methods for the computation of the diffusion coefficients are described. With this information solution and dissolution dynamics in multiphase fluid flows can be analyzed. For this purpose the non-equilibrium absorption and release on bubble, droplet and film surfaces under different conditions is mathematically described. A systematic set of internally consistent state equations for diesel fuel gas and liquid valid in broad range of changing pressure and temperature is provided.This new second edition includes various updates, extensions, improvements and corrections.In many practical application gases are solved in liquids under given conditions, released under other conditions and therefore affecting technical processes for good of for bad. Useful information on the solubility of oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon dioxide in water under large interval of pressures and temperatures is collected, and appropriate mathematical approximation functions are provided. In addition methods for the computation of the diffusion coefficients are described. With this information solution and dissolution dynamics in multiphase fluid flows can be analyzed. For this purpose the non-equilibrium absorption and release on bubble, droplet and film surfaces under different conditions is mathematically described. A systematic set of internally consistent state equations for diesel fuel gas and liquid valid in broad range of changing pressure and temperature is provided.This new second edition includes various updates, extensions, improvements and corrections. ![]() Free Download Multiphase Flow Dynamics 3: Thermal Interactions By Nikolay Ivanov Kolev 2011 | 700 Pages | ISBN: 3642213715 | PDF | 14 MB Multi-phase flows are part of our natural environment such as tornadoes, typhoons, air and water pollution and volcanic activities as well as part of industrial technology such as power plants, combustion engines, propulsion systems, or chemical and biological industry. The industrial use of multi-phase systems requires analytical and numerical strategies for predicting their behavior. .In its fourth extended edition the successful monograph package "Multiphase Flow Daynmics" contains theory, methods and practical experience for describing complex transient multi-phase processes in arbitrary geometrical configurations, providing a systematic presentation of the theory and practice of numerical multi-phase fluid dynamics.In the present third volume methods for describing of the thermal interactions in multiphase dynamics are provided. In addition a large number of valuable experiments is collected and predicted using the methods introduced in this monograph. In this way the accuracy of the methods is revealed to the reader. This fourth edition includes various updates, extensions, improvements and corrections."The literature in the field of multiphase flows is numerous. Therefore, it is very important to have a comprehensive and systematic overview including useful numerical methods. The volumes have the character of a handbook and accomplish this function excellently. The models are described in detail and a great number of comprehensive examples and some cases useful for testing numerical solutions are included. These two volumes are very useful for scientists and practicing engineers in the fields of technical thermodynamics, chemical engineering, fluid mechanics, and for mathematicians with interest in technical problems. Besides, they can give a good overview of the dynamically developing, complex field of knowledge to students. This monograph is highly recommended,"BERND PLATZER, ZAAMIn the present third volume methods for describing of the thermal interactions in multiphase dynamics are provided. In addition a large number of valuable experiments is collected and predicted using the methods introduced in this monograph. In this way the accuracy of the methods is revealed to the reader. This fourth edition includes various updates, extensions, improvements and corrections."The literature in the field of multiphase flows is numerous. Therefore, it is very important to have a comprehensive and systematic overview including useful numerical methods. The volumes have the character of a handbook and accomplish this function excellently. The models are described in detail and a great number of comprehensive examples and some cases useful for testing numerical solutions are included. These two volumes are very useful for scientists and practicing engineers in the fields of technical thermodynamics, chemical engineering, fluid mechanics, and for mathematicians with interest in technical problems. Besides, they can give a good overview of the dynamically developing, complex field of knowledge to students. This monograph is highly recommended,"BERND PLATZER, ZAAM ![]() Free Download Multiphase Flow Dynamics 1: Fundamentals By Nikolay Ivanov Kolev 2011 | 824 Pages | ISBN: 3642206042 | PDF | 11 MB Multi-phase flows are part of our natural environment such as tornadoes, typhoons, air and water pollution and volcanic activities as well as part of industrial technology such as power plants, combustion engines, propulsion systems, or chemical and biological industry. The industrial use of multi-phase systems requires analytical and numerical strategies for predicting their behavior. In its fourth extended edition the successful monograph package "Multiphase Flow Daynmics" contains theory, methods and practical experience for describing complex transient multi-phase processes in arbitrary geometrical configurations, providing a systematic presentation of the theory and practice of numerical multi-phase fluid dynamics.In the present first volume the local volume and time averaging is used to derive a complete set of conservation equations for three fluids each of them having multi components as constituents. Large parts of the book are devoted on the design of successful numerical methods for solving the obtained system of partial differential equations. Finally the analysis is repeated for boundary fitted curvilinear coordinate systems designing methods applicable for interconnected multi-blocks. This fourth edition includes various updates, extensions, improvements and corrections."The literature in the field of multiphase flows is numerous. Therefore, it is very important to have a comprehensive and systematic overview including useful numerical methods. The volumes have the character of a handbook and accomplish this function excellently. The models are described in detail and a great number of comprehensive examples and some cases useful for testing numerical solutions are included. These two volumes are very useful for scientists and practicing engineers in the fields of technical thermodynamics, chemical engineering, fluid mechanics, and for mathematicians with interest in technical problems. Besides, they can give a good overview of the dynamically developing, complex field of knowledge to students. This monograph is highly recommended."BERND PLATZER, ZAAMIn the present first volume the local volume and time averaging is used to derive a complete set of conservation equations for three fluids each of them having multi components as constituents. Large parts of the book are devoted on the design of successful numerical methods for solving the obtained system of partial differential equations. Finally the analysis is repeated for boundary fitted curvilinear coordinate systems designing methods applicable for interconnected multi-blocks. This fourth edition includes various updates, extensions, improvements and corrections."The literature in the field of multiphase flows is numerous. Therefore, it is very important to have a comprehensive and systematic overview including useful numerical methods. The volumes have the character of a handbook and accomplish this function excellently. The models are described in detail and a great number of comprehensive examples and some cases useful for testing numerical solutions are included. These two volumes are very useful for scientists and practicing engineers in the fields of technical thermodynamics, chemical engineering, fluid mechanics, and for mathematicians with interest in technical problems. Besides, they can give a good overview of the dynamically developing, complex field of knowledge to students. This monograph is highly recommended."BERND PLATZER, ZAAM ![]() Free Download Multinationals and Economic Geography: Location, Technology and Innovation By Simona Iammarino, Philip McCann 2013 | 496 Pages | ISBN: 178195478X | PDF | 5 MB 'The world economy is subject to a rapidly increasing globalization, and multinational enterprises are their major driving force. This brand new book on multinationals and economic geography by two world leading economic geographers is a landmark that provides an integrated and dynamic perspective on the economic geography of the multinational enterprise. To fully understand this process of globalization, the book explains forcefully and persuasively that one needs a dynamic perspective on multinational enterprises that brings together disparate literatures on economic geography, knowledge and innovation, global network cities, and international business and management. Embedding it in modern theory of innovation and geography, the book provides not only a state-of-the-art of theories and empirics on the location of multinationals, but goes far beyond that. This book is an absolute "must-read" for any scholar and any student that is interested in multinationals and their location.'- Ron Boschma, Utrecht University, The Netherlands and Lund University, Sweden'Despite often playing second fiddle to clusters in the economic geography literature, multinationals are fundamental drivers of economic development. As generators and diffusers of knowledge they have played an essential role in shaping the new world economic order. No book captures this better than Simona Iammarino and Philip McCann's Multinationals and Economic Geography, a must read for anyone eager to fully understand the new economic geography of globalisation.'- Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, London School of Economics, UKAfter more than fifty years of systematic research on multinational enterprises (MNEs) what is apparent is that there is, as yet, no unified or dominant theory of the MNE. The objective of this book is to bring into focus one particular dimension of MNE behavior and activity that has been relatively under-researched - namely the geography of the multinational enterprise - as understood through the lens of innovation and technological change. The authors clearly demonstrate that geography is becoming increasingly important for MNEs and, in turn, MNEs are becoming progressively more important for economic geography. The pivot on which this vital relationship turns is the creation, diffusion and management of new knowledge.This unique book will prove a fascinating read for academics, students and researchers across a broad range of areas including geography, economic geography, regional science, international business and management, innovation studies, economic development. Professionals such as corporate managers and policymakers in these fields would also find this book to be of great interest.Contents: Introduction: Multinational Enterprises, Innovation and Geography in Todays' Globalized World Part I: Multinationals, Location and Innovation: Foundations and Extensions 2. Old and New(er) Theories of Multinational Enterprises: Selected Perspectives and the Search for Location 3. Firm Location Behaviour in Theory: Extensions to Multiplant and Multinational Firms 4. The Sources of Innovation: The Firm and the Local System Part II: Multinationals and the Changing Economic Geography of Globalization 5. Multinationals, Variety of Geographies and Evolution 6. Globalization and Multinationals in a Historical Process 7. Multinationals, Connectivity and Global Cities 8. Multinationals, Emerging Economies and the Changing Economic Geography 9. Conclusions: Review of the Arguments and Implications for Future Research Bibliography Index
![]() Free Download Multinational Enterprises, Foreign Direct Investment and Growth in Africa: South African Perspectives By B. M. Gilroy, T. Gries, W. Naudé (auth.), Prof. Dr. Bernard Michael Gilroy, Prof. Dr. Thomas Gries, Prof. Dr. Willem A. Naudé (eds.) 2005 | 312 Pages | ISBN: 379080276X | PDF | 16 MB How can Africa, the world's most lagging region, benefit from globalisation and achieve sustained economic growth? Africa needs greater investment by Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) to improve competitiveness and generate more growth through positive spill-over effects. Despite the fact that Africa's returns on investment averaged 29% since 1990, Africa has gained merely 1% of global Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows. The challenge for African countries is how to be a more desirable destination for FDI. The study integrates three currents of economic research, namely from the literature on (endogenous) economic growth, convergence and regional integration, the explanations for Africa's poor growth and the growing understanding of the role of MNEs in a global economy. The empirical side of the book is based on an econometric study of the determinants of FDI in Africa as well as a detailed firm-level survey conducted in 2000. |