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![]() Free Download Marxism for Our Times: C.L.R. James on Revolutionary Organization By C. L. R. James, Martin Glaberman, Martin Glaberman 1999 | 206 Pages | ISBN: 1578061504 | EPUB | 3 MB Rarely as in the collection here can one encounter an essayist, novelist, historian, and political leader like the late C. L. R. James in the working throes of forming and then fomenting personal political theory. In Marxism for Our Times, editor Martin Glaberman has gathered the writings and theoretical discussions of this noted Caribbean writer. These pamphlets, mimeographs, letters, and lectures by James were nearly inaccessible until now. Within these works, James works to situate himself within the classical Marxist tradition while rejecting the Vanguard Party as unsuitable for our times. The writings in this collection begin in the 1940s, when Marxists were wrestling with acts that many deemed betrayals of the revolution, Stalin's pact with Hitler and the war in Europe. They end in the late sixties just before the dissolution of Facing Reality, the final form of the American Marxist organization founded on James's principles. For many years James, born in Trinidad and Tobago, was leader of the Trotskyists in the United States. He continued his work even after his exile from America. Of great value to scholars of Marxism are the papers in which James examines Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky and applies their theories to the class conflicts he was witnessing at mid-century and to changes he foresaw in the future. James argues for the rejection of historical principles and theories and urges Marxists to adapt themselves to changes occurring in capitalism and the working class. Glaberman worked alongside James but sometimes disagreed with him in the movement James founded. They were close associates for 45 years. With Marxism for Our Times Glaberman not only has preserved and made available the political theories of a noted writer but he also has created a window on a turbulent period of optimism and failure, a failure Glaberman calls, "rich in meanings and lessons for anyone interested in a democratic, revolutionary Marxism." C. L. R. James is the author of the novel Minty Alley and The Black Jacobins, the classic history of the Haitian Revolution, and many other works. Martin Glaberman is a professor emeritus at Wayne State University in Detroit. He joined the socialist movement at age thirteen and worked for twenty years in the auto industry and as an active union member. ![]() Free Download Marxism Unmasked: From Delusion to Destruction By Ludwig von Mises, Bettina Bien Greaves, Richard M. Ebeling 2006 | 110 Pages | ISBN: 1572462108 | PDF | 4 MB We can't sit at the feet of Mises at his famous Vienna private seminar. We can't go back in time and attend his New York seminar, or follow him to the speaking engagements that he held in the 1950s and '60s.But we do have access to what he said. He is warm, funny, passionate, and learned. This book provides a candid look at the man and his teaching style. It demonstrates his dazzling command over the material, and teaches in a breezier way than his treatises.This volume contains nine lectures delivered over one week, from June 23 to July 3, 1952, at the San Francisco Public Library. Mises was at his prime as a teacher and lecturer. He shares a lifetime of learning on topics that were (and remain) central to American public life.As the title indicates, his main focus is on Marxism. He discusses Marx and his place in the history of ideas, the destruction wrought by his dangerous ideology, the manner in which his followers have covered up his errors, and how the Marxists themselves have worked for so long to save Marxism from itself. He discusses Marxist claims about history and refutes the Marxist smear of the Industrial Revolution.The approach is systematic but casual, so the reader encounters wonderful insights in the form of short asides. For example, "The worst thing that can happen to a socialist is to have his country ruled by socialists who are not his friends."As a lecturer, Mises is steady and relentless. The reader can nearly "hear" him speaking through the prose. And there are times when he reveals a level of rhetorical passion that you would never encounter in print. That's because what is printed here are not prepared lectures. They were transcribed by Bettina Bien Greaves from what he actually said.Thus can we hear this passage: "It is not true, as Marx said, that the improvements in technology are available only to the exploiters and that the masses are living in a state much worse than on the eve of the Industrial Revolution. Everything the Marxists say about exploitation is absolutely wrong! Lies! In fact, capitalism made it possible for many persons to survive who wouldn't have otherwise."Some readers of Mises's larger works have said that while his rigor is dazzling, the man himself can seem remote. Whether or not you agree with this observation, Mises comes across in these lectures as brilliant but very warm and charming in an old world sense.To search for Mises Institute titles, enter a keyword and LvMI (short for Ludwig von Mises Institute); e.g., Depression LvMI ![]() Free Download Kaveh Boveiri, "Marxian Totality: Inverting Hegel to Expound Worldly Matters " English | ISBN: 9004703969 | 2024 | 216 pages | PDF | 2 MB Marxian Totality is the first book-length monograph on the Marxian concept of totality to be written from a philosophical and sociopolitical perspective and with a special focus on its methodological implications. ![]() Free Download Vanessa Christina Wills, "Marx's Ethical Vision" English | ISBN: 0197688144 | 2024 | 320 pages | PDF | 4 MB "The communists do not preach morality at all"; this line from The Communist Manifesto might seem to settle the question of whether Marxism has anything to offer moral philosophy. Yet, Marx issued both trenchant critiques of "bourgeois" morality and thundering condemnations of capitalism's "vampire-like" destructiveness. He decried commodity-exchange for corroding our ability to value one another for who we are, not how much our lives could be traded away for. He expressed apparently ethical views about human nature, the conditions necessary for human flourishing, and the desirability of bringing such conditions about-views that are interwoven throughout his life's work, from his youthful philosophical poetry to his unfinished masterpiece, Capital. ![]() Free Download Alex Irvine, "Marvel Vehicles: Owner's Workshop Manual " English | ISBN: 1608874281 | 2014 | 160 pages | PDF | 22 MB Discover the secrets of the iconic vehicles from the Marvel Comics universe. ![]() Free Download Martindale's Drugs Restricted in Sport 2009 Pocket Companion By Sean Sweetman 2009 | 502 Pages | ISBN: 0853698708 | PDF | 10 MB This is a unique guide to drugs restricted in sport. This is an A-Z guide by drug name (INN) of over 450 drugs restricted in sport. Each drug monograph has a regular structure containing a list of synonyms, drug profile (medical use), World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) classification; restriction in sport (in and out of competition); and a list of single and multi-ingredient proprietary preparations containing the drug from 40 countries worldwide (Martindale data). ![]() Free Download Scott H. Hendrix, "Martin Luther: A Very Short Introduction " English | ISBN: 0199574332 | 2010 | 126 pages | EPUB | 532 KB When Martin Luther posted his Ninety-Five Theses (reputedly nailed to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg), he unwittingly launch a movement that would dramatically change the course of European history. This superb short introduction to Martin Luther, written by a leading authority on Luther and the Reformation, presents this pivotal figure as historians now see him. Instead of singling him out as a modern hero, historian Scott Hendrix emphasizes the context in which Luther worked, the colleagues who supported him, and the opponents who adamantly opposed his agenda for change. The author explains the religious reformation and Luther's importance without ignoring the political and cultural forces, like princely power and Islam, which led the reformation down paths Luther could neither foresee nor influence. The book pays tribute to Luther's genius but also recognizes the self-righteous attitude that alienated contemporaries. The author offers a unique explanation for that attitude and for Luther's anti-Jewish writings, which are especially hard to comprehend after the Holocaust. ![]() Free Download Klaus Held, "Martin Heidegger, Gesamtausgabe. II. 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In this volume, Sam Berrin Shonkoff has curated an illuminating array of essays on Buber's thought by leading intellectuals from five different countries. Their treatments of Buber's dialogues with Christianity, politics, philosophy, and Judaism exhibit Buber's ramified legacy and will surely stimulate fruitful discussion in our own time. ![]() Free Download Stephen Gersh, "Marsilio Ficino As Reader of Descriptioninus: the 'enneads' Commentary " English | ISBN: 9004701117 | 2024 | 576 pages | PDF | 5 MB This first complete study of Marsilio Ficino's Commentary on Descriptioninus, published in 1492, will serve as the definitive analysis of Ficino's late philosophy and also as an essential companion to Gersh's edition-translation of the same work. |