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Hobbes's theory of the advent and purpose of government turns out to reveal the impossibility of the very developments which it portrays as indispensable. ![]() Free Download Robert Cecil - Hitler's War Machine Salamander Books / Chartwell Books | 1975 | ISBN: 0890090483 | English | 256 pages | PDF | 229.82 MB A photographic and narrative survey of Nazi Germany's deployments of men, machines, and technology, the initial conquests, the political and strategic planning, and Hitler's war leadership. ![]() Free Download James Lucas - Hitler's Mountain Troops: Fighting at the Extremes Cassell | 1999 | ISBN: 0304352047 | English | 260 pages | PDF | 82.46 MB Warfare in the mountains-with its extremes of temperature and treacherous terrain-is unique and difficult. Hitler's Gebirgsjaeger, specially chosen troops of men who usually came from the Alpine regions, frequently succeeded in winning (or at least escaping) where others would have failed. Using anecdotes from surviving veterans, and photographs of men, landscape, and weapons, follow the troops from Poland down to Tunisia, chronicling their excellence, dedication, and esprit de corps. ![]() Free Download Nathan Stoltzfus, "Hitler's Compromises: Coercion and Consensus in Nazi Germany" English | 2016 | pages: 432 | ISBN: 0300217501 | EPUB | 3,6 mb A comprehensive and eye-opening examination of Hitler's regime, revealing the numerous strategic compromises he made in order to manage dissent ![]() Free Download Hitler's Bureaucrats: The Nazi Security Police and the Banality of Evil By Yaacov Lozowick 2005 | 320 Pages | ISBN: 0826479189 | PDF | 17 MB For many, the name Adolf Eichmann is synonymous with the Nazi murder of six million Jews. Alongside Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler, he is probably the most infamous of the Nazi murderers; unlike them, the aura linked to his name is that of the ultimate evil that may lurk in each and every one of us. This understanding can be attributed above all to Hannah Arendt, and her seminal book, Eichmann in Jersualem: A Report on the Banality of Evil, in which she suggested that Eighcmann and many bureaucrats like him never actually realized what they were doing:they were thoughtless rather than consciously evil. By taking this position, Arendt rejected the biblical story of Genesis, which sets the ability to distinguish between right and wrong at the very core of beign human. Instead, she implied that Eichmann represented a potential face of the future. This book claims that she was wrong. It describes the facts as they appear in the documentation created by Eichmann and his colleagues, and suggest that they fully understood what they were doing. The primary motivating force for their actions was a well-developed acceptance of th tenents of Nazi ideology, of which antisemitism was a central component. As far as one is able to determine, after the war not a single one of them ever expressed regret for their actions against the Jews, unless it was regret for having to pay the consequences. These were no run-of-the-mill bureaucrats who merely 'followed orders'. ![]() Free Download David Baggett, "Hitchcock and Philosophy: Dial M for Metaphysics " English | ISBN: 0812696166 | 2007 | 288 pages | EPUB | 985 KB The shower scene in Psycho; Cary Grant running for his life through a cornfield; innocent" birds lined up on a fence waiting, watching these seminal cinematic moments are as real to moviegoers as their own lives. But what makes them so? What deeper forces are at work in Hitchcock's films that so captivate his fans? This collection of articles in the series that's explored such pop-culture phenomena as Seinfeld and The Simpsons examines those forces with fresh eyes. These essays demonstrate a fascinating range of topics: Sabotage's lessons about the morality of terrorism and counter-terrorism; Rope's debatable Nietzschean underpinnings; Strangers on a Train's definition of morality. Some of the essays look at more overarching questions, such as why Hitchcock relies so heavily on the Freudian unconscious. In all, the book features 18 philosophers paying a special homage to the legendary auteur in a way that's accessible even to casual fans. ![]() Free Download History By John H. Arnold 2009 | 192 Pages | ISBN: 1402768923 | EPUB | 20 MB Do historians reconstruct the truthor simply tell stories? Professor John Arnold suggests they do both, and that it's the balance between the two that matters. In a work of metahistory (the study of history itself), he takes us from the fabulous tales of Greek Herodotus to the varied approaches of modern-day professionals. 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