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Proactive intervention may cause aggressors to withdraw before they are fully committed to and confident in their ability to be successful. Those who take steps to reduce vulnerabilities, limit risky behaviors, and avoid dangerous situations can help prevent themselves from being victimized. ![]() Free Download Hidden Power: Presidential Marriages That Shaped Our History By Kati Marton 2002 | 432 Pages | ISBN: 0385721889 | EPUB | 4 MB Kati Marton's bestselling Hidden Power is an engrossing look at twelve presidential marriages-from Edith and Woodrow Wilson to Laura and George W. Bush-that have profoundly affected America's history.Marton uncovers the behind-the-scenes dynamics of the ultimate power couples, showing how first ladies have used their privileged access to the president to influence staffing, promote causes, and engage directly in policy-making. Edith Wilson secretly ran the country after Woodrow's debilitating stroke. Eleanor Roosevelt was FDR's moral compass. And Laura Bush, initially shy of any public role, has proven to be the emotional ballast for her husband. Through extensive research and interviews, Marton reveals the substantial-yet often overlooked-legacy of presidential wives, providing insight into the evolution of women's roles in the twentieth century and vividly depicting the synergy of these unique political partnerships. ![]() Free Download Hidden Depths: The Story of Hypnosis By Robin Waterfield 2003 | 464 Pages | ISBN: 0415947928 | EPUB | 5 MB In Hidden Depths, Robin Waterfield explores the fascinating world of hypnosis, tracing the history of this often misunderstood craft beginning with a passage in the book of Genesis, and continuing through his own personal experiences today. Waterfield uses the history and controversy surrounding the practice of hypnosis to gain insight into our behavior and psychology, and considers how hypnotic techniques have been absorbed into society through advertising, media and popular culture. ![]() Free Download Herschel 400 Observing Guide By Stephen James O'Meara 2013 | 379 Pages | ISBN: 1107632005 | PDF | 31 MB The Herschel 400 is a list of 400 galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters, picked from over 2,500 deep-sky objects discovered and catalogued by the great eighteenth-century astronomer Sir William Herschel and his sister Caroline. It comprises 231 galaxies, 107 open clusters, 33 globular clusters, 20 planetary nebulae, 2 halves of a single planetary nebula, and 7 bright nebulae. In this guide Steve O'Meara takes the observer through the list, season by season, month by month, night by night, object by object. He works through the objects in a carefully planned and methodical way, taking in some of the most dramatic non-Messier galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters in the night sky. Ideal for astronomers who have tackled the Messier objects, this richly illustrated guide will help the amateur astronomer hone their observing skills. ![]() Free Download Min Jiao, "Hermeneutic Shakespeare " English | ISBN: 1032331046 | 2023 | 158 pages | EPUB, PDF | 941 KB + 3 MB This volume takes a deep dive into the philosophical hermeneutics of Shakespearean tradition, providing insight into the foundations, theories, and methodologies of hermeneutics in Shakespeare. Central to this research, this volume investigates fundamental questions including: what is philosophical hermeneutics, why philosophical hermeneutics, what do literary and cultural hermeneutics do, and in what ways can literary and cultural hermeneutics benefit the interpretation of Shakespearean plays? Hermeneutic Shakespeare guides the reader through two main discussions. Beginning with the understanding of "Philosophical Hermeneutics", and the general principles of literary and cultural hermeneutics, the volume includes philosophers such as Friedrich Ast, Daniel Friedrich Schleiermacher, and Wilhelm Dilthey, as well as Ludwig Wittgenstein, Martin Heidegger, Hans-Georg Gadamer, and more recently, Steven Connor. Part Two of this volume applies universal principles of philosophical hermeneutics to explicate the historical, philosophical, acquired, and applied literary interpretations through the critical practices of Shakespeare's plays or their adaptations, including
![]() Free Download Heritage, Pilgrimage and the Camino to Finisterre: Walking to the End of the World By Cristina Sánchez-Carretero (eds.) 2015 | 211 Pages | ISBN: 3319202111 | PDF | 11 MB This book presents research concerning the effects of the Camino to Finisterre on the daily lives of the populations who live along the route, and the heritagization processes that exploitation of the Camino for tourism purposes involves. Rather than focusing on the route to Santiago de Compostela and the pilgrimage itself, it instead examines a peculiar part of the route, the Camino to Finisterre, employing multiple perspectives that consider the processes of heritagization, the effects of the pilgrimage on local communities, and the motivations of the pilgrims. The book is based on a three-year research project and is the result of a multidisciplinary collaboration between anthropologists, sociologists, historians and archaeologists. Instead of ending in Santiago, as the rest of the Caminos do, this route continues to the cape of Finisterre on the Galician Atlantic coast. This part of the Camino de Santiago is not officially recognized by the Catholic Church and does not count as part of reaching Compostela, the recognition granted by the Catholic Church to those pilgrims who have walked at least 100 km. For this reason, as well as its relationship with the sun cult, many pilgrims call this route "the Camino of the atheists." In fact, the Catholic Church is a strong force for the heritagization of the rest of the Caminos, and maintains a clear ignoratio strategy concerning the Finisterre route: Officially, the church neither opposes nor recognizes this route. ![]() Free Download Heritage Paien de La Russie - Tome 1 (L') By Francis Conte 1997 | 214 Pages | ISBN: 2226089187 | PDF | 37 MB Aujourd'hui libérée du système soviétique, la Russie retrouve son passé et la richesse de la culture du monde paysan, que ni le tsarisme ni le communisme n'ont réussi à faire disparaître.S'appuyant sur des enquêtes effectuées à la fin du siècle dernier (notamment par les ethnographes) et sur le renouveau actuel des recherches, Francis Conte, professeur de civilisation russe et directeur de l'UFR d'études slaves à l'université Paris-Sorbonne, évoque cette mosaïque faite de mythes et de croyances. Par-delà les caricatures du moujik popularisées en Occident, ce livre - qui sera suivi d'un second volume consacré aux représentations de la mort et de l'au-delà - traite du monde alentour : les éléments, la forêt, les animaux, la maison (l'izba) avec lesquels la paysannerie russe a toujours entretenu des relations spécifiques, fondées sur un ordre symbolique transmis par les contes et légendes, mais aussi par les rituels liés aux grands événements de la vie. Cette perception du sacré intimement mêlée à la foi orthodoxe forme une religiosité originale toujours vivace en dépit des ruptures, un néo-paganisme singulier qui s'inscrit dans le courant de redécouverte, par les Russes, du sens de leur longue histoire. ![]() Free Download Heritage: Critical Approaches By Rodney Harrison 2012 | 288 Pages | ISBN: 0415591953 | PDF | 4 MB Historic sites, memorials, national parks, museums...we live in an age in which heritage is ever-present. But what does it mean to live amongst the spectral traces of the past, the heterogeneous piling up of historic materials in the present? How did heritage grow from the concern of a handful of enthusiasts and specialists in one part of the world to something which is considered to be universally cherished? And what concepts and approaches are necessary to understanding this global obsession?Over the decades, since the adoption of the World Heritage Convention, various 'crises' of definition have significantly influenced the ways in which heritage is classified, perceived and managed in contemporary global societies. Taking an interdisciplinary approach to the many tangible and intangible 'things' now defined as heritage, this book attempts simultaneously to account for this global phenomenon and the industry which has grown up around it, as well as to develop a 'toolkit of concepts' with which it might be studied. In doing so, it provides a critical account of the emergence of heritage studies as an interdisciplinary field of academic study. This is presented as part of a broader examination of the function of heritage in late modern societies, with a particular focus on the changes which have resulted from the globalisation of heritage during the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.Developing new theoretical approaches and innovative models for more dialogically democratic heritage decision making processes, Heritage: Critical Approaches unravels the relationship between heritage and the experience of late modernity, whilst reorienting heritage so that it might be more productively connected with other pressing social, economic, political and environmental issues of our time. |