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Free Download Diary of a combatant: the diary of the revolution that made Che Guevara a legend By Ernesto Che Guevara 2013 | 368 Pages | ISBN: 0987077945 | EPUB | 15 MB The publication of this title by Ocean Sur in Spanish in July 2011 provoked considerable international attention (including CNN). This never-before-published diary (comprising a dozen small notebooks) Ernesto Che Guevara kept during the guerrilla war in Cuba when he joined the struggle to overthrow the Batista dictatorship that led to the 1959 revolution has now been meticulously transcribed by his widow, Aleida March.Why did it take over fifty years for this diary to be published? Maybe because of some caustic comments Che makes in his usual brutally frank style. Maybe it was felt appropriate to wait until Fidel Castro had produced his own memoirs (now published by Ocean Press as The Strategic Victory).In launching the book in Havana in July 2011, editor María del Carmen Ariet marked that it was "never clear whether or not Che wanted these diaries published" as he had reworked several pieces into his famous Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War, on which Steven Soderbergh based part one of his epic movie Che, starring Benicio Del Toro.Nevertheless, all Che's diaries-from his early Motorcycle Diaries and its sequel, Latin America Diaries, through to his last diary from Bolivia-are extraordinary examples of his literary gift and his political incisiveness, in terms of his personal reflections, his criticisms and self-criticism, and his observations about others and events.Other features of this new book are fifty-eight unpublished photos from Che's personal archive and unpublished letters (including correspondence between Che and Fidel), an index, and extensive glossary. Free Download Edda Weigand, "Dialogue and Rhetoric" English | 2008 | pages: 333 | ISBN: 9027210195 | PDF | 2,0 mb The volume deals with the relationship between dialogue and rhetoric. The actual state of the art in dialogue analysis is characterized by a tendency to overcome the distinction between competence and performance and to combine components from both sides of the dichotomy, in a way which includes rules as well as inferences. The same is true of rhetoric: the guidelines proposed here no longer state that rationality and persuasion are mutually exclusive but suggest that they interact in what might be called the 'mixed game'. The concept of a dialogic rhetoric thus poses the question of how to integrate the different voices. Part I of the volume assembles several 'rhetorical paradigms' which are applied to real-life performance. Part II on 'rhetoric in the mixed game' contains a selection of papers which illustrate the interaction of various components. The Round Table discussion in Part III brings proponents of different paradigms face to face with each other and shows how they justify their own positions and present arguments against rival paradigms. |