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ICPR International Workshops and Challenges: Virtual Event, January 10-15, 2021, Proceedings, Part IV by Alberto Del Bimbo English | EPUB | 2021 | 749 Pages | ISBN : 3030687988 | 123.8 MB This 8-volumes set constitutes the refereed of the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Workshops, ICPR 2020, held virtually in Milan, Italy and rescheduled to January 10 - 11, 2021 due to Covid-19 pandemic. ![]() Free Download Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence: Third International Conference, ICPRAI 2022, Paris, France, June 1-3, 2022, Proceedings, Part I by Mounîm El Yacoubi English | EPUB | 2022 | 718 Pages | ISBN : 3031090365 | 134.4 MB This two-volume set constitutes the proceedings of the Third International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, ICPRAI 2022, which took place in Paris, France, in June 2022. ![]() Free Download Patient Safety Coaching: Transforming Healthcare Culture by Susanne Knowles English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2024 | 270 Pages | ISBN : 3031687213 | 13.6 MB This book argues that patient safety is the cornerstone of high-quality healthcare, and that we need to highlight the positive impact of a Safety-11 approach to risk management to improve the quality of patient services and care. Moreover, the author emphasizes the importance of upskilling leaders with coaching capability within the healthcare facility so that decisions can be made quickly to prevent adverse events. In light of this, this book aims to equip clinical leaders across all levels and in all areas of healthcare organizations with the knowledge and skills to develop a patient safety culture in their team and organization based on evidence-based contemporary research into patient safety practices. The author also proposes strengthening leader capability by outlining how they can create a psychologically safe working environment and adopt a coaching leadership style that promotes staff wellbeing and patient care. This book provides strategies for leaders so they can ensure staff wellbeing at work and a patient-centric approach to patient care. 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Viele Beiträge des vorliegenden Buches kommen zu dem Ergebnis, dass der Heiratsmarkt eine ganz wesentliche Rolle spielt: Der Ausgleich von günstigen und ungünstigen Partnereigenschaften auf dem Heiratsmarkt und nicht zuletzt die Größe und nicht zuletzt die Sozialstruktur des Heiratsmarktes. ![]() Free Download Parteiensysteme in Zentralamerika: Typologien und Erklärungsfaktoren By Petra Bendel (auth.) 1996 | 441 Pages | ISBN: 366311001X | PDF | 12 MB 1. 1 Fragestellung Die vorliegende Studie fragt nach den Ursachen :fiir die Ausprägung der ganz unterschiedlichen Strukturen in den Parteiensystemen der Länder Zen 1 . tralamerikas: Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua und Costa Rica Den vier erstgenannten Ländern, die demselben geographischen area an gehören, kann ein hohes Maß an Gemeinsamkeit hinsichtlich ihrer histori schen Entwicklung, ihrer geographischen, wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und poli 2 tischen Struktur unterstellt werden . Sie verfügen über eine gemeinsame Kolonialgeschichte (Rausch 1983) und erlangten zusammen die Unabhängig keit von Spanien. Alle zentralamerikanischen Länder erlebten gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts grundlegende wirtschaftliche, politische und gesellschaftli che Umstrukturierungen im Zeichen der sogenannten Liberalen Revolution, die eine Anhindung an den Weltmarkt und eine starke und dauerhafte Durch dringung der einheimischen Wirtschaft durch ausländisches Kapital nach sich zogen3. In allen vier Ländern kam es nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg zu einer dynamischen Wirtschaftsentwicklung, die bis in die siebziger Jahre anhielt; nicht zuletzt im Rahmen des Gemeinsamen Zentralamerikanischen Marktes 4 (MCCA) erfolgte eine Diversifizierung und Modernisierung der Wirt schaftsstrukturen, die tiefgreifende Veränderungen in der sozialen Struktur zur Folge hatten. Die achtziger und neunziger Jahre standen in allen Ländern im Zeichen der Wirtschaftskrise, auf welche die Regierungen mit der Durch führung von Strukturanpassungsprogrammen reagierten. Hinsichtlich der politischen Entwicklung waren Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala und Nica- Zentralamerika wird in historisch-politischer Hinsicht definiert.
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![]() Free Download Paradigmen der Bewegungsforschung: Entstehung und Entwicklung von Neuen sozialen Bewegungen und Rechtsextremismus By Kai-Uwe Hellmann (auth.), Kai-Uwe Hellmann, Ruud Koopmans (eds.) 1998 | 268 Pages | ISBN: 3531132504 | PDF | 7 MB Dr. phil. Kai-Uwe Hellmann ist Habilitand im Fachbereich Soziologie. ![]() Free Download Bilveer Singh, "Papua: Geopolitics and the Quest for Nationhood" English | 2008 | ISBN: 1412807050, 113851294X | PDF | pages: 261 | 2.0 mb The Papuan conflict has been on the international radar screen since Indonesia became an independent state in 1945. Since the surrender of the territory of Papua to Indonesia in 1962, a low-intensity military conflict has been building. Most Papuans believed that their right to self-determination was sacrificed on the altar of geopolitics. Later, when East Timor seceded peacefully from Indonesia, Papuans expected the same right. When this did not happen, the conflict intensified. In this pivotal work, Bilveer Singh examines the history of the Papuan struggle, and approaches to conflict resolution through the framework of its geopolitical implications. Asserting that the Papuans were treated unjustly by Indonesia and the international community, it is not surprising that many have come down squarely on the side of Papuan independence as a way out of the imbroglio.While to some extent the Papuan's case cannot be denied, definite political and strategic realities should not be ignored. Unfortunately for the Papuans, their territory has immense geopolitical, geostrategic, and economic significance-not only for Indonesia, but also for others such as the United States, China, Australia, and a number of European countries. Papua is wealthy, under-populated and backward in terms of human resource development. Its future as a distinct entity is in real danger as the Papuans are becoming the minority in their own homeland. Due to the asymmetry of power, the Papuans' struggle has not made a breakthrough that would force Indonesia to rethink the future of the territory in any fundamental way.In order to unravel the dynamics involving Papuan separatism, this study describes the Papuan political landscape. Singh explains what makes Papua unique, and how its makeup has affected the territory's political dynamics. He analyzes the emergence of Papua as a geopolitical trophy, calling into question the degree to which Papuan nationalism has crystallized. Finally, he questions whether Papua is emerging as a regional flashpoint, and, in view of its geopolitical importance, the various options available. Papua: Geopolitics and the Quest for Nationhood will be of interest to scholars of international relations, comparative politics of Indonesia and the Asia-Pacific, and policymaking. |