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![]() Free Download Interactive Guide to Quantum Optics (Iop Series in Quantum Technology) by Nikola Sibalic, Charles S Adams English | April 2, 2024 | ISBN: 0750326263 | 199 pages | MOBI | 13 Mb This book is provides the reader with an interactive experience of quantum optics, suitable for Final year undergraduate quantum optics students, and new graduate students in AMO physics. ![]() Free Download Interaction between the Epikarst and Surface Karstification (Case Studies) English | 2024 | ISBN: 3031699351 | 193 Pages | PDF (True) | 85 MB The book deals with the relationship and interaction between epikarst and surface karstification in seven chapters. The focus of the book is the development of the epikarst of different karst types and the genetics between the epikarst and landscape features. Chapter 1 gives a general description on the epikarst. Chapter 2 describes the sediment structure of subsidence dolines and interprets their development. It illustrates the interaction between the epikarst and surface karstification in different environments and rocks, which is primarily based on geoelectric resistance data of the bedrock of the karst. The investigations include covered karsts (Chapters 3 and 4), glaciokarsts (Chapter 4), a dolomite terrain (Chapter 6) and tropical karren (Chapter 7).
![]() Free Download Intelligente Objekte: Technische Gestaltung - Wirtschaftliche Verwertung - Gesellschaftliche Wirkung By Prof. Dr. Otthein Herzog, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. oec Thomas Schildhauer (auth.), Prof. Dr. Otthein Herzog, Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Schildhauer (eds.) 2009 | 158 Pages | ISBN: 3642022197 | PDF | 2 MB Die „Digitalisierung" der Welt ist fortgeschritten: Für Wirtschaft und Alltag wurden in den vergangenen Jahren neue „intelligente" Anwendungen der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie entwickelt. Eine Vielzahl elektronischer Assistenten hat bereits ihren Weg in Büros, Fabriken, Kaufhäuser, Wohnungen und Fahrzeuge gefunden. Über die Integration in Kleidung oder Körperimplantate rücken Intelligente Objekte immer näher an den Menschen heran. Die Autoren beschreiben die technischen Entwicklungen, die den Siegeszug Intelligenter Objekte möglich machen. Sie zeigen wirtschaftliche Potenziale und gesellschaftliche Konsequenzen auf und diskutieren Wege zu einer erfolgreichen Entwicklung des Bereichs der Intelligenten Objekte. ![]() Free Download Intelligent Control for Electric Power Systems and Electric Vehicles English | 2025 | ISBN: 103279190X | 589 Pages | PDF (True) | 65 MB The present monograph offers a detailed and in-depth analysis of the topic of Intelligent Control for Electric Power Systems and Electric Vehicles. First, Nonlinear optimal control and Lie algebra-based control (Control based on approximate linearization and Global linearization-based control concepts) is analyzed. Next, Differential flatness theory and flatness-based control methods (Global linearization-based control with the use of differential flatness theory and Flatness-based control of nonlinear dynamical systems in cascading loops) is treated. Following the control theoretic part Control of DC and PMBLDC electric motors (Control of DC motors through a DC-DC converter and Control of Per- manent Magnet Brushless DC motors) is presented. Besides, Control of VSI-fed three-phase and multi- phase PMSMs (Nonlinear optimal control VSI-fed three-phase PMSMs and Nonlinear optimal control VSI-fed six-phase PMSMs) is explained. Additionally, Control of energy conversion chains based on PMSMs (Control of wind-turbine and PMSM-based electric power unit and Control of a PMSM-driven gas-compression unit) is studied. Besides, Control of energy conversion chains based on Induction Ma- chines (Control of the VSI-fed three-phase induction motor, Control of an induction motor-driven gas compressor and Control of induction generator-based shipboard microgrids) is explained. Next, Control of multi-phase machines in gas processing and power units (Control of gas-compressors actuated by 5-phase PMSMs and Control of 6-phase induction generators in renewable energy units) is introduced, Moreover, Control of Spherical Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors and Switched Reluctance Mo- tors (Control of spherical permanent magnet synchronous motors, Control of switched reluctance motors for electric traction and Adaptive control for switched reluctance motors) is analyzed, Furthermore, Control of traction and powertrains in Electric Vehicles and Hybrid Electric Vehicles (Control of multi- phase motors in the traction system in electric vehicles and Control of synchronous machines and converters in power-chains of hybrid electric vehicles) is explained, Finally, Control of renewable power units and heat management units (Control of residential microgrids with Wind Generators, Fuel Cells and PVs and Control of heat pumps for thermal management in electric vehicles) it treated. ![]() Free Download Intellectual Property: Protecting Creative Ideas by Anelly Aya English | August 18, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DDL2C5N5 | 265 pages | EPUB | 0.59 Mb "Intellectual Property: Protecting Creative Ideas" offers an in-depth exploration of the dynamic and ever-evolving field of intellectual property (IP) law, guiding readers through the complexities of safeguarding creativity and innovation in today's global economy. This comprehensive book delves into the fundamental concepts of IP, including copyrights, trademarks, patents, and trade secrets, while also addressing the latest challenges and opportunities arising from technological advancements and globalization. ![]() Free Download Inside the Neolithic Mind: Consciousness, Cosmos and the Realm of the Gods by David Lewis-Williams, David Pearce English | October 23, 2018 | ISBN: 0500294410 | 320 pages | PDF | 13 Mb Now in compact paperback, a compelling examination of how brain structure and cultural context interacted in the Neolithic period, 10,000 years ago, to produce unique patterns in belief systems. ![]() Free Download Innovationsmanagement: Handbuch Produktion und Management 3 By Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt. Ing. Günther Schuh (auth.), Günther Schuh (eds.) 2012 | 419 Pages | ISBN: 3642250491 | PDF | 10 MB Das mehrbändige Handbuch "Produktion und Management" richtet sich an Fach- und Führungskräfte technologieorientierter Unternehmen, die nach methodischer Unterstützung suchen, ebenso wie an Wissenschaftler und Studenten der Ingenieurwissenschaften und der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Das Werk gibt einen umfassenden Überblick zum Themengebiet des Innovationsmanagements. Es richtet sich an Fach- und Führungskräfte technologieorientierter Unternehmen, ebenso wie an Wissenschaftler und Studenten der Ingenieurswissenschaften und der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Adressiert werden die Themen strategisches Innovationsmanagement, Produktplanung, Produktarchitekturgestaltung, Gestaltung von Produktentwicklungsprozessen, Innovationscontrolling und Product Lifecycle Management. Zu jedem Themengebiet werden grundlegende Zusammenhänge, Prinzipien und Methoden ausführlich dargestellt. Zusätzlich werden die vermittelten Theorien anhand ausgewählter Fallbeispiele veranschaulicht. ![]() Free Download Innovations in Smart Cities and Applications: Proceedings of the 2nd Mediterranean Symposium on Smart City Applications By Mohamed Ben Ahmed English | PDF | 2018 | 1073 Pages | ISBN : 3319744992 | 124.1 MB This proceedings book showcases the latest research work presented at the Second Edition of the Mediterranean Symposium on Smart City Application (SCAMS 2017), which was held in Tangier, Morocco on October 15-27, 2017. It presents original research results, new ideas and practical development experiences that concentrate on both theory and practice. It includes papers from all areas of Smart City Applications, e.g. Smart Mobility, Big Data, Smart Grids, Smart Homes and Buildings, clouds, crowds, mashups, social networks, and security issues. ![]() Free Download Informations- und Kodierungstheorie By Dagmar Schönfeld, Herbert Klimant, Rudi Piotraschke (auth.) 2012 | 296 Pages | ISBN: 3834806471 | PDF | 5 MB Was ist Information? Wie kann man sie darstellen, sicher übertragen oder speichern?Viele Fragen, auf die das Buch Antworten gibt. Die Informationstheorie liefert die Grundlage für die Berechnung des Informationsgehalts von diskreten und kontinuierlichen Quellen und deren Darstellung in kodierter Form. So können erforderliche Speicher- und Kanalkapazitäten bei der Informationsverarbeitung und -übertragung in IT-Systemen bestimmt werden. Das Kapitel Kanalkodierung zeigt Lösungen für eine sichere Informationsübertragung über gestörte Kanäle. Ausführlich werden Block- und blockfreie Kodes, serielle und parallele Kodeverkettungen mit hard-decision und (iterativer) soft-decision Dekodierung beschrieben, die der Fehlererkennung und Fehlerkorrektur dienen. ![]() Free Download Information Technology for Education, Science, and Technics: Proceedings of ITEST 2024, Volume 1 English | 2024 | ISBN: 3031718003 | 521 Pages | PDF (True) | 79 MB This book deals with issues related to multi-faceted applications of information and communication technology in research, engineering, robotics, automation of technological processes, complex systems, and computer networks, as well as mathematical and computer modelling of physical, chemical, and economic processes. In this book, the authors explore various aspects of information and communication technology and systems and their integration into science, engineering, automation, and economics. The authors develop new models, methods, and approaches for monitoring and controlling systems, communication networks, artificial intelligence applications, and digital resilience. The book is of interest to experts in the field of information and communication technology and systems, scientists, and Ph.D. students. |