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![]() Free Download Handbook of Life Course Occupational Health (Handbook Series in Occupational Health Sciences) by Morten Wahrendorf, Tarani Chandola, Alexis Descatha English | August 19, 2023 | ISBN: 3031304918 | 591 pages | MOBI | 9.43 Mb This handbook provides a comprehensive overview of recent developments in research on the relationship between occupational trajectories over the life course and health. It uncovers the impact of far-reaching changes of work and employment, as evidenced by increased flexibility, discontinuity, and technological innovation, and offers insights into recent theoretical and methodological developments addressing this challenge. In its main parts, it presents the best evidence to readers about the following topics: early life influences on (un)healthy work, chronic exposure to occupational risks; nonstandard employment and poor health; work continuation with chronic disease; occupational determinants of healthy aging. In its final part, it discusses policy implications of current knowledge and points to the need of developing new solutions in research and practice, not least in times of climate crisis and the new pandemic. ![]() Free Download HUGE MOVIE QUIZ BOOK: 1,000 Trivia Questions with Answers by Elliot Carruthers English | November 25, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CP12R248 | 162 pages | EPUB | 0.31 Mb 🎬 Introducing the "HUGE MOVIE QUIZ BOOK" - 1,000 Trivia Questions with Answers! 🎥 ![]() Free Download Guessing Random Additive Noise Decoding: A Hardware Perspective by Syed Mohsin Abbas, Marwan Jalaleddine, Warren J. Gross English | August 18, 2023 | ISBN: 3031316622 | 165 pages | MOBI | 21 Mb This book gives a detailed overview of a universal Maximum Likelihood (ML) decoding technique, known as Guessing Random Additive Noise Decoding (GRAND), has been introduced for short-length and high-rate linear block codes. The interest in short channel codes and the corresponding ML decoding algorithms has recently been reignited in both industry and academia due to emergence of applications with strict reliability and ultra-low latency requirements . A few of these applications include Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication, augmented and virtual Reality, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), the Internet of Things (IoTs), and Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications (URLLC), which is an important use case for the 5G-NR standard. ![]() Free Download Gröbner's Problem and the Geometry of GT-Varieties English | 2024 | ISBN: 3031688570 | 166 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 16 MB This book presents progress on two open problems within the framework of algebraic geometry and commutative algebra: Gröbner's problem regarding the arithmetic Cohen-Macaulayness (aCM) of projections of Veronese varieties, and the problem of determining the structure of the algebra of invariants of finite groups. We endeavour to understand their unexpected connection with the weak Lefschetz properties (WLPs) of artinian ideals. In 1967, Gröbner showed that the Veronese variety is aCM and exhibited examples of aCM and nonaCM monomial projections. Motivated by this fact, he posed the problem of determining whether a monomial projection is aCM. In this book, we provide a comprehensive state of the art of Gröbner's problem and we contribute to this question with families of monomial projections parameterized by invariants of a finite abelian group called G-varieties. We present a new point of view in the study of Gröbner's problem, relating it to the WLP of Artinian ideals. GT varieties are a subclass of G varieties parameterized by invariants generating an Artinian ideal failing the WLP, called the Galois-Togliatti system. We studied the geometry of the G-varieties; we compute their Hilbert functions, a minimal set of generators of their homogeneous ideals, and the canonical module of their homogeneous coordinate rings to describe their minimal free resolutions. We also investigate the invariance of nonabelian finite groups to stress the link between projections of Veronese surfaces, the invariant theory of finite groups and the WLP. Finally, we introduce a family of smooth rational monomial projections related to G-varieties called RL-varieties. We study the geometry of this family of nonaCM monomial projections and we compute the dimension of the cohomology of the normal bundle of RL varieties. This book is intended to introduce Gröbner's problem to young researchers and provide new points of view and directions for further investigations.
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![]() Free Download Grundlagen der Baustatik: Modelle und Berechnungsmethoden für ebene Stabtragwerke By Dieter Dinkler (auth.) 2012 | 325 Pages | ISBN: 3834823716 | PDF | 6 MB Ein tiefes Verständnis für Modelle, Methoden und Aufgabenstellungen der Baustatik ist Grundvoraussetzung für einen erfolgreichen Tragwerksentwurf. Weil Tragwerksmodelle und Berechnungsmethoden unabhängig vom Werkstoff entwickelt und eingesetzt werden können, nimmt die Baustatik eine integrierende Stellung zwischen den werkstoffbezogenen Fachgebieten des Konstruktiven Ingenieurbaus ein.Das vorliegende Lehrbuch schließt daher die Lücke zwischen den grundlegenden Ansätzen der Technischen Mechanik und den verschiedenen werkstoffabhängigen Bauweisen des Konstruktiven Ingenieurbaus.Der InhaltGrundlagen - Statisch bestimmte Systeme - Statisch unbestimmte Systeme - Spannungstheorie II. Ordnung - Fachwerkmodelle.Die ZielgruppeStudierende der Fachrichtung BauingenieurwesenDer AutorProf. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Dinkler leitet das Institut für Statik an der Universität Braunschweig.
![]() Free Download Grundkurs Software-Engineering mit UML: Der pragmatische Weg zu erfolgreichen Softwareprojekten By Stephan Kleuker (auth.) 2011 | 371 Pages | ISBN: 3834814172 | PDF | 13 MB Software-Projekte scheitern aus den unterschiedlichsten Gründen. Dieses Buch zeigt anhand der systematischen Analyse von Chancen und Risiken, wie die Wege zu erfolgreichen Software-Projekten aussehen. Ausgehend von der Basis, dass das Zusammenspiel aller an einem Projekt Beteiligten in Prozessen koordiniert werden soll, wird mit Hilfe der UML (Unified Modeling Language) der Weg von den Anforderungen über die Modellierung bis zur Implementierung beschrieben. Es werden situationsabhängige Alternativen diskutiert und der gesamte Prozess mit qualitätssichernden Maßnahmen begleitet. Zur Abrundung des Themengebiets werden wichtige Ansätze zur Projektplanung und zur Projektdurchführung beschrieben, die die Einbettung der Software-Entwicklung in die Gesamtprozesse eines Unternehmens aufzeigen.Alle Kapitel schließen mit Wiederholungsfragen und Übungsaufgaben. Lösungsskizzen sind über das Internet erhältlich. |